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Everything posted by lifetap

  1. lifetap

    RTD Rotorlib

    I have modified the xml file, but as of yet have no evidence that the model actually works. I have a suspicion that I have an error that is causing the default flight model to be used. Hence the reason why I asked the question. All I can say for certain is the ground contact points work, as the helo no longer disappears through the runway.
  2. lifetap

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Wiggle, thanks for the information, the problem has been identified. The fix will be included in the next release.
  3. I'm looking for a definition of how the inheritance structures work within classes such as cfgWeapons and cfgVehicles. If my understanding is correct, it follows the standard OO inheritance rules in that a child class can inherit from a parent class, and add new attributes or override existing attributes. E.g. class base_arifle; class child_arifle: base_arifle { scope = 2; class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { slot = "optics_rail"; item = "new_acog"; }; }; }; But there also seems to be examples where existing classes can be partially redefined and new attributes added or existing attributes modified E.g. class exisiting_arifle { hasbipod = 1; }; This seems to add a new bipod attribute to an existing weapon. However when the exiting_arifle class is viewed in the config editor within Arma, it shows it as an orphan, even though it is represented in game as the original weapon with a bipod. This is somewhat confusing. And it appears that not all classes can be redefined in this way. E.g. class exisiting_arifle: { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { slot = "optics_rail"; item = "new_acog"; }; }; }; The exisiting_arifle class in game does not have the new_acog sight. Can anyone give an explanation for this behaviour or a pointer to where the inheritance rules are defined? Any help appreciated. Thanks
  4. Great work on the mods. Would it be possible to add the following code to all weapons with bipods, so that AGM recognises the bipod and adjusts the recoil appropriately? hasbipod = 1; AGM_Bipod = 1; Thanks
  5. lifetap

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Ok, thanks. That explains why I've been struggling to find a good solution.
  6. lifetap

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    You can set a range of sources e.g. weaponMuzzle for the UGL. But there is a custom defined source, that could be used to link to AGM.
  7. lifetap

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    I have one model, with a named subpart called bipod. I then animate the bipod using the Animation class in CfgModels. Same technique as used to flip UGL sights, etc.
  8. lifetap

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    I've got animated bipod's on the weapons, I'm just trying to link them to the AGM resting status, instead of a key press.
  9. lifetap

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Concerning AGM_resting. I've added hasbipod and AGM_bipod to a new weapon, and have AGM resting working. Is there a suggested way to link the AGM_bipodDeployed status to an actual weapon's bipod animation? Thx
  10. Custom keybindings that worked in the original radio_keys.hpp now fail when added via the in-game menu. They seem to have lower priority than before, and now cannot override the implicit ARMA3 bindings.
  11. Anyone else having an issue with the weapon resting? Have just switched from AGM to CSE, and the weapon resting seems very difficult to activate from anything but a prone position. I find it virtually impossible to crouch behind a low wall and rest the weapon. When I do achieve it, it only works for an unusably small angle of fire. Seems a little easier with a bipodded weapon, but definitely not as flexible as VTS or AGM