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Everything posted by ice_age0815

  1. nice work lots of new stuff looks damn good in game
  2. ice_age0815

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    the good old 1911 nice work looks good
  3. ice_age0815

    Weapon Resting & Deployment Feedback

    Still like to see an icon or make it so you can turn it on an of in settings or something still a game just my 2 cents
  4. ice_age0815

    [Terrain] Kandahar Province - WIP

    that would be nice thanks for all your hard work
  5. ice_age0815

    Leopard 2A6

    nice model looks good are you gne make it so it works with rhs ? that would be nice
  6. ice_age0815

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    works for me have no porblem with that
  7. ice_age0815

    [Terrain] Kandahar Province - WIP

    thanks for the info
  8. ice_age0815

    [Terrain] Kandahar Province - WIP

    i like it looks good one more map i cant wait to get my hands on what addons you are using to make this map ?
  9. ice_age0815

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    dont have that problem that Opfor groups seem to kill
  10. nice work looks good hope to see more german stuff soon
  11. Hmm have to ask you guys have a little sneak peek of the carry? Just wondering that's all
  12. ice_age0815


    That would be cool so you can use them all together where thinking about that to too but you beat me to it
  13. ice_age0815

    Weapon Resting & Deployment Feedback

    LIKE TO SEE icon indicator FOR THE WEAPONS
  14. ice_age0815

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    But it has a god thing to ai is not so dump any more
  15. Bin working on some rhs mission my self but would like to see something like that hope this works out
  16. ice_age0815

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    there keeped one shooting me 300 to 500 meter away one shoot kills
  17. ice_age0815

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    so i think i got it to work the mission i am playing uses eos and AI skill i set to this looks like it is working mod used RHS CBA TFR a arma 3 1.4 // INFANTRY SKILL _InfskillSet = [ 0.2, // aimingAccuracy 0.80, // aimingShake 0.3, // aimingSpeed 0.4, // spotDistance 0.4, // spotTime 1, // courage 1, // reloadSpeed 1, // commanding 1 // general
  18. ice_age0815

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    yes it is bad cant wait to get it fixed its driving me nuts bcombat never used it normaly i use vcom ai so it cuts down on downloading addons
  19. ice_age0815

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Is there a way to make ai shoot less accurate? If so like to know plz using rhs mod and new up date there are like super good with ak 200 to 300 meters
  20. ice_age0815

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Is there a way to calm the ai down there are like super snipers with AK lol
  21. ice_age0815

    Rydygier's Trivia Vault

  22. ice_age0815

    Leights OPFOR Pack

    hi do you have the class names some where if so i cant see then there are not in the download folder looking for them to put into EOS
  23. ice_age0815

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    just look on steam there are some good missions