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Everything posted by FoxFort

  1. BECAUSE I AM F BUSY WITH MY OTHER PROJECTS !!! AND GOING THROUGH DIFFERENT ADDONS TO FIND SPECIFIC CLASSNAMES TAKES TIME and I yet asking for help from person who made it in first place is a wrong move from me. Why am I even talking to you. I'm an idiot.
  2. Magazines class names and bullet class names are two very different things. BCT tracers works with bullets not magazines. All magazines are linked to their bullet names. And by simply going to the source (ammo) you have changed all magazines of that bullet type (name). Clearly you are not modder, so if that is not your expertise then ...
  3. You people are one strange group. Since you people are little "slow". Here's the break down for you, there are so far 10 different HLC addons and let's say that there are also 10 different bullet class names, now those addon are separated, which means extra individual download and extra work of going through reading all of them. Now by your definition, I am an idiot for asking only for a list of bullet class names from all HLC weapons addons in one place/list that would save me time. Which would also show that original addon/mod maker was willing to support my project by helping me obtain info for speeding my work. Could I got all names from CfgAmmo ingame? Yes I could have, but is it easier to receive text file with complete list without of need downloading all HLC files and going into game and backwards? Yes it is. Both RHS and Massi saw no problem or big deal as you make it with helping me to obtain their classnames. As for "Do you really need acknowledgement and appreciation to get motivated to start working on something? If so, you might be doing things for the wrong reasons." Please go and ask any, any mod maker that release his work to public, this same question. Guess what would be an answer. Do you think that, e.g. Toadie would continue to work on his HLC if he had received mostly bad reviews? And I'm still waiting for his answer, it's you two who went over dramatic. Do you really think that I'm sitting all day in front on my PC and just waiting to get answer from one author? No, I have other project I'm also working on, not to mention I have other real life obligations that I have to take care of, which also means I have to plan my day. And I'm done explain my self to you people.
  4. Does that means, In short I should keep my mouth closed and move along?
  5. That covers 1st reason, but what about second reason, it someone doesn't appreciated what I'm trying to make (e.g. not willing to help me), then should I make it?
  6. FoxFort

    Blastcore Tracers A3

    Hmm, so signature problem is still present. I also got same reports from users of my other A3 addons. But I don't have that problem. I'll look into it. Thanks for heads-up, Lordprimate.
  7. I don't get your term "entitled", entitled for what? All I said was, when I talked to RHS and to Massi they were happy that I contacted them and they shared needed information with me. Which means two things, they don't mind I did it and they gave me some help. Toadie doesn't have to do anything for me. I offered to make BCT compatibility patch for HLC. Toadie can easily and bluntly say "Look, I don't care" and I would be fine with that I would not even be mad. Until I get reply from Toadie I'm simply not going to do anything, no biggie.
  8. True, but I work faster when reading from config file while making my own config at the same time and with HLC weapons it's little different, because HLC has multiple addons released and I only use AK pack. So I'm not really into downloading all of HLC addon and to "read" them all. I was hoping to get some kind of support from HLC with 2 reasons: 1. to have their consent to make it (it doesn't hurt to ask), 2 Since I'll be doing all the job at least some help I receive would be nice. Both RHS and Massi were wiling to do their part of the "job" in order to make this addon. So far I haven't got any kind of reply from HLC maker and I won't be making BCT tracers for them.
  9. Nice working with you mate. New version is ready.
  10. FoxFort

    Blastcore Tracers A3

    Lordprimate, I hope that Opticalsnare wouldn't mind for my version, primary since he wrote on this thread: "Freely allowed to de-pbo, edit and republish" and "they (BCT) are free to be modded by whoever." accuracythruvolume, that's part of Blastcore: Phoenix, so I won't be touching it. Anyway, new version is ready, try it it and tell me what you think: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29359
  11. FoxFort

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I have updated Blastcore Tracers to support RHS: Escalation ammunition, you can download it from here: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29359 Check it out and tell me what you think.
  12. I not interested in going through anyone's config without first having some kind of response from owner. Plus if I could get some help, like in this case having all ammo class names written it would be great.
  13. FoxFort

    Blastcore Tracers A3

    There is a changelog on Armaholic link. Plus right now I'm making compatibility patch for RHS weapons.
  14. Yo toadie2k. I've been working with Blastcore tracers addon and I would like to make compatibility option. In order to make HLC weapons to work with Blastcore tracers, I need from you. Class names of all your bullets, I presume it's something like "hlc_762x39_ball". Now if you please post the list here or send me in the PM, that would be great. Cheers http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29359
  15. Yo Massi. I've been working with Blastcore tracers addon and I would like to make compatibility option. In order to make Massi weapons to work with Blastcore tracers, I need from you. Class names of all your bullets, I presume it's something like "bla_762x39_ball". Now if you please post the list here or send me in the PM, that would be great. Cheers http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29359
  16. FoxFort

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Yo RHS guys and gals or it's just guys? I've been working with Blastcore tracers addon and I would like to make RHS compatibility option. In order to make RHS: Escalation to work with Blastcore tracers, I need from you people. Class names of all your bullets, I presume it's something like "rhs_762x39_ball". Now if you please post the list here or send me in the PM, that would be great. Cheers http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29359
  17. FoxFort

    Blastcore Tracers A3

    This was made for Vanilla ammo. So if weapon mod uses A3 ammo then it will work correctly. I've tried it with RHS and HLC weapons, but both RHS and HLC uses it's own ammo. And tracers look little weird.
  18. FoxFort

    Blastcore Tracers A3

    Hey Opticalsnare, I have made some changes on your "Blastcore Tracers A3" and released it on Armaholic. Please check it out and tell me what you think. Also check your Armaholic PM. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29359
  19. FoxFort

    Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) [v0.90]

    I see. What about grenade launcher, does it work? I see you have model ready to fire. You could code a special magazine to have special value of zero damage and to act as an activation bullet for grenade. In short if fires but it does no damage but it's needed to fire grenade. It is possible but I have no idea how to do it. LOL :D
  20. Sounds to me like other people don't have that addon installed. Are you sure that everyone else have your addon installed?
  21. MAJOR SPOILERS !!! I thought the Campaign to be an average. Nothing worth remembering. And I didn't like ending. What was that. So you decided not to help Miller and you bomb AAF you win it's over, medals bla bla. But if you decide to help miller, you capture that device and suddenly CSAT counter invasion is in process and you're S** out of luck. So my question is. How come entire NATO force on Altis didn't had someone else to guide bombing at the same time you were driving device. And if CSAT counter invasion was in process, shouldn't you encounter CSAT counter invasion force as you were finishing the bombing AAF? If CSAT decide to fight back then destroying last weak AAF force wouldn't not stop them. Lame endings, rushed. Now "Operation Flashpoint: Resistance" had excellent campaign, I've finished it a 5+ years ago and I still remember few missions. Damn what a good game.
  22. FoxFort

    Altis Special Police Unit

    Nah, AAF got nice Wildcat helicopter. No need for new helicopter.
  23. FoxFort

    Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) [v0.90]

    Colors look little different, is this from 3D max?
  24. FoxFort

    Altis Special Police Unit

    New version 1.30 is now ready. As always use MediaFire link, other links will be updated shortly.