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About Fugis

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  1. Today many of my players have been experiencing major FPS drops (down to ~5FPS). Not sure what exactly it is. It's definitely something to do with Zeus. Most of the players are only experiencing the drop when in the Zeus interface. I'm running an AMD 7750 card and only see the FPS drop while in the Zeus interface. Others on Nvidia are seeing the drop when in the interface or when another player is in the interface. Possibly linked to the weather sync but I'm not sure. It only started today, but maybe yesterday's patch could've caused it. Due to the clear weapon bug we weren't even able to load the mission yesterday to see if the Weather sync was the cause or not. Anyone else experiencing major FPS drops or have a solution?
  2. Fugis

    Custom Zeus MP Gamemode Spawn Menu

    As of right now I don't believe this is possible, but you do have two options. The first option would be to place the gear down in ammo boxes for you troops, but you'd have to do this each time they respawn. That would be time consuming and not very efficient. The other more viable option would be to add Virtual Ammo Box to your mission and allow the troops to kit themselves. The problem is that the Zeus doesn't have direct control over their gear with the VAS. But the respawn issue isn't a factor as long as the soldiers save their loadout and select load on respawn in the VAS menu. Just thought of this option though I'm not exactly sure how to implement it. You could add the gear you want on each soldier's init line in the editor and remove the respawn class menu script from the mission file. Not even sure if this would work. I am still new to mission editing. I'm not sure if you respawn if you are the same soldier entity that was in the editor and would therefore have the same init line.
  3. Fugis

    Zeus Scripting

    I'd like this thread to be about helping each other utilizing custom scripts with Zeus. I'll start I guess. I've got VAS and Zealot's fast roping script working pretty easily. I wanted to add Igi_load but it just wasn't initializing at all. I had it working when I tested it in a private LAN and when I previewed it in the editor but couldn't get it to work on our dedicated. The other script I wanted to get working was the TAW view distance script. It just comes up with an error about something wrong happened and cannot open.
  4. Fugis

    Custom Zeus MP Gamemode Spawn Menu

    Was running my mission last night no major problems. Seems the update this morning has skewed the respawn classes. The classes don't show up and it pops up with the line error concerning respawn classes. Anyone know a work around?
  5. I'm looking to get a portion of your script working with Zues. I want the player to be able to disarm mines and IEDs placed by Zeus as long as they have a toolkit. Anyway someone could give me a hand on how to script that?
  6. Fugis

    Realistic repair script

    Really like this script. It works with Zeus spawned vehicles which is the main reason I'm looking into it. I've modified it so that the toolkit has to be in your inventory, got rid of the free repairs, and it no longer deletes the toolkit. I'm attempting to mimic this script and set it so that anyone with a tool kit can deactivate/disarm mines and IEDs.
  7. Fugis

    Custom Zeus MP Gamemode Spawn Menu

    Been trying to add custom loadouts but this is the error I get when trying to load the file in the editor: Fugis_Zeus_Remix.Altis\description.ext, line88: '/CfgRespawnInventory.Class':'W' encountered instead of '=' I found the solution to this. After trying a bunch of different options to allow 17 different classes I had to settle for 10 (WEST0-WEST9). Now what I'm running into is that the Repair Specialist can't repair vehicles. (Don't know if this is because the class system is basically creating a Rifleman with Repair Spec Gear or if it's something wrong with the Repair Specialist.) Every solution I found on the net required using object init lines which you can't input into vehicles spawned by Zeus. Any solutions? I found this and it works pretty good and is really easy. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23532 If anyone can help me figure out how to remove the code that "deletes" the toolkit after a repair though I'd be happy. Now I'm looking into adding the ability to disarm, mines and explosives. Any Suggestions? (If the pattern follows I'll have it found before anyone responds. lol.) From what I'm seeing is that the actual class of the player is determined by the editor not by the respawn. the respawn just seems to kit you that gear. I believe. I'm going to try changing their class in the editor from Rifleman to Explosive specialist and see how that works out. That seems to work pretty well. They still need a toolkit but they don't have to spawn as Exp. Specialist or Engineer. And now everyone can repair as long as they have a tool kit.
  8. Fugis

    Manipulate preplaced objects?

    care to elaborate on how you got it to properly sync?
  9. Fugis

    The tons of crashing?

    I think some of my crashes have to do with visible players. Not really sure, but I've had multiple crashes after I've set up the mission area. I'll Return to the players to brief them and that's when it crashes.
  10. Fugis

    Zeus Feature Request Thread

    1. The ability to over rule A.I. or to use some sort of prisoner behavior. (Tired of my kidnapped civilians scattering like cockroaches.) 2. Ability to assign objectives to units. (IE: Kill this Officer) 3. Ability to set units to patrol in a loop of set waypoints. (May already be implemented but I couldn't figure it out.) 4. A better control scheme for lifting units off the ground. (Like hold alt and scroll wheel?)