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About superogira

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    Private First Class

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  1. superogira

    Play Argo in 2022

    My Server always online -connect= -port=2402
  2. I think this script should add animation for press button to download data from notebook. i add this script in downloadData.sqf line 100 _caller switchMove "AinvPercMstpSrasWrflDnon_Putdown_AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon";
  3. I use this for my Invade & Annex mission it work perfect make more fun in AO haha. Thank you.
  4. Can I use this script for stop record and repeat record? while {true} do { sleep 3600; [] call ocap_fnc_exportData; sleep 3600; [] spawn ocap_fnc_startCaptureLoop; };
  5. Oh this's cool!!! I will try it. Thank you.
  6. I cannot buy Armory Shop and Client get this message and in Server rpt. How fix?
  7. I use this script in multiplayer by host server in game it work fine. But when I use it run in dedicated server AI not move follow player. How to fix it? while {alive player} do { hostagesub doMove getpos player; sleep 1; if ((hostagesub distance hostageheli) < 15) exitWith { hostagesub moveInCargo hostageheli; hostageheli engineOn true; hostageheli doMove [15000,15000,300]; sleep 25; _helphostagesuccess = "Delivered hostage to helicopter. Hostage rescue success!"; hqSideChat = _helphostagesuccess; [hqSideChat] remoteExec ["AW_fnc_globalSideChat",0,false]; ["CompletedSub", "Hostage Rescue Success."] remoteExec ["AW_fnc_globalNotification",0,false]; hostagesuccess = true; publicVariable "hostagesuccess"; sleep 60; hostageheli setPos [8457.541,25096.2,0]; hostageheli setBehaviour "CARELESS"; hostageheli engineOn false; hostagesub setPos [8420.275,25100.605,0]; hostagesub setBehaviour "CARELESS"; { _x setMarkerPos [-10000,-10000,-10000]; } forEach ["hostageMarker","hostageCircle","hostagehelimarker"]; }; };
  8. I like this!!! Thanks man.
  9. I create font for my language to use in game. But I don't know how to use font for chat message system. How to edit for use my font for chat message?
  10. superogira

    RH Acc pack

    Ok It work. Thank you.
  11. superogira

    RH Acc pack

    I can't find class name of TS-30A2. What's class name of it.
  12. I think should add some config about who or unit name can use. Because I use this in my mission it has many Squad Leader and them scramble to use. ; w ;
  13. How or can set delay time for use Arty?
  14. superogira

    [SCRIPT]Basic killticker

    Me too. When player killed spawned AI it not show message. But when AI killed player or player kill yourself it show. How to fix?