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About masterking3000

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  1. Can you execute scripts when leaving the area? I need an example please.
  2. You mean something like this? class Item9 { position[]={6057.55,0,2491.35}; a=100; b=100; activationBy="WEST"; repeating=1; interruptable=1; age="UNKNOWN"; name="base"; expCond="{_x distance thistrigger > 200 } count [man1,man2,man3] != 0"; expActiv="base = [] execVM ""custom\map_updates\base_entry.sqf"";"; expDesactiv="null =[] execVM ""custom\map_updates\base_leave.sqf"";"; class Effects { titleType="TEXT"; titleEffect="PLAIN DOWN"; title="You are in a Adminbase! You will be warned!"; }; };
  3. How does you finish it? I want the same. Want to execute a script if someone leave the area.