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Everything posted by opusfmspol

  1. opusfmspol

    kbTell help

    If using the BIS_fnc_kbTell method, recommend you check the function in Function Viewer and review your params versus how they get used by the function. BIS_fnc_kbTell adds a lot of plumbing to what should often be a simple flush using kbTell. Best I've ever gotten from it, it helps in understanding what the "argumentArray" argumentValue (which is typically an empty code) might be for. I've never found anything else explaining the argumentValue. And if unaware, review Conversations page to ensure the description.ext and .bikb are set up correctly, since it includes comments the given video never mentioned. Haven't used BIS_fnc_kbTell that I can recall, so can't suggest more on that. As far as kbTell used directly per the original post, I just realized that in your script file was this: james kbTell [kerry, "briefing", "T1","SIDE"]; waitUntil { james kbWasSaid [kerry, "br1iefing", "T1", 5]}; A typo existed, you had James speaking from topic "briefing" but then wait for him to speak from topic "br1iefing". So the waitUntil would never be satisfied. Explains why you got first subtitle and nothing further. Also, using sleep or waitUntil with a kbTell conversation, you have to consider whether the conversation script is running in scheduled or unscheduled environment. Needs to run in scheduled environment where suspension (i.e., sleep or waitUntil) is allowed. BIS_fnc_kbTell page mentions it will spawn a new thread, which ensures its conversation handling doesn't run in unscheduled environment. Would think neither of those would explain the sound not playing though, so might also suggest to verify the given file paths to the sounds are correct.
  2. opusfmspol

    kbTell help

    In this conversation (similar issue), the problem was that the unit didn't have a radio.
  3. opusfmspol

    Custom Map Maker

    Seems cfgMarkers is not listed on Description.ext page, so might not be one of the supported classes.
  4. opusfmspol

    Custom Map Maker

    scope 0 is private. Needs to be scope 1 or 2.
  5. Perhaps the DLC 'watermarks' appear when one doesn't have it? Couldn't say, since I do have Apex.
  6. Try synchronizing both ways, each to the other: MODULENAME synchronizeObjectsAdd [vehicle1]; vehicle1 synchronizeObjectsAdd [MODULENAME];
  7. Might be the units in the config viewer cfgVehicles who have "_sick" at end of their typename. They have config scope 1, which is protected access.
  8. opusfmspol

    Stringtable.xml problem

    Assuming you have your mission's stringtable.xml set up correctly as per the examples given, and STR_CAS_Text1 is the correct Key ID given, the usage in the call should be: [allPlayers, ["task1"],[Localize "STR_CAS_Text1","Oreokastro",""],[4600,21400], true, 99, true, "attack", true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; $ is used when setting the string text in a config (e.g., Description.ext is a config). Running a script or scripted function, localize is used to get the string text. For a little more clarity, although BIS_fnc_taskCreate is a defined config function, its code is compiled from script and you're calling its code.
  9. opusfmspol

    Activate Trigger with addAction

    Use the trigger to detect conditions for the action. Use triggerActivated triggerName in the action's show condition. Have the action set off the script. 1.) Have the trigger detect whatever conditions for the action: - a. BluFor Present (or other, becomes "this" in trigger condition), - b. Helo is in the trigger, - c. Helo is landed, - d. Helo is damaged, - e. Pilot is dismounted. Given such conditions, setting them in trigger may be easier or better than setting them as a show condition for an action. 2.) In the action's show condition, use triggerActivated trig, else include it, example: "triggerActivated trigName && _this In [pilot1,pilot2,pilot3]" would also limit who gets the action. 3.) Have the action run or remoteExec the script, rather than the trigger. Or is it critical for the trigger to run the script?
  10. Before proceeding into its code, you should do some verification on _unit to ensure 1) it's not null, like when AI are disabled or get deleted in a cleanup, and 2) it's still alive, not dead. if (!isNull SQA && {Alive SQA}) then { if ((_unit == SQA) && (r1Cooldown == 0)) then {
  11. opusfmspol

    Debug Console "Server Exec"

    Use 2, not 0. Using 0 will remote exec on all machines, server and clients. 2 is for server only. You're creating objects, and creating on all will result in duplicates being created. As I see it, you could remoteExec from addaction and have the server run the entire script. _unit addAction ["Create IED",{"myscript.sqf" remoteExec ["execVM",2];}]; Or you could just modify the spawn function line of the script, and remoteExec to have the server run the function. [CK_BOMB,"small",2,600,true,3,0,west] remoteExec ["MCC_fnc_createIED",2]; Only concerns I see are, - do the "MINEFEILD" markers exist on the dedicated server, and - does it matter at all whether the CK_BOMB object is local to client or server. The MCC IED will be created local to server, apparently. and, - is there security configured in your mission or in MCC on the MCC function, i.e., to control use of the function (I don't use MCC so don't know). It could effect whether remoteExec the function from client is allowed.
  12. opusfmspol

    Debug Console "Server Exec"

    Try remoteExec to have the server run MCC_fnc_createIED. Can't say that's how "SERVER EXEC" button works, but when part of addAction works in hosted and not on dedicated it indicates a locality issue, that portion likely needs to be run by server. RemoteExec or remoteExecCall is used to have the server run it. addAction runs local on client.
  13. fuel is a command. Needs to be named something else....
  14. Maybe. The nul= and spawn are also important. Object initialization fields run in unscheduled environment where suspension (sleep, waitUntil) is not allowed. The function being called contained sleep and waitUntil, so it needed to be spawned, not called. Spawn opens a new thread in scheduled environment where suspension is allowed. The nul= catches the handle returned from the spawn, just in case the editor field requires nothing gets returned from the initialization itself.
  15. opusfmspol

    Function call after Respawn

    I see that now. *headslap* > - oww Thanks Larrow. Defective brain cell registered "call compile format" instead of just "format".
  16. [this] call function_talking; Try replacing with: nul = this spawn {waitUntil {!isNil "function_talking"}; [_this] call function_talking;};
  17. opusfmspol

    Function call after Respawn

    this addEventHandler ["Respawn", { params ["_unit", "_corpse"]; [_unit, "opfor", "opfor_squadleader"] call SerP_unitprocessor; }]; Try remoteExecCall where _unit is local, instead of calling directly, see if it resolves.
  18. If you want the function to appear in the viewer, and maybe set protocols for it, then follow the steps given in the page @RCA3 provides. If you simply want to create an easy function to call on, you can do a function as file.
  19. opusfmspol

    Reveal for ACM units

    Yep, it's the same, but has lots more commands & functions (and modules, A3 calls them systems) to reduce scripting needs or problems, and much better scripting for multiplayer. And much better resources & documentation available now than when A2/OA was on top, to help addon / mission makers learn. IMHO, not enough credit is given for that big improvement.
  20. I remember reading that too, but can't recall where. And they are still there in systems; so if they're obsolete, what supersedes them? 3DEN editing maybe?
  21. opusfmspol

    Function call after Respawn

    _item_processor = { removeAllItems _this; removeAllWeapons _this; removeAllItemsWithMagazines _this; removeAllAssignedItems _this; removeUniform _this; removeBackpack _this; removeGoggles _this; removeHeadgear _this; removeVest _this; }; Is everything getting removed? Server is running a host of 'Argument Local' commands, so question is whether the unit is local to server. _svn = format ["SerP_equipment_codes_%1_%2",_faction, _loadout]; if (isNil _svn) then { missionNamespace setVariable [_svn, compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["Equipment\%1\%2.sqf", _faction, _loadout]]; }; [_unit] call (missionNamespace getVariable [_svn, {}]); What's the code in your Equipment\_faction\_loadout script? Also, confused why you're setting private variable "_svn" to missionNamespace and calling, when global SerP variable was what you were seeking. Shouldn't you set and call the global SerP variable instead?
  22. opusfmspol

    Hello World!

    What would prompt the message to the particular machine?
  23. I would think "_this" should be "this" when in an initialization field.
  24. ACE medical handles damage, does it not? I would think it does so to cause unconscious state or what not. Can't say if that interferes with your damage event handler or not. But perhaps you should try using HandleDamage event handler on the bad guys instead. Check hostage side, if hostage not BluFor then he joins BluFor group; return the received damage.
  25. You removed more than just doStop. Untested, but try this: sleep 1; _group1=createGroup west; 'b_survivor_F' createUnit [getmarkerPos 'PatientSpawn', _group1,'pat1=this;']; _wp1 = _group1 addwaypoint [getmarkerPos 'hospital', 0]; _wp1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp1 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; [pat1, selectRandom[0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9], "LeftLeg", selectrandom ["stab","bullet","falling"]] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit; [pat1, selectRandom[0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9], "RightLeg", selectrandom ["stab","bullet","falling"]] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit; [pat1, selectRandom[0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9], "Body", selectrandom ["stab","bullet","falling"]] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit; [pat1, selectRandom[0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9], "RightArm", selectrandom ["stab","bullet","falling"]] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit; [pat1, selectRandom[0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9], "LeftArm", selectrandom ["stab","bullet","falling"]] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit;