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Everything posted by JackusCTB

  1. JackusCTB

    proper bulletholes

    Why you guys have to think to get a 3d bullet hole? A color texture and the relative displacement map should perfectly work, without affecting performance IN ANY WAY, like we see in many other.... games.
  2. JackusCTB

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    I think mercenar1e is true, letting BIS know what features would you like to fix (or add) should be helpful to both sides. Should be a real dream to get the animated sprites as particle... see what the Project Reality devs did on a 2005 game!
  3. Try this: http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8435/7982116978_6fdcdd1170_o.png
  4. JackusCTB

    Real Armor Mod

    I admit my mistake.. I compared the ArmA weapons to the USA counterpart (see Javelin), so for me the Titan AT was the Javelin, the Titan AA the Stinger and the PCML would've been an M136 (AT4) or a SMAW. Looking from another point of view, the reality, you are 100% correct, therefore the Titan AT should have both Electro-optical and IR guidance (dir and top), while the PCML would have the PLOS and Top attack only guidance, right?
  5. JackusCTB

    Real Armor Mod

    Shouldn't the Titan AT have top attack feature, instead of the PCML? The Titan is the 2035 version of the FGM-148, more or less...
  6. Thanks to you for improving a little bit the game! And now that I'm here, will there be proper water particles instead of the terrain explosion, for example for missile, grenade launcher, rocket launcher, etc...?
  7. Hello DarkDruid, would it be possible to replace the stock ArmA III fire with this new "module" fire? http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=17040 Regards.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYUrbOvzlsQ&t=0m45s That's one explosion... This simulator is indeed very well done, at least in the visual sector. BI, take example.
  9. JackusCTB

    [WIP] Challenger 2 MBT UK

    How will you implement sound in this masterpiece?