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Everything posted by Meiestrix

  1. Meiestrix

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    When you use ACE Revive you get kicked out off the vehicle when it explodes and you are unconscious on the ground next to the car. But with Bloodlust and ACE you are instantly dead when the vehicle gets hit.
  2. Meiestrix

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Yes thats right, but normally a vehicle would not instantly explode when it gets hit. Since the last arma update a strider or hunter instantly explodes when it gets hit with a rpg. When you only play with some friends and the whole team in this vehicle is down, that makes no fun.
  3. Meiestrix

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    I really like this mod, but for me there is one problem. When a vehicle gets shot you instantly die. So there is no chance you could use the ACE revive function.
  4. I havent found a solution for this. This bug is really annoying.
  5. Does someone else have the problem that this mod does not work anymore? When i place the MAN trucks they have the default CSAT texture.
  6. Meiestrix

    Difficulty Overhaul

    See my post above. This does not work like it should. I think even BI doesnt know how this works, there are multiple wiki sites with different informations.
  7. Meiestrix

    Difficulty Overhaul

    Hi, does someone know how to set up the forced difficulty? I have a dedicated server and my .Arma3Profile looks like this: class DifficultyPresets { class CustomDifficulty { class Options { groupIndicators=0; friendlyTags=0; enemyTags=0; detectedMines=0; commands=1; waypoints=1; weaponInfo=1; stanceIndicator=0; reducedDamage=0; staminaBar=0; weaponCrosshair=0; visionAid=0; thirdPersonView=0; cameraShake=1; scoreTable=0; deathMessages=1; vonID=1; mapContent=0; autoReport=0; multipleSaves=0; }; aiLevelPreset=2; }; class CustomAILevel { skillAI=0.5; precisionAI=0.5; }; }; sceneComplexity=1000000; shadowZDistance=100; viewDistance=3800; preferredObjectViewDistance=3200; terrainGrid=3.125; volumeCD=10; volumeFX=10; volumeSpeech=10; volumeVoN=10; singleVoice=0; maxSamplesPlayed=96; vonRecThreshold=0.029999999; And in my server server.cfg i have used the new parameter forcedDifficulty = "CustomDifficulty"; When i connect to the server I can see that the difficulty is forced. But my custom difficulty preset is not active. I still have the crosshair and thrid person camera.
  8. Meiestrix

    Anomalies List

    I think one very important "bug" is missing. Lights: Walls dont block light. Place a floodlight outside of a building and it is bright inside.
  9. Meiestrix

    Amazing FPS - Only When Alt-Tabbed

    I think the fps you see are just the fps of the active window and not the real fps from Arma.
  10. Meiestrix

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Hi, I have two problems with liberation and hope someone can help me. I am running liberation on a stock Arma 3 server with one headless client. My first problem is that after some time the AI does not spawn anymore in some red locations. You can walk in a enemy city and the bar on the right turns completely blue. But nothing happens. The second problem is that i have turned ResourcesMultiplier to 3 in my startup parameters, but i still get the normal ammo points for selling ammo boxes in my fob's. 75 ammo for yellow ammo boxes and 100 for the grey ones. Maybe someone can help. :)
  11. Meiestrix

    Zeus Land Way-points do not work

    Sane here.
  12. Hi, I want to ask if it is possible to force a specific difficultly setting in the server settings with Arma version 1.58. I think this Wiki entry is obsolete: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Difficulty_Menu#Server_Side_Difficulties_Override With the new settings you can still chose and change the difficulty at mission start. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Difficulty_Menu#Configuration
  13. Meiestrix

    Enhanced Movement

    Somome else notices that you cant crouch when you stand and have no weapon in your hand? Also when you have a weapon in your hand the animation is bugged when crouch while standing still.
  14. Yes the old system was much easier. I dont really like the new adjustment.
  15. But you still can adjust the difficulty in the mission select screen manually so the difficulty is not really forced by server settings.
  16. Meiestrix

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    In my opinion there are still way to less colors. Everything in vanilla arma looks way to gray in my opinion. Even the sky is not blue when there are no clouds. The same with grass With reshade my arma version looks like this: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ct6dknqjllw2pq8/AAD5G_TStebybmfBfwkpYbPOa?dl=0 Yeah looks way to much like HDR.
  17. Hi, I have a question to the speaking volume level. Is it possible to block the setting yelling for everyone on a server, to stop people abusing the yelling level and activate yelling all the time?
  18. Meiestrix

    Eden update: Player movement bug

    I can confirm this. The same problem in my community. This bug is really annoying.
  19. Meiestrix

    Eden: Zeus mission does not work

    No, you can control just a virtual Zeus. We do do this for over 2 years now in my community to build live Zeus events. Only with a virtual Zeus the "Zeus Player" is able to use TFAR at the position where he currently has his camera. Now after importing the mission into eden it does not work anymore. The default respawn is removed. Also tested with latest dev version: 134675
  20. Meiestrix

    Eden: Zeus mission does not work

    There was no problem at all with the 2D Editor with they way I described. You could use a virtual Zeus without problems.
  21. Meiestrix

    Eden: Zeus mission does not work

    This problem also happens in the dev build: 1.57.134657
  22. Hi, you have saved your mission with the "binarize scenario" option active. When you save your mission in Eden, there is the option to binarize your mission on the bottom left of the save dialogue. You can disable this option by default somewhere in the top menu in Eden.
  23. Hi, Is there currently no option to merge two maps in the new Eden editor? I have searched all options but cant find it.
  24. Meiestrix


    Try to Check your Arma 3 installation files with steam.
  25. Meiestrix

    Eden: Zeus mission does not work

    I have asked someone else to test this and they have the same problem with Eden.