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Everything posted by xbelanch

  1. xbelanch

    Mikero PboProject Error

    IT WORKS! I opened the heightmap with L3DT and set a lower value (-10) to a smallest zone of the terrain and now it crunch without any issues. Thanks so much @HorribleGoat!
  2. xbelanch

    Mikero PboProject Error

    Better a picture rather than words: https://imgur.com/a/hqmxLiG As you can see, it's not flat... but it's not an island (no water)
  3. xbelanch

    Mikero PboProject Error

    Well, I reinstalled Arma 3 Tools, mounted P drive as PCM explains and follow the rest of the terrain tutorial step by step (only I changed the tag and project name)... and I'm still stuck with the same error: MakePbo x64UnicodeVersion 1.99, Dll 7.16 "icgc_collserola_terrain" -PsgW -X=*.psd,*.psb,*.bat,*.rar,*.7z,thumbs.db,*.txt,*.h,*.dep,*.cpp,*.bak,*.tga,*.png,*.log,*.pew,*.hpp,source -@=icgc\icgc_collserola_terrain p:\temp\icgc\icgc_collserola_terrain 808464432 huh Pbo can't read wrp makepbo failed icgc_collserola_terrain.pbo not produced due to error(s) Job(s) completed in 76secs on Tue Aug 13 21:32:32 2019 That's driving me mad...
  4. xbelanch

    Mikero PboProject Error

    Thanks for the help @RoF I was using both Arma Tools launcher and Mikero Tools... certainly that's a mess. I think it's better start from the scratch...
  5. xbelanch

    Mikero PboProject Error

    Well, it doesnt make sense... At the moment I found a workaround for this issue: unmount the p drive and mount it again... maybe the root of the problem is related to .wrp file permissions.
  6. xbelanch

    Mikero PboProject Error

    I got the same error :( Any clue or suggestion? @LeLapinDeCombat
  7. Hi everyone! Before you think in this issue (https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/175131-terrain-builder-border-problem/) let me share some pictures: Guess it's a simple mistake but I don't figure out what's wrong and why that border glitch appears at certain distance. Yep, it's a procedural terrain and the size of the heightmap is 2048x2048 (2 m horizontal scale). I do appreciate some help to workaround this issue :) Thanks in advance,
  8. For a personal project, I need some help to emulate something like that: Any suggestion of documentation, tutorials, resources, source code or whatever you think it helps me to develop that? Thanks in advance
  9. xbelanch

    Building extensions on mingw

    My bad. I was launching Arma the whole time directly from the exe not from the launcher... lesson learned and sorry for wasting your time :(
  10. Hi everyone, After reading the BIS documentation of how to create extensions (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Extensions) and see examples from KK's blog I tried to make the same sample but on Cygwin (MSYS-2) but It's doesn't work. I do appreciate some help from anyone with more experience than me. I share the code and the compilation command lines: Source code (my1st.cpp): // Windows Header Files: #include <Windows.h> #define DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllexport) extern "C" { DLLEXPORT void __stdcall RVExtension(char *output, int outputSize, const char *function); } void __stdcall RVExtension(char *output, int outputSize, const char *function) { strncpy_s(output, outputSize, "IT WORKS!", _TRUNCATE); } BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved ) { switch (ul_reason_for_call) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: break; case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: break; } return TRUE; } Command line compilation: g++ -c -o my1st.o my1st.cpp g++ -o my1st.dll my1st.o -s -shared -Wl,--subsystem,windows
  11. xbelanch

    Building extensions on mingw

    Color me embarassed. Well... what can I say? Good news? It works. Bad news? It was because BE :( My apologies... I've lost the general picture shrinking my mind on the dll compilation output. Anyway... very thanks for helping me. :) Now we can say that Mingw can build extensions for Arma 3
  12. xbelanch

    Building extensions on mingw

    Yep. MSVC built is fully working without no problem with BE... I started to think that the problem with Mingw dll is related to .CRT (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15822048/using-mingw-to-build-a-windows-dll-that-depends-on-visual-studio-crt-msvcr110-d)
  13. xbelanch

    Building extensions on mingw

    Yep, alright... "dinamically" wasn't correct. I understand (and sorry in advance if I'm wrong) when you say "loads the dll on first" it refers at the time that any sqf calls the function callExtension. Before that Arma doesn't load any third-party dlls (and this makes sense for safety reasons I guess) and following that logic you can put a new dll while Arma is running and load it (always at your own risk xD)
  14. xbelanch

    Building extensions on mingw

    No... Arma doesn't load it. I checked it with Process Explorer. Arma loads the dlls (as you said) dinamically every time you use callExtension (and that works if I check it with a dll built with VS). Maybe I must open a ticket at https://feedback.bistudio.com/?
  15. xbelanch

    Building extensions on mingw

    test.cpp source code: #include <Windows.h> #include <string.h> extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __stdcall RVExtension(char *output, int outputSize, const char *function) { outputSize -= 1; if (!strcmp(function,"version")) { strncpy(output,"1.0",outputSize); } else if (strcmp(function, "function") == 0) { strncpy(output, "return of a function", outputSize); } else { strncpy(output,function,outputSize); } } // Normal Windows DLL junk... BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved ) { switch (ul_reason_for_call) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: break; case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: break; } return TRUE; } compilation command lines: gcc -W -c -o test.o test.cpp && dllwrap -s -o test.dll --def test.def test.o -Wl,--subsystem -Wl,windows -Wl,--enable-stdcall-fixup where test.def is: EXPORTS _RVExtension@12 = RVExtension if I execute your helpful testing code it works: $ ./foxyy.exe result:1.0 same source code compiled with VS CL I obtain the same result: cl /LD test.cpp /link /out:test2.dll Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 16.00.40219.01 for 80x86 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. test.cpp Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 10.00.40219.01 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. /out:test.dll /dll /implib:test.lib /out:test2.dll test.obj Creating library test.lib and object test.exp Dumpbin /exports of the binary generated with g++: File Type: DLL Section contains the following exports for test.dll 00000000 characteristics 579F5C22 time date stamp Mon Aug 01 16:26:42 2016 0.00 version 1 ordinal base 1 number of functions 1 number of names ordinal hint RVA name 1 0 00001570 _RVExtension@12 Summary 1000 .CRT 1000 .bss 1000 .data 1000 .edata 1000 .eh_fram 1000 .idata 1000 .rdata 1000 .reloc 1000 .rsrc 2000 .text 1000 .tls
  16. xbelanch

    Building extensions on mingw

    Ouch! alright... but that's the compiler do :-/ it seems to be closed to this thread: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35701657/how-to-implement-the-rvextension-function-for-an-arma-3-dll-in-rust UPDATE: This http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2804893/c-dll-export-decorated-mangled-names, this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2810118/how-to-tell-the-mingw-linker-not-to-export-all-symbols and this http://www.transmissionzero.co.uk/computing/advanced-mingw-dll-topics/ helped me a lot to understand much better the challenge. After spending several hours dealing with it I achieved the same symbol name that exports Visual Studio but still doesn't work uu
  17. xbelanch

    Building extensions on mingw

    Hi Foxyy. Yep. It does, but it doesn't work. Here's the output after compiling with next g++ parameters: g++ -shared -fPIC -m32 -std=c++11 test.cpp -o test.dll -Wl,--subsystem -Wl,windows -Wl,--out-implib=libtest.dll.a -Wl,--export-all-symbols -Wl,--enable-auto-import If I test the result with file test.dll it results: test.dll: PE32 executable (DLL) (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows and here's the result after execute dumpbin /exports test.dll Dump of file test.dll File Type: DLL Section contains the following exports for test.dll 00000000 characteristics 579E0DA9 time date stamp Sun Jul 31 16:39:37 2016 0.00 version 1 ordinal base 1 number of functions 1 number of names ordinal hint RVA name 1 0 00001570 RVExtension@12 Summary 1000 .CRT 1000 .bss 1000 .data 2000 .debug_abbrev 1000 .debug_aranges 7000 .debug_info 2000 .debug_line 1000 .debug_loc 1000 .debug_ranges 1000 .debug_str 1000 .edata 1000 .eh_frame 1000 .idata 1000 .rdata 1000 .reloc 2000 .text 1000 .tls I don't have a big experience with .dlls but it seems that .dlls built with mingw doesn't like to Arma 3 ;) It'd be great if it works... hope you have more luck and skills than me! PS: the same file compiled by cl /LD test.cpp /link /out:test.dll File Type: DLL Section contains the following exports for testMSVC.dll 00000000 characteristics 579E0EA6 time date stamp Sun Jul 31 16:43:50 2016 0.00 version 1 ordinal base 1 number of functions 1 number of names ordinal hint RVA name 1 0 00001000 _RVExtension@12 Summary 2000 .data 2000 .rdata 1000 .reloc 5000 .text
  18. xbelanch

    Building extensions on mingw

    Thanks for your answer @Arkensor. I have installed VS2010 and it works perfectly to build the "Hello world" sample from KK's blog. I'm used to work with cygwin for developing my own projects and that was the reason I'm finding a way to build arma 3 extensions properly with that environment. Also I took a look on your notes of how to compile on Linux. I found it very helpful but at the moment my focus is on see if I can find a workaround before I give it up ;) and move finally to VS.
  19. xbelanch

    Stencil shadow glitch

    Thanks. After apply triangulate option to the geometry it works well.
  20. Hello all, I'm trying to figure out the way to solve this issue related to shadows: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/271721896879209272/C83C23579E7A05EB5C33F5518A9E0BD888973A6E/ Anyone knows how to solve it? Thanks in advance, Xavier
  21. Sure I'm not the only one that has had issues trying to work with TB (https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/189340-terrain-builder-crash-on-open-project/, https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/187567-terrain-processor-freezingcrashing/)... but the most amazing thing is when you see other people working without no freezing or crashing and faster (check out the amazing job by SchultzIT (https://www.twitch.tv/schultzit/profile) working on 2017 mod I guess). My question is pretty simple: am I missing a secret configuration or method to work well with TB? should I launch TB from P: virtual disk instead from C:? and launch it as administrator? or...? Thanks in advance! Xavier
  22. I know it's an old thread but I'm at the same point like kykce: I see the roads on Buldozer but not ingame. any way to fix it? Fixed!
  23. I know... sounds weird, but if I run TB from a3tools it doesn't work....
  24. I got it :) Terrain Builder working now like a charm!!! Three thing to keep in mind: Copy TB directory to P: drive and execute it from there as administrator Never, never, never maximize it That solution is working for me...