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This game would be utterly awesome with multiple people controlling either their own carriers to fight competetively, or cooperatively to operate one carrier.

And I'm pretty sure it's in the plans.

<videorecorder codec="xvid" halfsize="1" config="1" framerate="30"/>

<audio effectsvolume="50" musicvolume="40" quality="2" outputrate="44100" eax="0" occlusion="1"/>

<network port="9234">

<player name="John Doe"/>

<limit count="8"/>



Interestingly, this file has NTFS Special Permissions and even as local admin I cannot edit it. Whats the deal with that?

Edited by Harbinger

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Or better yet, have a look inside the carrier.exe itself:

Multiplayer Profiles
MultiPlayer Arena not selected!

Interesting "clues" at least. Enough to feed your multiplayer dreams perhaps ;)

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How could such a MP game look like? The "skirmish" mode is designed for several hours. MP game should have cca 2 hours. Or should be conciped in the way, that it doesnt matter, when a player could disconnect (switching sides and balance teams)and any other connect in realtime.

It has a big potencial, but i cant imigne that right now. So Coop? How many carriers would stay against itself? 2,4,.... 16? Not to fall into the chaos, like Red Orchestra 2.

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This game would be utterly awesome with multiple people controlling either their own carriers to fight competetively, or cooperatively to operate one carrier.

Multiple people operating one carrier cooperatively would be amazing.

I always think of how nice it would be to have real human drivers for the walruses so they don't get all derpy while trying to drive on open roads.

Well that and know how to prioritize targets. At one point my armor column was being attacked simultaneously by a turret and two mantas, so the quad-gun(AA) walrus engages the turret... :(

Hopefully the AI will be polished by the time release rolls around, but there's still no replacement for a competent human.

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I wholeheartedly agree - multiplayer in this has the potential to be quite cool.

How could such a MP game look like? The "skirmish" mode is designed for several hours. MP game should have cca 2 hours. Or should be conciped in the way, that it doesnt matter, when a player could disconnect (switching sides and balance teams)and any other connect in realtime.

It has a big potencial, but i cant imigne that right now. So Coop? How many carriers would stay against itself? 2,4,.... 16? Not to fall into the chaos, like Red Orchestra 2.

Speaking as the sort of gamer who prefers co-operative style play (as in, I also only really play with trusted friends - I don't really randomly match up with people online), I don't see this being an issue. I play several-hour-long games all the time with my friends, and even prefer it; our weekend Shogun 2 sessions are the thing of legends. It's not like this sort of thing has never been done before; Battlezone 2 had the same rough concept for multiplayer (one overall "commander", remaining players on a team controlling subordinate units, against other human teams or AI players) so this is hardly a difficult-to-envision gameplay design.

Options for either having multiple players managing assets from a single carrier, or teaming up with multiple carriers both carry enormous potential; I hope the development team is putting consideration towards either of these as gameplay options. Some kind of co-op support for the main campaign mode (i.e. story-driven) would be ideal from my viewpoint, but at a minimum I'd absolutely love to see a rendition of the game's strategy mode expanded to multiplayer. Done correctly, it would make this game beyond incredible.

Again, though, I'm mostly coming from the viewpoint of somebody who sticks to smaller, co-operative ventures with groups of only 2-3 other trusted players at a time, where multiplayer in a game like this would fit like a glove. From my perspective this is more than enough; I don't know how other people would feel about this.

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i think a great party one player =one carrier and master of game =super carrier

master of game or team command the other commander of carrier

command of carriere play normally

super commander carrrier thok of strategy and help the other commander with reinforcement of manta etc

other mod coop

but i think devellop fight in the island i wait final release

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Wait, so there aren't any plans at all to include multiplayer in this game? Ack, that's really disappointing to hear :(

I'm going to enjoy the hell out of the final release regardless; if the storyline around the singleplayer campaign is decent then there's no doubt I'll be absolutely hooked, but I was really looking forward to the possibilities offered by multiplayer. I really hope the development team reconsiders this stance for future updates, especially because some of the framework seems to be there...

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