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Posts posted by jshock

  1. Well, myself and a friend are currently having issues with downloading it off of the workshop...not entirely sure what the problem is. It says that my mod is updated and it tries to download but then it cancels itself and tries again 5 minutes later, but never updates....anyone had a similar issue like this before?


    Seems like a general workshop issue atm.


    It's all fixed now :D.

  2. UPDATE: v0.5.2 is LIVE

    OP mirror links updated.


    I apologize for the time it took to push another update and the fact I still haven't done a video on basic usage yet. This update brings a much needed MP fix and the ability to affect AI. Hopefully that will curb some peoples frustrations :smile_o:.




    -PUBLIC v0.5.2

            -Added Gear Settings Module (for vests and uniforms)
            -Added Player Settings Module (damage handle options)
            -Added AI Settings Module (damage handle options for editor placed and spawned AI)
            -Fixed critical error in MP where area information was not accessible to connected clients
            -Fixed an RPT error that would occur in fn_addArea
            -Changed the names of most of the modules to make them easier to follow in the editor interface
            -Global Settings Module

    • Like 3

  3. Hm, try this instead:


    private _playerCnt = count (allPlayers select { !(_x in (entities "HeadlessClient_F")) });
    private _inThreshold = 4 / GRLIB_csat_aggressivity;
    private _cap = [] call F_opforCap < GRLIB_battlegroup_cap;
    private _readiness = combat_readiness >= 70;
    private _fps = diag_fps > 15.0;
    if (_inThreshold && _cap && _readiness && _fps) then 
    	[] spawn spawn_battlegroup;



    private _playerCnt = count (allPlayers select { !(typeOf _x isEqualTo "HeadlessClient_F")) });
    private _inThreshold = 4 / GRLIB_csat_aggressivity;
    private _cap = [] call F_opforCap < GRLIB_battlegroup_cap;
    private _readiness = combat_readiness >= 70;
    private _fps = diag_fps > 15.0;
    if (_inThreshold && _cap && _readiness && _fps) then 
    	[] spawn spawn_battlegroup;


  4. When in doubt, spread it out:


    private _playerCnt = ((count (allPlayers - entities "HeadlessClient_F")) >= (4 / GRLIB_csat_aggressivity));
    private _cap = [] call F_opforCap < GRLIB_battlegroup_cap;
    private _readiness = combat_readiness >= 70;
    private _fps = diag_fps > 15.0;
    if (_playerCnt && _cap && _readiness && _fps) then 
    	[] spawn spawn_battlegroup;

    You were missing a parenthesis in the ocean of parentheses that you were using. The above is just a bit cleaner.

  5. I wouldn't know how to calculate the G-forces enacted on the player (hopefully someone else can do maths). The following would be placed in your initPlayerLocal.sqf:


    fnc_addPilotMaskSound =
    	params [["_unit",objNull,[objNull]]];
    	if (isNull _unit) exitWith { diag_log "fnc_addPilotMaskSound: Unit provided was undefined!"; };
    	private _timeStandard = 5; //adjust as necessary
    	private _classesOfHelmets = ["myHelmetClassname","myOtherHelmet"]; //adjust as necessary
    	//private _threshold = someCalcuation/constantNumber; //adjust as necessary when you find out how to calc gForce
    	private _mySoundClass = "mySoundClassname"; //adjust as necessary
    	while {alive _unit} do
    		private _inPlane = (vehicle _unit) isKindOf "Plane";
    		private _hasHelmet = (headgear _unit) in _classesOfHelmets;
    		private _timeBetweenBreath = _timeStandard;
    		if (_inPlane) then
    			if (_hasHelmet) then
    					private _gForce = someHow get gForce calculations;
    					if (_gForce > _threshold) then 
    						_timeBetweenBreath = somethingLessThanPreviouslyDefined; 
    				playSound _mySoundClass;
    		sleep _timeBetweenBreath;
    [player] spawn fnc_addPilotMaskSound;
    player addEventHandler
    		params ["_newUnit"];
    		[_newUnit] spawn fnc_addPilotMaskSound;


  6. I honestly think it's going to be your CPU overall. I run on mostly ultra with occasional high settings and I normally stay around 50-60 unless a server is really loaded with people/AI/objects/etc.


    My specs:


    i5 4690k (no O.C.)

    MSI 960 4GB

    8GB 1866Hz RAM


  7. Just now, loopdk said:

    Is there a mission file with small guide for all moduls?

    No, not yet, the feature list on the OP is the closest I've got to a guide atm. I've been meaning to put a video or something similar together on basic usage of all the modules but I've been a bit busy the past couple days and wanted to get this hotfix out there first.

    • Like 2

  8. UPDATE: HOTIFX FOR v0.5.1 is LIVE

        -new version: v0.5.1h

    OP mirror links updated.




    -PUBLIC v0.5.1h

            -Added aim down sight functionality to allow the mask overlay to still be displayed when aiming down your weapon
            -Added further DEBUG handling on gear arrays to ensure classnames provided exist, will provide rpt feedback otherwise
            -Fixed initialization issue with "JSHK_contam_aiAutoRecovery" which would error out when player was in recovery
            -Fixed initialization issue with "JSHK_contam_maskTypeOfGear" which caused spamming rpt messages when the Mask Settings Module was not present
            -Fixed "delete on destroy" handling with add area module


    • Like 1

  9. 6 hours ago, Sill2 said:

    Here's what i've got active and its not working. Now i have tried all kinds of combinations with synced modules and synced units to modules and all kinds of crazy combinations to search for something that might work but no combination did work. I also had tries when i had items separated by commas written down in the gasmask module since it dosent have to be a gasmask that protects you. But that didnt work either. Here are screenshots of my modules and the player rifleman who's testing the gas. And in the box is his gasmask.



    Issue resolved, was using the display name of the mask, not the classname. Simple and easy fix :thumb:.

    • Like 2

  10. Got busy yesterday and didn't have time to put together the example, sorry!


    @Sill2 first problem I see (which I gather from the first picture) is you have two Mask Settings modules, you should only need one. Go ahead and change the MOPP level of the area to level one. Put the classname of your mask in one of the three options (M50, Two-eyed, Open) in the Mask Settings module (I recommend two-eyed since you're using the S10). Though you do have the overaly disabled, so I guess it won't really matter. The other thing to double check is that the mask actually inherits from and is classfied as "goggles" and not headgear, otherwise you would need to change the option that says "Head/Goggles: Use Goggles as Mask" to "Use Headgear as Mask". And just to be complete, you do know that you have to be a minimum of 100 meters away before your detector starts detecting (cold zone radius) and 50 meters away before damage is applied when you don't have the required gear (hot zone radius). In your case since you are using the module position and not a synced object the "object zone radius" doesn't do anything. You can of course change those values at will.


    If none of that works, I'm not particularly sure what the problem could be. So put down a debug module, enable it, start your mission get your mask on and go into the area. Once you're there take off your mask for a few seconds then put it back on. Back out to the editor and send me your RPT file (found in: C:\Users\YourFancyUsernameHere\AppData\Local\Arma 3).



    EDIT: Make sure the mask classname has no quotations, just the classname by itself. (i.e. not "My_mask" but My_mask)

  11. When you run "count units _ambushers" and put it in the "_cnt" variable, "_cnt" stays the same as when you initially do it, so if _cnt doesn't equal zero when you reach the waitUntil you have an infinite loop that will never exit.


    Do this instead:


    _ambushers = group ambusher;
    _cnt = count units _ambushers;
    if (_cnt > 0) then 
    titleText ["CREWMAN: TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH! SHOOT THEM!", "PLAIN DOWN", 4]; titleFadeOut 1;
    waitUntil {(count units _ambushers) == 0};


    • Like 1

  12. @TrueMonolith

    I've known about the ADS issue since initial release, was kinda waiting for someone to say something. I'll look into it, its the matter of handling the status of the player camera when you do ADS.


    @Eogos && @festivalmatt && @BruceALMIGHTYY

    Yes, Zeus modules are planned. I suck with GUIs or else they would have been included in the initial release. Just keep an eye out for them. And as far as documentation goes, it's virtually non-existent, I plan on working on that as soon as I can get this thing a bit more stable. But until then you guys are free to send me a PM with a list of what modules you have down, screenshots of those settings, screenshots of the general setup in the editor and your general intent of the mission to see if I can get you going ( @Sill2 that goes for you as well). My apologies on that front.


    Thanks all for your support, keep the questions and excitement rollin'!



    As a side note, I'm thinking about doing "video documentation", well more of a "how to" usage series on this, since I'm too busy/lazy whatever to really write out documentation. I'll let you know what I decide.

    • Like 3

  13. UPDATE: PUBLIC v0.5.1 is LIVE








    Changelog (PUBLIC v0.5.1):

            -Added Bikey (and associated folder)
            -Added Vehicle Settings Module
                -Which will now allow users to input classnames of vehicles, vehicle variable names, and as well as sync the module to any vehicles that will be designated among the "safe vehicles" while in contaminated areas.
            -Added unitInit function to clean up the overall initialization of units
            -Added a logging function that allows for an infinite number of variables and their associated values to be logged to the rpt when in DEBUG mode
            -Fixed a logic error in the damage recovery function
            -Fixed an error with the time to death functionality (where a player would die instantaneously when without gear and exposed to an area)
            -Fixed a variable handling error that kept the mask overlay from displaying
            -Changed the name of the damage handle loop from fn_condLoop to fn_damageCondLoop
            -Changed the name of the detector sound loop from fn_inAreaLoop to fn_detectorSoundLoop
            -Removed drop-down option for "Mask Overlay Type" in the Mask Settings Module (was redundant given the class pools)


    The OP will be updated in time. And as with any update please let me know if there are any major and immediate issues!!

    • Like 2

  14. 9 minutes ago, TrueMonolith said:

    About the ACE mod, I have tested it in various scenarios and interestingly, everytime I tried going into the hot zone with an unshielded character I took quite some time to die. Will test again and update you on this!

    Yea, I had a function attempt to grab a variable that no longer existed (because I changed something somewhere) and the value defaulted out to -1, which isn't a good value to judge time on, lol. But it should be fixed now nonetheless. I don't know why yours would be working fine....coding at its best.
