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Everything posted by _roberto_

  1. _roberto_


    can't wait to play jared leto :dancehead:
  2. _roberto_

    [WIP] CUP Frigate Retextures

    there is a static model from the arleigh bruke class already in arma 3..its a port from modder.. maybe you can talk to him https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/185799-arleigh-burke-class-destroyer-ship-a2-port/
  3. _roberto_

    [WIP] CUP Frigate Retextures

    Very nice, looks great! Wasn't there a Destroyer too in Arma 2?
  4. Very nice work keep it on! A question .. what tanks will they get? Old soviet tanks (t-55,t-62,t-72) or old western tanks like the M60..? Or maybe some modern tanks like the M1A1, Leclcer,T-90 or a Lepoard 2?
  5. how about some new Textuers? like this desert variant ? or just a brown one ?
  6. So the yugoslavian union is against the Prussian-Empire but secretly supportet by the Pruissans..? :huh:
  7. _roberto_

    Prussian Empire Mod

    Nice i think they look very great! How about using diffrent verisons? I mean there are many differnt camouflage from all the Prussian Empire Nations Beside the German Flacktarn( or just the colors) I really like the Danish M/84 Camo I also like this modern camo version from the Netherlands
  8. _roberto_

    Prussian Empire Mod

    I love this Scenario! How will the Infantry look like?(Camo-Equipment) And what for ground vehicles(Jeeps,Trucks) will the Troops use?
  9. Can't wait to play it! In the last time if been very ofent in this region! (MTK) Nice Work!
  10. Great work! I really like your fictional setting! do you already know which weapons the other units use? I have some suggestions if you don't ^_^ AT: Nlaw would fit good! or maybe a Pzf3 or a M72 from a mod/port MP: the PDW2000.. i think its very similar to the mp7 Sniper-recon rifle: M320 and Mk-1Emr Lmg: i think the Mk200 and the Navid would fit good.. or maybe a m249 from a mod/port Pistol: i think it would be very cool if you could get the M9 Beretta from anywhere :) and here a little suggestion to the vehicles :) i would take the warrior instead of the namer..the warrior is more simiular to the Dardo.. and i think some smaller jeeps like the http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27296would fit good addiotnal to the fenneks i think it lookes weird when you are always driving in a armored car.. i can't wait to see more of your work! i wish you good luck with the project! B)
  11. i didn't now that there is a real story in the halo unvierus behind the Insurrectionists!:confused: i thought they are a invention from the team :) thanks for clearing this up ;)
  12. how about csat unifroms and vests..for the Insurrectionists ? i think they would look more realistic to the setting as the AAF clothings and vests..
  13. Looks amazing ! how about some retexured T72's ?:)
  14. _roberto_

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Can anyone do diffrent versions from the Pataria,Arma and from the Pandur... i'm also wondering why bohemia didn't added these 2 versions in to arma 3 ...? http://news.mydrivers.com/Img/20110803/2011080311382698.jpg (398 kB) I' mean some versions from the Pataria and the Pandur with a Cal.50 Would be great.. and a Arma with with a 30mm would be also nice.. Here some links: Pataria http://www.military-today.com/apc/patria_amv.htm Arma http://www.military-today.com/apc/arma.htm Pandur 2 http://www.military-today.com/apc/pandur_2.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pandur_II
  15. Hey Guys Is it possible to bring the Wilhelm Scream in to Arma 3 ? It would be very funny when somebody is dying ingame and then this famous sound appears :bounce3: Here a video for all these people how don't now what the Wilhelm Scream is.
  16. NICE WORK! how about some Sig's ? :)
  17. _roberto_

    Wilhelm Scream

    I'm sorry for what i've done to you..
  18. _roberto_

    Wilhelm Scream

    Thank You !
  19. _roberto_

    [DMI] Swiss Army Pack

    Hi neodragon nice work. I also started to work on some Swiss Units but i have no experince in scripting. How about to working together? I'm speaking German, a little bit french and some english.
  20. At first! Really nice work guys! I love it! I have 2 proposal : How about the Bumerang and the BMPT ? Bumerang: http://www.military-today.com/apc/bumerang.htm BMPT: http://www.military-today.com/tanks/bmpt.htm
  21. Hi At first, Great work all Untis looks awsome :D I really miss the swiss untis from E3 :/ Are you working on them or have you stoped working on them ?