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Everything posted by linux34

  1. New Arma3 Karts - Linux server -maxmem=4048 paremetre error new update is runnig in Linux server. But with 40 fps When I start server : arma3server -maxmem=4048 , cant start CTF maps..
  2. I install new Arma3 Server under Ubuntu 13.10 Linux. And...standart 50fps. https://scontent-b-fra.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/t31.0-8/1801392_10152340293136575_1963900033621460576_o.jpg (260 kB)
  3. Hi. We have Arma3 Linux Server. But i change config, basic cfg. But I can't see 50 fps in v1.12 ver!! Can enaybody say for me, Is in v1.12 sever stable 40 fps? Or I have a bad config ? Thanks. Server: tok3.dyndns.org Xeon cpu 8core 32gb ram 100mbit Web: Trarmy.com
  4. Hi. We are Turkish Arma3 Clan. |ToK| We have 3 server. 1. Server: Germany: Xeon cpu 8core 32 gb ram 100mbit 2. and 3. Server in TURKEY / Ä°stanbul xeon 8 core and 4 core 4gb and 2 gb... we have starting all maps for testing. but all server is max. 40 fps !! Arma3 1.12 Linux server can work 50 fps ?? Or my config is bad? What is the problem?? Thanks. |ToK| Linux Web: TRARMY.com
  5. I start 3 arma3-1.14 Linux server. but max. FPS is 39 ! With CTF corridor and alone. Can we see 50fps in Linux Server with 1.14 ?! ---------- Post added at 20:39 ---------- Previous post was at 20:38 ---------- I start 3 arma3-1.14 Linux server. but max. FPS is 39 ! With CTF corridor and alone. Can we see 50fps in Linux Server with 1.14 ?!
  6. I have 3 Server, but all server are working with 40fps !!! Hi. We are Turkish Arma3 Clan. |ToK| We have 3 server. 1. Server: Germany: Xeon cpu 8core 32 gb ram 100mbit 2. and 3. Server in TURKEY / Ä°stanbul xeon 8 core and 4 core 4gb and 2 gb... we have starting all maps for testing. but all server is max. 40 fps !! Arma3 1.12 Linux server can work 50 fps ?? Or my config is bad? What is the problem?? Thanks. |ToK| Linux Web: TRARMY.com
  7. Hi. I have ArmA3 server with Ubuntu Server Linux 13.10 Server starting with 4gb ram. I need help. What is min ram to 30 player? Can 30 players play this similation with 4gb? Thanks. TRARMY.com |Turkish Army| ArmA3 Clan
  8. TOK - Turkish ArmA3 Clan ** TRARMY.com **
  9. linux34

    Arma 3 FanArt
