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Everything posted by POLPOX


    Ai see better at night

    Did you tried setSkill? Maybe spotDistance will help you.

    Date/Timestamp in mission.

    I actually found the function! _nil = [] execVM "a3\missions_f_epa\Campaign_shared\Functions\Timeline\fn_camp_showOSD.sqf"; This is it, just execute to show the info. And what do you mean fade-out markers? Images?
  3. What is wrong with you? I just tested customRadioNumber = radioChannelCreate [[0.96, 0.34, 0.13, 0.8], "Q-dance Radio", "%UNIT_NAME", [player]]; And customRadioNumber returns 1.
  4. I mean I want use the command with AI vehicle, which player isn't inside. I just tested vehicleName sendSimpleCommand "BACK"; from outside but nothing... maybe there is no solution for my question... thank you guys.
  5. markershape (allMapMarkers select 0) will "POLYLINE" but I couldnt find anything about it. Any info?

    Date/Timestamp in mission.

    I dont know actually function used in the campaign, but I found a very similar function. maybe "\a3\missions_f_bootcamp\Campaign\Functions\GUI\fn_SITREP.sqf" will makes you happy. ex. [ ["Bla Bla Bla",""],["","<br/>"], ["Also Can Change Font","font = 'PuristaMedium'"] ] execVM "\a3\missions_f_bootcamp\Campaign\Functions\GUI\fn_SITREP.sqf" ;

    Saving map markers

    To copy: copyMarkers = { private "_array" ; _array = [] ; { if (_x find "_USER_DEFINED #" != -1) then { _array = _array + [[_x,getMarkerPos _x,getMarkerSize _x,getMarkerType _x,getMarkerColor _x,markerText _x]] ; } ; } forEach allMapMarkers ; copyToClipboard str _array ; } ; To paste: pasteMarkers = { { if (_x find "_USER_DEFINED #" != -1) then { deleteMarker _x ; } ; } forEach allMapMarkers ; { _x params [ "_name", "_pos", "_size", "_type", "_col", "_txt" ] ; _marker = createMarker [_name,_pos] ; _market setMarkerShape "ICON" ; _marker setMarkerSize _size ; _marker setMarkerType _type ; _marker setMarkerColor _col ; _marker setMarkerText _txt ; } forEach _this ; } ; These scripts only work for user created markers (not created on any editors, in game created marker). It'll remove all user created markers before paste. Feel free to modify. To use: Copy Markers: call copyMarkers This will copy results to your clipboard. Paste Markers: <paste the result of copyMarkers> call pasteMarkers ex. [["_USER_DEFINED #0/2/3",[4253.79,6348.01,0],[1,1],"hd_dot","ColorBlack",""],["_USER_DEFINED #0/3/3",[4250.69,6245.64,0],[1,1],"hd_join","ColorBlack","AAA"],["_USER_DEFINED #0/4/3",[4010.21,6263.9,0],[1,1],"hd_flag","ColorWEST",""],["_USER_DEFINED #0/5/3",[4149.84,6172.39,0],[1,1],"hd_start","ColorWEST","CCC"]] call pasteMarkers EDIT: The script wont work for drawed line.
  8. Wrong brace position. should be: if (!isServer) exitWith {}; while {true} do { If ((alive mhq) and (speed mhq == 0)) then { "Respawn_West" setmarkerpos getpos mhq; } else { "Respawn_West" setmarkerpos (getmarkerpos "alternativespawn"); }; sleep 6; };
  9. I found some useful animations for the script in the Apex, so I decided to add them to v3. Maybe I can show you guys the scripts in early July.
  10. Report some issue found in current dev. First: Pistoling and left adjusted prone is issuing (same as https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/190875-equip-pistol-and-prone-stance-is-issuing/) See more details for the topic. Second: An AI reloading MX series rifle when acctime < 0.6? is issuing. AI reloading MX under acctime <0.6? is stop their animation a sec. I tested with some other rifles, but looks like this is only for MX series.
  11. Is anyone looking the topic? Of course, the answer is no. Wait, are you looking? Anyway, I announce the new calm animations script project(3.0) is now under developpement. Includes new randomize methods and scalability and maybe less file size than any older calm animations script. Stay tuned:)
  12. POLPOX

    Equip pistol and prone stance is issuing

    In dev, the issue is same as stable. ["Arma 3","Arma3",161,136134,"Development",true,"Windows"]
  13. I found a issue, and feedback.arma3.com is now maintenance so I report the issue here. While equipping pistol, left adjusted prone stance ("AadjPpneMstpSrasWpstDleft") cannot move well. Specifically, I can move the player with W key, A key, and D key as usual, but I cannot move behind with S key. Press D key and S key simultaneous, the player will move behind. This issue does not occur on rifled adjusted prone and pistoled right adjusted prone. Anyone same problem and is there a solution? productVersion = ["Arma 3","Arma3",158,135742,"Stable",true,"Windows"]
  14. Oi, what? Ah, This is bad. Seems I leave the issue for a while. Unfortunately, my motivation was broken for some reason. Then, there is fix. if (toUpper _option != "ASIS") then { private "_finalGear" ; _unit unassignItem hmd _unit ; if (_option == "RANDOM") then { _finalGear = _gears call BIS_fnc_selectRandom ; } else { _finalGear = _option ; } ; if (!_hasWeapon) then { _unit removeWeapon primaryWeapon _unit ; } ; Paste this at same position. It work well, isn't it?
  15. Yeah, use "SIT_U" to sit some unit without weapons. Am I talked about "_U" means "Unarmed" until today? Maybe not... And want remove NVG from unit's inventory, use "removeItem" command like this: _unit unassignItem *nvg classname* ; _unit removeItem *nvg classname* ; Urm, I'm used 2.0 to tell "THIS IS NOT OLD ONE", but, yeah, I think... yes. I'm run out of new things to update, so no updating for a month. Maybe next update to support this?
  16. I think you can solve it with curatorSelected script command.
  17. Okay, there it is. v2.4 is out now. Urm, tell the truth to you guys, I didn't found a new element for update until now... Anyway, it's here. And, some FAQ and examples are frontpaged.
  18. Yes, you cannot do this on now version, but sit tight, new version is on the way. ETA 1... or 2 days.
  19. Yup, looks it is important argument. well, try to add in next version. I just looking forward to next version's new content. Maybe 2 or 3 arguments will be implement.
  20. Ohhhhkayyy... This is not script's broblem. dont ask it in here man. your using is goddamn wrong, set direction before or after set script. and what do you mean "front"? ... *sigh*
  21. Are you using 3D Eden Editor or not?
  22. If you want solve this, you need tell me more about what did you do e.g. arguments.
  23. Hotfix available. Download is take some doing, if you want DIY, add "," to line 248. And...Electricleash, urm... your syntax is correct, but script name is wrong. The script isn't "PLP-calmSoldier2.sqf", not hyphen, underbar! "PLP_calmSoldier2.sqf" is correct.
  24. Sorry for too late cause I bought Door Kickers and enjoyed it and ruined my time, and something like Eden... *cough* Well, version 2.3 is now live. MP support is not tested on any server, if you find an issue, then report me!