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Everything posted by doctorbutts

  1. While the respawn menu with the weapon listing is pretty sweet, configuring the loadouts really sucks because you can't specify what goes where. For instance, if I want FAK's to go only in a uniform, only ammo in vest, and some other stuff only in backpack, I can't do it. So, is there a way for me to script a way to say if a player chose x in cfgrespawninventory, run y loadout script on them?
  2. This breaks ACE Cargo (cannot add spare parts to vehicles)
  3. Hi, How do I get spare tracks (or anything) to show up in the ACE cargo of a vehicle? I've been trying for a while now and nothing seems to work. I've tried in the Object: ACE Options area of the vehicle attributes. I've tried specifying in the vehicles init: [repair_veh, 2, "ACE_Track", true] call ace_repair_fnc_addSpareParts; I can't get anything to show other than the default wheel or whatever that shows in ACE cargo of a vehicle. The vehicle has more than enough ACE cargo space for the items. EDIT: FOUND THE CULPRIT R3F Advanced Logistics breaks it.
  4. Hi, will the various runways/airstrips ever be converted to the Arma 3 airport/airstrip system?
  5. I have a trigger that starts a script: OnAct null = [suicardriver_2] execVM "ambush\carfollow.sqf"; ambush script _driverman = _this select 0; _driverman setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _driverman setSpeedMode "FULL"; _fol = [] spawn { while {alive _driverman} do { _driverman doMove (position veh_food); sleep 5; }; }; Whenever the trigger is touched, I get an undefined variable error- but only in the following area: _fol = [] spawn { while {alive _driverman} do { _driverman doMove (position veh_food); sleep 5; }; }; (script error says line 7 is the issue).
  6. doctorbutts

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    There are values in some of the files that lower your reputation if you fire your weapon within x meters of a civilian and an enemy is more than x meters away. This is one of the things that hurt our group's rep because we'd be engaging enemies from quite a distance. You can try modifying this value. If you find yourself damaging buildings, that will count against you as well- which sucks because that means engaging armor in towns gets tough because if they blow up they add damage to the buildings around them. You can really dig yourself in a hole with those things. You can keep doing side missions as much as possible, and just sweep each town for IED's.
  7. OR MAYBE NEXT TIME I SHOULD VERIFY I EDITED THE CORRECT INITPLAYERLOCAL BEFORE POSTING! Thanks for your time and effort. I realized that I was modifying a different initplayerlocal.sqf in notepad++ from another version of the mission. So I put the data in the right file and it is working now.
  8. Awesome! Would that persist on players through respawns, or do I need to add the code to onplayerrespawn.sqf as well?
  9. doctorbutts

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

    Where can I modify the amount of time it takes to load, transport, unload resources in logistics?
  10. How can I add a variable to a player after they choose a loadout in ACE Arsenal? I'm using default loadouts, so they are available in the mission.sqm file. Let's say I have a Loadout called "Medic" and I want to do something like player setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 1, true]; if they choose that loadout.
  11. doctorbutts

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

    Is there something special I need to do to get the sprint to work properly? I downloaded the release PBO and when I try testing some things out in 3den single, it seems most of the scripts aren't loading. I spawn on carrier and don't even have an option to access the arsenal, and enemies don't spawn in towns. Also: I can't figure out how to get the mission to use ACE arsenal loadouts in the selection screen. I've modified the open_arsenal to launch the ACE arsenal, but for some reason I can't pull up any of my loadouts when I change private _saved_loadouts = profileNamespace getVariable "bis_fnc_saveInventory_data"; to private _saved_loadouts = profileNamespace getVariable "ace_arsenal_saved_loadouts"; or private _saved_loadouts = profileNamespace getVariable ["ace_arsenal_saved_loadouts", []]; What are your thoughts on moving some of the action menu items to the ace interact?
  12. doctorbutts

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

    aaah crap my bad. I'm so used to downloading the files from the main github page, that I never thought to check the releases section until that post. Thanks.
  13. doctorbutts

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

    Hi, I don't have direct access to the server but I need to make some changes to the mission before we put it up. How do I go about extracting the right files I need manually to work on the mission?
  14. Hi, what files/lines do I have to change in order for ACE_Medical to fully work with this mission? We've set 'ReviveMP' to disabled in the parameters, but it seemed the revive system was active and we couldn't heal ourselves just with ACE items.
  15. Thanks for taking the time to place and script it out. Must have been annoying.
  16. Was just about to post this.
  17. I have some feedback I hope you can take into consideration for Lythium. Overall, I love the map. However, since we play a version of the Hearts & Minds mission type (and, I think any mission that relies on city location to generate enemies), the configured city locations could use a lot of improvement. For instance, when looking at the map in the editor, the city marker for Ramir is almost 250 meters away from what looks to be the actual 'center' of the town. Because of this, a mission that relies on generating enemies or civilians in a city, will spawn them around the city marker (in the middle of nowhere) and not in the town itself. Ramir is one of the worst for this, but a couple of other towns have this issue as well. Would you consider in your next update to change the town marker to the 'center' of the town?
  18. doctorbutts

    Apex Framework

    Will this be updated for ACE/TFAR compatibility?
  19. doctorbutts

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Where you prefer feature requests/suggestions? Here or Git?
  20. We installed the update yesterday on our server and the settings we had in place for stamina and g_forces weren't working. The default ARMA 3 stamina was being used, not ACE 3 at all. Since I don't have admin access to the server files, I tried setting up my own dedicated using TADST and joining that server. I followed the guide in the settings framework, exported the settings from in game and saved to the serverconfig.hpp file. From there I put the ace_server.pbo in an @ace_optionals folder and had the server run that mod folder. I also put the serverconfig.hpp in the arma 3\userconfig\ace folder. I made sure the settings for advanced fatigue were turned on, and to easily test I updated the recovery factor to 10 to see if it works. When loading a mission, I ran around, and still the default Arma 3 staminabar was being emptied, and ACE 3's was not moving around at all. The recovery had not changed in the ARMA 3 stamina bar either. Can anyone help?
  21. doctorbutts

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hi, Here's a link to the video of it not working. Skip to 8 minutes in: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/184100459
  22. doctorbutts

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    for { btc_curator addCuratorEditableObjects [[_x], false]; } forEach btc_vehicles; Do I need to local, global, or server exec as admin? I tried local exec and I couldn't see them as an option with Zeus. I had built a lot of changes and I'm not sure how much of what I've changed will fit in, plus a lot has been added. So, I just finished forking it from yours. For instance, we had wanted working UAVs and Autonomous weapons: but when you just spawn them from the object create point, they don't have ai 'crew' in them, so they can't be accessed/controlled with the UAV terminal. So I made scripts to spawn and crew these.
  23. doctorbutts

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    I know this is a strange request, but can you keep an option for the old style? It's nice having the occasional AA show up from vehicles, but not to be swarmed by troops with iglas or whatever. Also, do walls/fences count as buildings for the building damage/destruction malus? One more issue we've ran into constantly with .1 and .2, is that whenever we've tried to move a weapons cache out of where it spawned (so when we blow it up we wouldn't get a building malus), after detonating RHS/ACE or ARMA explosives the cache would definitely smoke/blow up and disappear, but the mission wouldn't mark the cache as destroyed. The only consistent thing we could do to get the mission to mark it as destroyed was to not move it at all. If it's OK with vdauph I'm going to put a fork off of his github that has a bunch of modifications. Some of the FOB specific changes for the modification I made are: 1. Redeploy from FOB to FOB 2. RTB (with 10 minute cooldown) 3. Arsenal at FOB So far the modifications require the BAF addon (particular BAF Servicing modules). I've been working on a way to locate vehicles on the map but I can't get it to work consistently in a dedicated server environment. I don't know if its because wrecked and repaired vehicles aren't necessarily btc_veh_x anymore or what.