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Everything posted by ussrlongbow

  1. It is easy with making a mod, changing the config of a vehicle, with script would be a bit more complicated. Anyway, that makes no sense, as AA gun is damn good against infantry.
  2. ussrlongbow

    strange performance drop in SQF

    After re-installing Arma, observing same result, if you are curious - https://www.dropbox.com/s/9qj11uf210jjdw5/adis.VR.zip?dl=0 just open in editor and run code snippets I posted here.
  3. The SQF syntax for Vim has been updated. Changes: Fixed ftdetect All commands from version 1.64.138732 Support for functions from mods: ACE,CUP,TFAR,ALIVE
  4. ussrlongbow

    strange performance drop in SQF

    About 10 times (dispersion was less than 1% in each measurement), tried also game and system restart. Same result on stable and profiling branches.
  5. ussrlongbow

    strange performance drop in SQF

    I passed '1' instead if _this to run in debug console
  6. ussrlongbow

    strange performance drop in SQF

    As you could see from my second post loading image is not the case.
  7. ussrlongbow

    strange performance drop in SQF

    fast update, reorganized a function a bit, getting the expected 0.04ms result, with this code disableSerialization; _index = 1; _display = uiNamespace getVariable "ADIS_MENU_DISPLAY"; _arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]; if (_index in _arr) then { _arr deleteAt (_index - 1); (_display displayCtrl (66310 + _index)) ctrlSetText (format ["addons\longbow\adis\icons\s%1.paa",_index]); _arr apply { (_display displayCtrl 66310 + _x) ctrlSetText ""; }; }; but original question is still open, why performance drop happens in the first place.
  8. ussrlongbow

    IR Strobe attached to helmet.

    https://github.com/ussrlongbow/RWT/blob/master/rwt.Altis/RWT/functions/forPlayers/fn_toggleLights.sqf example: // attach CSAT IR ["ir_csat"] call RWT_fnc_toggleLights; // detach IR or chemlight [""] call RWT_fnc_toggleLights; Not a ready to use solution, but you have "addAction" ;)
  9. I have and idea of implementing a scripted permissions system for Arma 3, which could be used alongside with other scripts/addons to provide some specific players with specific permissions. Since there are multiple ways to realize it in code, I decided to start this thread to gather some information and make a decision (to be or not to be) if it is worth to start this activity. Some general assumptions: 1.) In mission we define a set of privileges, where a privilege is a flag that someone can do a specific action. For example. in my recent release of chat commands, HazJ, has asked if I have any plans on privilege separation, in case of that release, the privilege can be "CAN_USE_COMMAND_HELP", so if player has such privilege, he is authorized to use chat command "!help" 2.) Privileges are grouped into roles 3.) Roles are assigned to players 4.) Players by default are assigned some "Default role" which has some basic set of privileges (defined by a mission maker) 5.) Getter/setter functions: // EXAMPLE CODE // set a privilege to a player [_player_object,"ACL_ROLE_PILOTS"] call fnc_setRole; // say ACL_ROLE_PILOTS includes privilege "ACL_PRIV_CAN_USE_HELI" // and we can use this code to determine whether a player is authorized to drive helicopters _result = [_player,"ACL_PRIV_CAN_USE_HELI"] call fnc_hasPrivilege; providing a simple interface to check permissions, which just returns boolean. 6.) Roles are assigned to a player when he joing the mission, it can be done based on UID, or occupied slot. Any thoughts?
  10. Script name: Arma 3: Slot access control lists Version: 1.0 Release: https://github.com/ussrlongbow/slotacl/releases/tag/v1.0 Issues: https://github.com/ussrlongbow/slotacl/issues Source: https://github.com/ussrlongbow/slotacl Script allows to configure whitelists and blacklist for playable slots. You can restrict/allow certain players to occupy a slot. See video for demo - https://youtu.be/oaP1XGbujjw
  11. If you can log an issue to github with more examples of use cases - I can think of it :) First idea came to mind - to every command, besides "code" specify a condition - which will also be a code, returning true or false - in case of true action is done, in case of false - not, similar to condition in addAction command.
  12. johnnyboy, the usage is limited to mission's author imagination, it can be used for admins to launch admin menus, for players to have commands like !stat to display custom statistics, or !help to open mission manual. What script does: launch code associated with command. or even some chat bots, like we used to have in good old times in IRC chats.
  13. Just to foresee "interesting" questions: on github, someone stated ( https://github.com/ussrlongbow/chatcom/issues/1 ) this script is a copy of Conroy's Chat Intercept script https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/171047-release-execute-scriptscode-via-chat-commands/ Yet the idea is the same, the approach and implementation is completely different.
  14. Updated skeleton to version 1.3, see changelog for more details. Several cool scripts are coming packaged for A3MS!
  15. there is a little fix which is needed, I have not put ftdetect file to the repo - in cases you use some plugins for vim - it may break the syntax highlight after preprocessors commands.
  16. While I was seeing dreams, github blocked my account for some reason, I will upload it to onedrive/dropbox shortly
  17. I did not type it manually, all lines with commands and functions were generated by a script. 6-7 hours in total (including coffee breaks)
  18. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Revive_remastered
  19. How do you understand the role, and what are the differences between roles that you are expecting?
  20. ussrlongbow

    please help with this

    First of all, name your topic well, so it was clear what is the subject of your search. Second, read this article at wiki https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Dedicated_Server Third, questions regarding configuring server should go to https://forums.bistudio.com/forum/159-arma-3-servers-administration/
  21. The skeleton has been updated to version 1.2 New additions: a3skeleton\colors.hpp Contains the definitions of official HTML colors in two options: With transparency level - COLORT_XYZ(A), where A is a numeric value between 0 and 1. Just solid color - COLORS_XYZ, where XYZ - is a specific HTML color name in CamelCase, with transparency level set to 1 Example: #include "a3skeleton\colors.hpp" // already included in A3MS's description.ext // your dialog classes go here, and you want to specify text color of a specific control controlText[] = COLORT_Red(0.5); // will get replaced by preprocessor to // {1,0,0,0.5} // example of just solid color colorBackground[] = COLORS_Black;
  22. AFAIK, there was a way with spawning a gamelogic with loaded launcher then force this gamelogic to place that launcher in ground weapon holder
  23. Try T8 Units, using it for my Sector Control mission and works just awesome