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KC Grimes

Operation Arrowhead - Ammo Crate Filler

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Went ahead and switched up the classnames from the crate filler that was around in ArmA 2 so that it works for OA.



// Called from an ammocrate's init field via:

// null = this execVM "ammo-oaw.sqf";


while {alive _this} do


// Remove the stock items from the crate

clearMagazineCargo _this;

clearWeaponCargo _this;




// Rifles

_this addWeaponCargo ["M14_EP1", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M16A2", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M16A2GL", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M4A1", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M4A3_RCO_GL_EP1", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M4A3_CCO_EP1", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_L_CQC_CCO_SD", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_L_CQC", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_L_CQC_Holo", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_L_CQC_EGLM_Holo", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_L_STD_EGLM_RCO", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_L_STD_EGLM_TWS", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_L_STD_HOLO", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_L_STD_Mk4CQT", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_H_CQC_CCO", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_H_CQC_CCO_SD", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_H_STD_EGLM_Spect", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper_SD", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["SCAR_H_STD_TWS_SD", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["G36A_camo", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["G36C_camo", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["G36_C_SD_camo", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["G36K_camo", 100];

// Light Machineguns (LMG);

_this addWeaponCargo ["m240_scoped_EP1", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M249_EP1", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M249_m145_EP1", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M249_TWS_EP1", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M60A4_EP1", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["Mk_48_DES_EP1", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["MG36_camo", 100];

// Sniper rifles

_this addWeaponCargo ["m107", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["m107_TWS_EP1", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M110_NVG_EP1", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M110_TWS_EP1", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M24_des_EP1", 100];

// Sidearm

_this addWeaponCargo ["glock17_EP1", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M9", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M9SD", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["Colt1911", 100];

// AT & AA

_this addWeaponCargo ["Javelin", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M136", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["MAAWS", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["Stinger", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["M47Launcher_EP1", 100];




// Rifle ammo

_this addMagazineCargo ["20Rnd_762x51_DMR", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["20Rnd_762x51_B_SCAR", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["20Rnd_762x51_SB_SCAR", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_G36", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_G36SD", 100];

// LMG ammo

_this addMagazineCargo ["100Rnd_762x51_M240", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["200Rnd_556x45_M249", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag", 100];

// Sniper Rifle ammo

_this addMagazineCargo ["10Rnd_127x99_m107", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["5Rnd_762x51_M24", 100];

// Sidearm ammo

_this addMagazineCargo ["15Rnd_9x19_M9", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["15Rnd_9x19_M9SD", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["7Rnd_45ACP_1911", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["17Rnd_9x19_glock17", 100];

// M203 ammo

_this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_HE_M203", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_Smoke_M203", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeGreen_M203", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeRed_M203", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeYellow_M203", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["FlareGreen_M203", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["FlareRed_M203", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["FlareWhite_M203", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["FlareYellow_M203", 100];

// AT & AA ammo

_this addMagazineCargo ["Javelin", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["M136", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["MAAWS_HEAT", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["MAAWS_HEDP", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["Stinger", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["Dragon_EP1", 100];

// Items

_this addWeaponCargo ["Binocular", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["Binocular_Vector", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["NVGoggles", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ItemGPS", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["LaserDesignator", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["LaserBatteries", 100];

// Grenades & Satchels

_this addMagazineCargo ["HandGrenade_West", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShell", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellGreen", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellRed", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellYellow", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellBlue", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellPurple", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellOrange", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["PipeBomb", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["Mine", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["IR_Strobe_Target", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["IR_Strobe_Marker", 100];

// Restock time.

sleep 1800;




// Called from an ammocrate's init field via:

// null = this execVM "ammo-oae.sqf";


while {alive _this} do


// Remove the stock items from the crate

clearMagazineCargo _this;

clearWeaponCargo _this;




// Rifles

_this addWeaponCargo ["AK_74", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["AK_74_GL", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["AK_74_GL_kobra", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["AK_47_M", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["AK_47_S", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["AKS_74", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["AKS_74_GOSHAWK", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["AKS_74_kobra", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["AKS_74_NSPU", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["AKS_74_pso", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["AKS_74_U", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["FN_FAL", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["FN_FAL_ANPVS4", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["G36A_camo", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["G36C_camo", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["G36_C_SD_camo", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["G36K_camo", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["LeeEnfield", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["Sa58P_EP1", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["Sa58V_EP1", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["Sa58V_RCO_EP1", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["Sa58V_CCO_EP1", 100];

// Light Machineguns (LMG);

_this addWeaponCargo ["PK", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["RPK_74", 100];

// Sniper rifles

_this addWeaponCargo ["KSVK", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["SVD_des_EP1", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["SVD", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["SVD_NSPU_EP1", 100];

// Sidearm

_this addWeaponCargo ["glock17_EP1", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["Makarov", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["MakarovSD", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["Colt1911", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["revolver_EP1", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["revolver_gold_EP1", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["Sa61_EP1", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["UZI_EP1", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["UZI_SD_EP1", 100];

// AT & AA

_this addWeaponCargo ["Igla", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["MetisLauncher", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["RPG7V", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["RPG18", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["Strela", 100];




// Rifle ammo

_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_545x39_AK", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_762x39_AK47", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_762x39_SA58", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["20Rnd_762x51_FNFAL", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_G36", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_G36SD", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_762x39_SA58", 100];

// LMG ammo

_this addMagazineCargo ["100Rnd_762x54_PK", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["75Rnd_545x39_RPK", 100];

// Sniper Rifle ammo

_this addMagazineCargo ["5Rnd_127x108_KSVK", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["10Rnd_762x54_SVD", 100];

// Sidearm ammo

_this addMagazineCargo ["8Rnd_9x18_Makarov", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["8Rnd_9x18_MakarovSD", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["7Rnd_45ACP_1911", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["17Rnd_9x19_glock17", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["6Rnd_45ACP", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["20Rnd_B_765x17_Ball", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_9x19_UZI", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_9x19_UZI_SD", 100];

// M203 ammo

_this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_HE_GP25", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_Smoke_GP25", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeGreen_GP25", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeRed_GP25", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeYellow_GP25", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["FlareGreen_GP25", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["FlareRed_GP25", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["FlareWhite_GP25", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["FlareYellow_GP25", 100];

// AT & AA ammo

_this addMagazineCargo ["Igla", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["AT13", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["RPG18", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["Strela", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["PG7V", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["PG7VL", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["PG7VR", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["OG7", 100];

// Items

_this addWeaponCargo ["Binocular", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["Binocular_Vector", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["NVGoggles", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["ItemGPS", 100];

_this addWeaponCargo ["LaserDesignator", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["LaserBatteries", 100];

// Grenades & Satchels

_this addMagazineCargo ["HandGrenade_East", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShell", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellGreen", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellRed", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellYellow", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellBlue", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellPurple", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellOrange", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["PipeBomb", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["Mine", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["IR_Strobe_Target", 100];

_this addMagazineCargo ["IR_Strobe_Marker", 100];

// Restock time.

sleep 1800;


Edited by Grimes [3rd ID]

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Nice, but i miss the Binocular_Vector for the german KSK and the IR_Strobe_Target ;)

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Ahah! I couldn't find the Rangefinder class name, but Binocular_Vector did it! Sadly, IR_Strobe_Target did not work. There is another post that someone else made asking for the IR Strobe class names, when that gets answered I'll add them. For now, updated the list with the 203/GP25 yellow flare and smoke and well as the yellow, orange, purple, and blue smoke grenades.

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;1666597']Sadly' date=' IR_Strobe_Target did not work. [/quote']

Strange, "IR_Strobe_Marker" && "IR_Strobe_Target" work fine for me.

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put it in as AMMO!!!!!!! the IR STROBE :D

additionally this script or others only work for ammo crates! vehicles have limited amount of space now! (which sucks)

Edited by BelgarionNL

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Sorry about that, added both IR Strobes. Anyone mind telling me the difference between Marker and Target? I thought Marker was used to attach to something or someone, and Target was throwable and used to designate an enemy, or friendly position.

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put it in as AMMO!!!!!!! the IR STROBE :D

additionally this script or others only work for ammo crates! vehicles have limited amount of space now! (which sucks)

How much space now?

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How much space now?

woul dbe nice to know. seems quite a bit less. like to see exact

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How much space now?

space for around 10 rifles and 50 ammo! for a humvee so no more all weapons in car...

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So much for loaded-down supply trucks. :P

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How much space now?

Ammo Crates can hold 5000 items now.

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Wondering more for vehicles, particularly the helicopters. I like to use heli insertions as kind of a pre-mission planning time. With the heli loaded up with weapons and ammo, the players can outfit with the gear they want, look at the map, discuss strategies, etc. while they are flying into the insertion zone. Once they hit the ground they can get on with the mission instead of standing around at some convenient ammo crates in the middle of nowhere ;). Gives kind of a cinematic intro to the mission but also has a function other than reminding themselves of watching Black Hawk Down.

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