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About Gr1ggs

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  1. Gr1ggs

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    You just need to adjust posing in hand animation, try different selections of hand, I think "LeftForeArm", "LeftForeArmRoll" with "LeftHand" are resposible for clunkyness in your case. Arma animations are working just fine, look to other weapon mods :) BTW nice models, looking foward to see them ingame.
  2. Gr1ggs

    US Military Mod

    for kneepads better to use this texture - us_military_units\textures\helmet_wood_co.paa
  3. another grey-green camo of MiG-29, it's probably most common pattern of MiG-29s there are some camos here http://rusplane.ru/mig29c9-13.php
  4. Gr1ggs

    US Military Mod (80s 90s)

    can't wait your awesome mod. If you will use CUP weapons, you can also add replacement config for HLC and RH weapons packs as an addition - they are very popular too.
  5. Gr1ggs

    Medium Utility Helicopters

    Awesome Hueys! Please add UH-1N USMC texture like this: https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8483/8252769973_1323e68407.jpg http://www.aviationspectator.com/files/images/UH-1N-Huey-helicopter-062.jpg and version with LMGs or miniguns too :) also there is little issue - UH-1 with door gunners have ability to close "main cabin door" - doorgunner can shot through closed door. And this "main cabin door" called "cargo door" IRL.
  6. what about player model which fantasticly falls in ground textures? it makes player model 2 times harder to hit, that kind of bugs really annoying in TvT missions. Mate, we playing Arma 3 which got a lot of conventions and "iron mags" which can be used as weapons bipod is one of them, may be we just need to adopt it like ton of others?
  7. 1 bug you forgot about - all weapons in your packs without bipods are still working wrong when you fixate your weapon ("C" button)
  8. Hi all. I tryed to use Ins_Soldier_1.p3d sample model (unbinarized), but even if I don't touch it and just binarize it, I'm getting "Generating ST on the fly is very slow" error in RPT Please help me to solve this problem... I don't have any thoughts how sample model could be with errors... here is unbinarized model with model.cfg which I tryed to use: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-K7_B7Kms8dZmdFMkFVek9BSGM/view?usp=sharing
  9. Gr1ggs

    FRL_Air mod WIP

    can you reanimate vanilla's BTR-40 (DShKM) Gunner? He looks like he really want to die... holy shit Mig-29 and Mig-35... sounds interestingly, can't even remember any good model of Mig-29 in A2 (only CSLA mod, but there was only CSLA texture...), can't wait to take look at them P.S. how about F-4 from Unsung? imho, It will be best opponent of Mig-23
  10. ok, and how about THIS f-16? It use same missilebox? models of rockets are same as yours...
  11. nope just A2:CO and this mod, but without ACR or ACR lite, can they somehow impact on it?
  12. ok guys I registred BIS forum with only 2 reasons: reason 1 - manw, reason 2 - to report some bugs in community made mods, so I have only 7 posts and only in mod-threads. I'm really sorry about my explaination of atakas' lod bug, I don't try to "piss of" your work, because any of us can make mistakes with such a big work, and anyway you guys doing really usefull mod - I can't remember so many variations of aircrafts and planes, and so nice F-15 in any released mod for A2 about bad-looking atakas (grinch is looking strange too): http://i.imgur.com/x39a3T6.jpg (690 kB) http://i.imgur.com/Hjw8Pvg.jpg (653 kB) http://i.imgur.com/FSXmIsp.jpg (663 kB) http://i.imgur.com/fMl9apJ.jpg (742 kB) but these one looking so nice: http://i.imgur.com/OeXAbMu.jpg (646 kB) and I found little eye-scratching bug with new blackhawks: http://i.imgur.com/OmeFe7N.jpg (582 kB) http://i.imgur.com/wFIEWkS.jpg (547 kB) about littlebird flight model - vanilla one's is a bit unreal, can you make flight model like in ACE mod?
  13. guys fix the model of Ataka x6 and Ataka x4 they are so shitty look and please make flight model of MH-6\AH-6 look like flight model from ACE - faster max speed and a bit harder to handle, cuz vanilla flight model too bad
  14. I think something wrong with new UH-1 gunship flight models it's behavior look like H-6 or even antsy, anyway behavior of UH-1 with and without guns differ.
  15. Gr1ggs

    Project RACS

    Anyway I downloaded lateset version from armaholic (as any latest PRACS versions in web which I found) and there is bugged cockpit on ch-53, so can I find somewhere version with working cockpit now? Or it will be only in next version?