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Everything posted by Sweedn

  1. I was so confused why and how my code wasn't working that I forgot about the only one check of init.sqf... Thank you, I will now check for further optimizations.
  2. Hello people. I'm looking for a efficient way to detect if a player has a special type of weapon in his inventory, as primary or secondary weapon. if (isDedicated) then { sleep 0.001; _launcher = ["rhs_weap_M136_hp","rhs_weap_M136_hedp","rhs_weap_M136"]; { if (SecondaryWeapon player _launcher ) then { hint "Player sec weapon found"; }; } }; In this case, I'm looking for detection of one of three type of RHS launchers, if a player has one of it in his inventory. Am I missing something here ?
  3. Thanks for both quick responses. But neither seems to work for me (code put in init.sqf or called via execVM, no changes). Should I mention I would like to have the detection with launchers in game too ? I mean, if I'm picking up a launcher on the ground, during a mission ?
  4. Looking so nice. Are you sur you "only recently started" ? :D
  5. As always, brillant and incredible work Silola. Thank you.
  6. Sweedn

    HAFM EC-635 Helicopter

    Hell yes, congratulations on the release !
  7. Simple and effective. Thanks for the script man. Also, there is only little white smokes/clouds when I use it. We can clearly see dark ones on your screenshot. Maybe cause I'm using BlastcoreFX ? Anyway thanks you again
  8. Sweedn

    Paddle Mod - RELEASED!

    Hello there, I've test this mod, everything runs perfectly except the land interaction like grapin the rope when you're on your feet, trying to tow the boat. I don't have any action for grabbing the rope, so i can't use this feature. Did I mess something or ? Need a special key for the action ? EDIT: Works in SP, not compatible with dedicated servers?