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About y-shin

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  1. An update: I'm guessing the whole cause is locality thing and I failed to set up the code properly. What I think I'm doing, with that code above, is that every time a player opens the box, the whole script is called again for him and any other player who already opened and is using the same arsenal box. I came up with a fixed code. Here is the arsenal.sqf _box = (_this select 0); if (local _box) then { // Adding virtual items to ACE Arsenal [_box, true, true] call ace_arsenal_fnc_addVirtualItems; // Removing virtual items from ACE Arsenal [_box, [ "BWA3_ItemNaviPad", "MCC_itemConsole", "ItemRadio", "rhs_radio_R169P1", "rhs_radio_R187P1", "rhsusf_radio_anprc152" ], true] call ace_arsenal_fnc_removeVirtualItems; // Opening ACE Arsenal [_box, player] call ace_arsenal_fnc_openBox; }; and I don't feel the need to call{} so to simplify I removed it from arsenal.sqf: this addAction ["ACE Arsenal","arsenal.sqf"]; I've only tested this locally (in Eden editor) and is waiting for the occasion to test it on dedicated server. I'll come back with another update when I test it on dedi. And if I'm wrong on any part of this, please correct me (I'm still kinda noob on scripting 🤣).
  2. Hi everyone, I've been making sandbox missions (for my units) with ACE Arsenal boxes on the ground for the guys to use, and for the last several months my ACE Arsenal is acting weird. I've tried googling for a fair amount of time but couldn't find anyone having the same problem, so as a last resort I am posting here to seek help. Here are the situation. I have 3 boxes on the ground and any player can open ACE Arsenal via addAction from the boxes. Let's say I have Player A here and he opens Box1 arsenal. Here's another player called Player B and he also opens the same Box1 arsenal. When Player B opens, the arsenal screen of Player A gets reset. By reset I mean, for example, the Player A is scrolling down the list of rifles or pistols, and the scroll is reset to the top. At the same time, I have some removed items from my Arsenal but those removed items become available. Here are my codes: arsenal.sqf // Adding virtual items to ACE Arsenal [(_this select 0), true, true] call ace_arsenal_fnc_addVirtualItems; // Removing virtual items from ACE Arsenal [(_this select 0), [ "ItemRadio", "rhs_radio_R169P1", "rhs_radio_R187P1", "rhsusf_radio_anprc152" ], true] call ace_arsenal_fnc_removeVirtualItems; // Opening ACE Arsenal [(_this select 0), player] call ace_arsenal_fnc_openBox; And the init of my arsenal boxes call{this addAction ["ACE Arsenal","arsenal.sqf"];} The reason why I'm doing this way and not the way where I put ace_arsenal_fnc_addVirtualItems into the box's init is because I want Zeus to be able to copy and paste the box anywhere he wants and the box would still work. (because when Zeus copies the box it'd mess up the variable name of the box and didn't work) If anyone could identify what I did wrong and maybe guide me to the right direction, I'd appreciate it very much!
  3. ...anyone? EDIT: after posting this 18 minutes ago, I found out the solution myself lol All I did was to add this line: (_this select 0) setObjectMaterialGlobal [3, ""\a3\Data_f\Lights\Car_Beacon_Blue_emit.rvmat""]; into the definition of class TextureSource -> class EventHandler like this: init = " (_this select 0) setVariable [""BIS_enableRandomization"", false]; (_this select 0) setObjectMaterialGlobal [3, ""\a3\Data_f\Lights\Car_Beacon_Blue_emit.rvmat""]; // THIS LINE IS ADDED if (local (_this select 0)) then {[(_this select 0), false, [""beacon_front_hide"",0,""beacon_rear_hide"",0,""LED_lights_hide"",0,""reflective_tape_hide"",1,""side_protective_frame_hide"",0,""front_protective_frame_hide"",0]] call bis_fnc_initVehicle;}; "; So that it tell to Arma "please include the rvmat for blue light at the initial stage of vehicle creation". If this helps others in any way, I am happy 😉
  4. Hi, I'm trying to do a retexture of vanilla Gendarmerie police van and has been successful halfway. I've got my texture applied and everything. Now what I am seeing is this (sorry for poor quality image): So the one toward the front, the vanilla Gendarmerie Police Van, lights up blue when turned on and this is what I want on my vehicle too. The middle one (the vehicle with my texture on) however, lights up red instead of blue. Other than that, turning on/off the lightbar from scroll menu works, and turning on/off the siren from scroll menu also works. Here's the code: As you can see, I got 2 vehicles; a normal van (CCG_Police_Van), and a transport van with back passenger seats (CCG_Police_Van_Transport). Both are inherited from Gendarmerie Van (Cargo) and Van (Transport) respectively. The transport one works totally fine and lights up blue just like vanilla Gendarmerie vans, but the normal van lights up red (as shown in the pic). I've tried to find out how the animation for this specific lightbar works but so far I've got nothing. What I tried: change the 4th one from hiddenSelectionTextures[], which I assume is for the lightbar anim texture, to a vanilla white van (\a3\Soft_F_Orange\Van_02\Data\van_body_white_CO.paa), as well as textures[] in class TextureSources Result: It DID change the color of the side LEDs to yellow, which you normally see on a service van with yellow lightbar. change the 4th one from hiddenSelectionTextures[] to a default Gendarmerie van (\a3\Soft_F_Orange\Van_02\Data\van_body_gen_CO.paa), as well as textures[] in class TextureSources like shown in the code above Result: Nothing changes, the problem persists. make both of the vehicles refer to the exact same texture file Result: Same as #2. remove the materials[] definition from class TextureSources, as well as remove the entire class TextureSources Result: Same as #2. I thought all the settings that are not included in my config will be inherited from the vanilla config, but apparently I have to define specific things on my config.cpp to get certain stuffs to work. Any ideas what is going wrong with my configs?
  5. O.M.G. Thank you so so so much for the fix! It works and it's brilliant! For future reference I'm trying to find the difference between my initial one and the fixed one from you, and it looks like the following are what I did wrong (or should've done): - requiredAddons wasn't defined enough in cfgPatches (I need to look into what will be needed for a specific asset) - units and weapons can be empty in cfgPatches (I've seen a few tutorials and threads including biki saying this has to be defined so I'm still confused) - character definition in cfgVehicles requires modelSides - but at the same time doesn't require hiddenSelection[] = {'camo'} - should use B_Soldier_base_F instead of C_Marshal_F for character definition - should use Uniform_Base instead of U_Marshal (or anything else) in defining uniform in cfgWeapons And also, thank you as well for fixing my cap and vest (especially defining hitpoints). You are a legend, sir!
  6. Got it! Here's the link (will delete upon solved). Again, I appreciate it! EDIT: deleted the link cuz solved
  7. Awesome! I just sent you the PM so if you could kindly look into it, I'd very much appreciate it. I did further tweaking as well as had a look into the work of others for study but so far no luck. EDIT: I thought I sent you the PM but maybe your setting doesn't allow any PMs?
  8. Thank you for the reply! And yes sir, that was what I did wrong obviously...😭 Dear Moderators, if you could kindly move this thread to where it's supposed to be, I'd very much appreciate it. I'm sorry for the mistake. I've done the exact same thing you mentioned to the config.cpp and turned out it didn't show any clothes at all (the character was naked). So I reverted this line in cfgWeapons: uniformClass = "CCG_U_Police_Uniform_1"; to this: uniformClass = "CCG_C_Police_F"; and the clothes show up again, but with the original (vanilla) texture. Also when I changed this line in cfgVehicles: class CCG_C_Police_F : B_Rangemaster_F to this: class CCG_C_Police_F : B_Soldier_base_F Then this came out: So the model is loaded correctly, but the texture is from vanilla NATO soldier uniform. I'll try to dig deeper on this and try tweaking more, and will report if anything comes up. Any additional help will always be appreciated!
  9. I'm somewhat a noob about modding and recently I've been trying some retexturing. I've done a baseball cap and a tactical vest successfully, but I can't get the uniform texture working. If I place a random character in the editor and change his clothes to mine, or spawn in a mission and try to get my uniform from arsenal, my custom texture isn't applied. But the texture of the inherited uniform is applied instead. I'm inheriting uniform config from U_Marshal, which is a marshal clothes from Karts DLC, and which is worn by C_Marshal_F (or at least that's what I think I'm doing). Here's the config: class CfgPatches { class CCG_Police_Clothes { author = "y-shin"; name = "CCG Police Clothes"; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F"}; units[] = { "CCG_C_Police_F"; }; weapons[] = { "CCG_U_Police_Uniform_1"; }; }; }; class cfgVehicles { class C_Marshal_F; class CCG_C_Police_F : C_Marshal_F { scope = 1; model = "\A3\Characters_F\Civil\c_poloshirtpants.p3d"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo", "insignia"}; hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {}; hiddenSelectionsTexture[] = {"\ccg_police_clothes\data\ccg_uniform_police_1.paa"}; }; }; class cfgWeapons { class U_Marshal; class UniformItem; class CCG_U_Police_Uniform_1 : U_Marshal { author = "y-shin"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "CCG Police Uniform"; picture = "\ccg_police_clothes\icon\logo_small.paa"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTexture[] = {"\ccg_police_clothes\data\ccg_uniform_police_1.paa"}; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformModel = "-"; uniformClass = CCG_C_Police_F; containerClass = "Supply20"; mass = 60; }; }; }; Any idea what I am doing wrong?
  10. It worked! Thank you, R3vo! Though I still don't know what I did wrong lol. I'll keep studying. I want every player on server to be able to have that scroll menu so I guess I'll start digging. Thank you for the advice!
  11. Thank you for the reply! I'm trying your code now but it doesn't seem to work. Maybe because I'm not on dedi server? (I haven't installed dedi server on my PC yet) Also, the first 3 lines that I wrote above are needed on top of your code? I tried so and it works halfway (there are the scroll menu). The problem is the game seems failing to refer to myCuratorModule. It says 'Undefined variable in expression: mycuratormodule'. Here's the code I tried, which I copy-pasta your code.
  12. Hi, I'm trying to create script that make players gain/leave access to Zeus on the go, but I'm struggling with a variable. What I'm trying to do with the code below is to have a player a scroll menu option to gain access to / leave Zeus. When I try to select the scroll menu in-game, an error comes up saying "Undefined variable in expression: _mycuratorplayer". I'm guessing this is the wrong part: _myCuratorPlayer = player; but I don't have enough knowledge what exactly is wrong. Can anyone please guide me what I should do? (Sidenote: I posted pretty much the same thing on reddit but the answers people gave me was to use already existing addons, which will also work. However I want to make my own addon for the community I'm in as my small contribution to it, and that is why I also posted here to get help.)
  13. y-shin

    Wrong color format

    It's a bit late to reply but I hope this can help some people out there still struggling with this problem... If you edited mission.sqm manually to remove/add AddonsMetaData, you have to make sure "class AddonsMetaData" says like this; class AddonsMetaData { class List { items=10; // <- this number has to match how many MataData classes are written below class Item0 { blah blah blah } class Item1 { blah blah blah } ... So if you got class Item0 to Item9 then you got 10 classes, and the number at items=XX should be 10.