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HOLD 16 Bunker Control Chernogorsk

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Based on the 50-player version:


This time the 4 bunkers are very close together and the bases are not far either, so that the map works with very few players. This map is very urban-focused, no heavy vehicles or long range combat here, which I find required for making a mission work with such a low player count.

*I forgot to rename the last version, it is actually a 10vs10 now rather than 8vs8.

FileFactory (v1.04):


Armaholic mirrior (v1.04):

Bunker Control: Chernogorsk C&H-16

armedassault.info (v1.04):


Edited by galzohar

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Updated to version 1.04:

- Made spawn camping from the top of the town hall impossible.

- Added some bikes and balanced jeeps (2 X 0.5cal jeeps for both sides now).

- Fixed weather (it's now clear).

- Adjusted score options.


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galzohar is there a server and time&day this is played once in a while?

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I would also like to express my interest in this mission (indeed brand of missions)


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Unfortunately the only 2 servers I've seen it on is Whisper's pingzero server and the Israel server Art of Game which I help admin, and both are empty the grand majority of the time.

We did have a bunch of Russian clanmates and a few randoms join last night and me and my buddies played against them (was almost full game with 7vs8 most of the time) and it played out pretty decent. That's why I got the update up, as I noticed some stuff that could be exploited so I closed those loopholes ;)

The problem with the Art of Game server is that non-Israelies will get at least 100ms ping to it. Usually we just play small coops there when a new mission comes out (and it has pretty much all small coops you can find on armaholic). If it's empty feel free to join it and vote someone for admin and/or vote missions.

Another note, the mission name still says 8v8 even though I changed it to 10v10 in 1.04 as when playing 8v8 it didn't feel too crowded so it can probably work just fine with 10v10 as well.

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Thanks. Well maybe we meet there one day. :)

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