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AI air bombing help

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I am writing a module to give players control over AI craft for bombing runs. I am not using spawned bombs, I am making the AI fire their onboard bombs. I am capturing the bombs with the fired eventhandler, but I am having trouble with the following points:

  • parsing the target position to the script called by the eventhandler
  • guiding the bomb to hit the target position

Here is the bombing script (this is very WIP code):

_group = _this select 0;
_targetPos = _this select 1;
_IPpos = _this select 2;

_vehicle = vehicle (leader _group);
_distance = 99999;

_vehicle SwitchCamera "Group";

_distance = [_targetPos,_IPpos] call das_fnc_GetDistance;
_group setSpeedMode "Limited";
hint "bomb run";
while {(_distance > 500)} do {
sleep 1;
_distance = [(getPos _vehicle),_IPpos] call das_fnc_GetDistance;
player sideChat format ["%1",_distance];
if (_group in dasAbort) then {_distance = -1};

if (_group in dasAbort) exitWith {};
//if (_distance == -1) exitWith {hint "abort"};

hint "At IP";
_group setSpeedMode "Normal";
//_distance = [(getPos _vehicle),_targetPos] call das_fnc_GetDistance;
_distance = 999;
while {(_distance > 200)} do {
if (_group in dasAbort) then {_distance = -1};
sleep 0.1;
_distance = [(getPos _vehicle),_targetPos] call das_fnc_GetDistance;
//	if (_group in dasAbort) then {_distance = -1};
player sideChat format ["in %1",time];

player sideChat "*** BOMB ***";
hint "Attack";

_logic = "Logic" createVehicleLocal _targetPos;

// None of these work
//_bombEH = _vehicle addEventHandler ["fired",{nul = _this execVM "DAS\Scripts\Control\Fired.sqf"}];
//_bombEH = _vehicle addEventHandler ["fired",{nul = [_this,_targetPos,_logic] execVM "DAS\Scripts\Control\Fired.sqf"}];
_unit = objNull;
_ammo = objNull;
//_bombEH = _vehicle addEventHandler ["fired",{_unit = _this select 0;_ammo = _this select 4}];
_bombEH = _vehicle addEventHandler ["fired","hint format ['unit: %1',_this select 0]"];
_bombEH = _vehicle addEventHandler ["fired",{_unit = _this select 0}];
//this addEventHandler ["killed", "hint format ['Killed by %1',_this select 1]"]

_tube = "Bomb_03_Plane_CAS_02_f";
_vehicle fire _tube;
sleep 0.5;
//_bomb = nearestobject [_unit,_ammo];

// This works
player sideChat format ["UNIT: %1",_unit];
// This doesn't
//player sideChat format ["B: %1  %2   %3",_bomb,_unit,_ammo];

sleep 3;
_vehicle removeEventHandler ["fired",_bombEH];

sleep 1;
nul = [group] execVM "DAS\Scripts\Control\RTB.sqf";

Here is the script called by the eventhandler (Fired.sqf):

_inputArray = _this select 0;
_targetPos = _this select 1;

// check if everything is parsed properly
// This is parsed
player sideChat format ["IA: %1",_inputArray];
// This isn't
player sideChat format ["TP: %1",_targetPos];
// Bomb guidance stuff will go here

Can anybody tell me how to:

a) parse _targetPos to Fired.sqf

b) guide the bomb to _targetPos (maybe with setVelocity?)


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I think your going to have to make _targetPos a global variable, because I don't believe there is a way to pass local variables into the scope of the code ran by the EH. You could do something with get/set variable however:

_targetPos = whatever;

missionNamespace setVariable ["targetPosition",_targetPos];

_targetPos = missionNamespace getVariable "targetPosition";

Edited by JShock

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Looking forward to this script..sounds good.

best of luck with it drongo

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Can anybody tell me how to:

a) parse _targetPos to Fired.sqf

You need to format the _targetPos into the code statement before it gets sent to the event handler. Something like ...

_bombEH = _vehicle addEventHandler ["fired", compile format [ "nul = [ _this, %1] execVM 'DAS\Scripts\Control\Fired.sqf'", _targetPos] ];

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