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Everything posted by M1ke_SK

  1. Same here. I also tried to use publicVariable "TF_give_microdagr_to_soldier"; after that but with no luck.
  2. Change to DMSK_isACE = isClass (configFile >> "CfgMods" >> "ace_main");
  3. M1ke_SK

    Unit surrender (ace3)

    Documentation is clear how to use it. _handle = [_unit, true] call ace_captives_setSurrendered;
  4. I suggest you ask in Addon thread in TaskForceRadio this question, but neverless, here are some eventHandlers for TFR which mint help you. https://github.com/michail-nikolaev/task-force-arma-3-radio/wiki/API:-Events I suggest to use OnTangent and add condition for your frequency. Then call script in it.
  5. try to call it like this: _handle = [p1, arifle_MX_F, arifle_Katiba_F] execVM "fn_changeweapon.sqf";
  6. M1ke_SK

    Ambient animations not working in MP

    Probably need to do this this way: [[YourUnit, "WATCH1", "ASIS"], BIS_fnc_ambientAnim] remoteExec ["call", 0, true];
  7. Not tested, but you got the idea how to do it now: if ( { (alive _x) && (_x getVariable "a3f_bomb_active" == false) } count (allMissionObjects "Land_MetalBarrel_F") == 2 ) then { /* Two bombs deactivated */ };
  8. Variable for ACE 3 works. I just tested it. Don't confuse ACE3 cargo system with vanilla ! Ace3 cargo holds items like wheels, jerry cans, boxes, ... Vanilla system holds items like weapons, uniforms, ...
  9. You can use variables to determine cargo with ACE 3 _vehicle setVariable ["ace_cargo_space", 4, true]; // Cargo space your vehicle has _vehicle setVariable ["ace_cargo_hasCargo", 1, true]; // Enables cargo to be loaded inside the vehicle (1-yes, 0-no) More about it here: http://ace3mod.com/wiki/framework/cargo-framework.html
  10. M1ke_SK

    Orange DLC (wild) SPECULATIONS !!!

    'ORANGE' DLC This year, we opened a new studio in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. With the goal of gradually building up experience, work has started on a small project, codenamed 'Orange'. While the exact direction isn't final, we're very much interested in exploring an interesting and unique perspective on the battlefield. It’s shaping up to be a valuable, innovative addition to the platform! Could be VR technology in cooperation with http://orangecountyvr.com/ ?
  11. How to disable explosion of mine (APERSTripMine), but still have possibility to trigger and disarm mine? - disable simulation will disable collision with mine - set ammo have no effect
  12. Tryied that, eventhandler did not executed.
  13. It is written on wiki. createSimpleObject in description (yellow text) I need to have possibility to defuse mine.
  14. Is that question for developers or community ?
  15. One cannot attach actions to a simple object via addAction.
  16. but when I disable simulation I disable option to disarm mine
  17. I want to trigger mine without explosion.
  18. _status = _bomb getVariable "a3f_bomb_active"; if(_status == false) then { /* bomb deactivated */ };
  19. M1ke_SK

    Orange DLC (wild) SPECULATIONS !!!

  20. Try condition: vehicle player in thisList
  21. I checked your scenarios and tested it on dedicated server. Locality of hint should be fixed now. As of "not damaging unit with ACE3 mod" it should be fixed too. In further you should test it with your mods. I added debug logs, so if you can, please send me rpt file. Updated to version v1.2 Changelog: v1.2 - reformat to functions - added multiplayer / dedicated server support (tested) - added JIP support (tested) - hint showing to only defuser (tested) - battle-tested in real environment - changed to "plug & play" system - added settings.sqf file - added readme.txt file for instructions - cleaned code
  22. 1. Are you using this on multiplayer or dedicated server ? Hint was planned to be visible only for defuser. 2. What settings are you using in ACE3 mod? How do you set unconscious settings? What explossion class are you using? Are you using modded uniforms? Are you using custom eventhandlers. What mods are you using in your missions? You can change explossion class in internal settings in script. With mods, specially with ACE3, you need to look at each scenario differently. Script was mainly for vanilla use.
  23. Found this on issue tracker. Same problem you described. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120182
  24. A lot of resources there in demo. If interested, I can help you develop (share my code) and add more features if you want. PM me, or send message on steam. I like your way of creating custom content (mostly voice acting) :D
  25. You described problem "Short and sweet", so the answer is limited to your question. Now you extended your problem. Why did you not described it more in depth? You were asking for solution, not for solving problem.