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Everything posted by dopeex

  1. The link for the Steam Workshop does not work, would it be possible to publish the mod there again?
  2. ok've encountered an error. Save now works super, but a player will be saved under its id and the load is not yet as the player. thereby the ki loaded and when connecting player he lands in the stored ki. Not under his id stored position which also relates to the inventory.
  3. ok first a big thanks for your update here's an idea for your mission, for example. that works better initServer.sqf: saveServer.sqf: EDIT: I still lack a solution, the first time to create the file and save it. so not everything is deleted. but that may be only the first time when the DB is not available yet.
  4. all located on our root server. I'm actually not a fan of someone to let up. But if only there is a chance that it helps then we can try it a lot. When it is best for you? do you have Skype? My name Skype is "Dopex22"
  5. No. I have all other mods etc. removed, the only thing that will be loaded is inidbi2.
  6. I tried it. If I understand it correctly, then after a test.ini in inidbi2 / db should be, she does not !? But inidbi2 seems to work, because the oo_pdw.ini is created. Or have I got that wrong.
  7. I have now once again put everything I've tried it with and without BattlEye etc. and always the same, the db file and the .rpt will always look exactly the same. inidbi2 runs definitely. I am really at a loss...
  8. So i have cleaned up my server and install inidbi2 and the mission clear and it is the same result... .rpt file: http://pastebin.com/E2kS8xNa
  9. Okay the new version 0.7 with inidbi2 from here http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29823and your example mission... result: So what you see above is the result, if I with inidbi2 on the server loading the mission and then go up. When I start a multiplayer mission, with the example mission and inidbi2 on my PC, then I land without clothes and all somewhere on the map ... what am I doing wrong I do not understand ... I mean with you it will work but otherwise you would not publish it. here is the .rpt file from server http://pastebin.com/zKXVHaYM
  10. This: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tn47aag6t9m41a7/oo_pdw.altis.zip?dl=0 with inidbi - v1.4 and your mission test that is there with it, in order to understand how this works. Without a functioning test mission, I'll never understand how I need to adjust my own mission. I also tried your version from git, with inidbi2 but there is the same test mission there which was apparently not brought up to date, was certainly my impression. Also I did not get to run.
  11. This is the result of your example mission and I have not made any changes to it.
  12. It does not save anything because it does not work With the mission for the mydb.ini looks like and nothing is too loaded
  13. Hello, how to read already in the title, I am looking for people who have loss ARMA III to play in Roleplay prefer the Bundeswehr Mod Soon I anticipate can not join a solid clan, because I am a leader and founder of a pretty sizable multi gaming clan. However, there is the interest in ARMA not very big, so I'm looking either a group in which I can gladly declined to fight sporadically or even individual players. A server is available, have from boredom times one installed on our clan root with the most important mods. Greetings Alex --- Hallo, wie schon in der Überschrift zu lesen, suche ich nette leute die lust haben ARMA III im RolePlay zu spielen am liebsten mit dem Bundeswehr Mod. Gleich vorweg ich kann keinem festen Clan beitreten, da ich selbst Leader und Gründer eines recht ansehnlichen Multigaming Clans bin. Allerdings ist dort das interesse an ARMA nicht sonderlich groß, deswegen Suche ich entweder eine gruppe bei der ich sporadisch mitkämpfen kann oder gern auch einzelne Spieler. Ein Server ist vorhanden, hab aus langeweile mal einen auf unseren Clan Root installiert mit den Wichtigsten Mods. Gruß Alex
  14. It runs now, no idea why it did not work before. a fault remains ...
  15. check. I have just installed it. have once again made ​​all things new, still does not work.
  16. I have the same Problem, there is now a solution for this? Server log: