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pvt. partz

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Everything posted by pvt. partz

  1. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Blacklist vehicles seems to work, at least on a couple of quick splendid camera views. I did see a CUP vehicle and was going to try to find those classnames in a similar way. Blacklist Weapons and Ammo will have to wait and see 'till actual game play. note: Even with Bi vehicles taken out, there is still that heaping pile of exploding Unsung vehicles. This has nothing to do with Pilgrimage. It's that the terrain of Prei has so few open spaces to allow vehicles to be placed. [ [east,configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "UInfantry" >> "OIA_GuardSentry"], [east,configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "UInfantry" >> "OIA_GuardTeam"], [east,configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "UInfantry" >> "OIA_GuardSquad"] ]; I had looked at this some time ago and wondered if those could be changed. I think before I get to that however, I would like to see in game if any or at least a lot less default units spawn because now there are no BI vehicles for them to occupy. In a just a couple of flyovers, I did not see any BI groups, but that is not a sure test result. We'll see as it gets played more. Oh, one more thing I saw. In my flyover I noticed two units (Blufor) standing. They were not in a group and had no weapons. I checked my SQM file and confirmed that I hadn't mistakenly left some test characters in
  2. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Well, it take right at about 2 seconds. Maybe just a bit less, maybe just a bit more. that literally would have taken me many days if not weeks to gather. Not to mention making typos! Thank you so much. If we stop all those assets in the .rpt file from spawning, does that automatically make it impossible for default soldiers from spawning since they now cannot complete their loadout?....and if not, can the same be done for units?
  3. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    ...by either killing who ever saw you or allowing enough time to pass so that they forget you. A method of knowing if when they forgot you is in the spoiler below.
  4. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Ok,....just to confirm, here is what I've done. Insert line here; for "_i" from 0 to ((count _weapClass) - 1) do { _class = _weapClass select _i; if (isClass _class) then { _class = configName _class; _scope = getNumber (_weapClass >> _class >> "Scope"); if (_scope == 2) then { _pic = _weapClass >> _class >> "Picture"; if (isText _pic) then { _pic = toLower (getText _pic); if not (_pic in ["","\a3\weapons_f\data\clear_empty.paa"]) then { _dlc = _weapClass >> _class >> "DLC"; if ((isText _dlc) and {((toLower _class) in _dlcRestricted) and {not ((304400 in (getDLCs 1)) or {332350 in (getDLCs 1)})}}) exitWith {}; if ((toLower _class) in _myBlackList) exitWith {}; if (not (RYD_JR_Abundant) or {not (isText _dlc) or {not ((toLower (getText _dlc)) isEqualTo "kart")}}) then { if (not (RYD_JR_Abundant) or {(((toLower _class) find "u_c_driver_") < 0)}) then { then create myBlackList here; _myBlacklist = [ "b_truck_01_covered_f", "b_truck_01_mover_f", "b_truck_01_box_f", "b_truck_01_Repair_f", "b_truck_01_ammo_f", "b_truck_01_ammo_f", "b_truck_01_fuel_f", "b_truck_01_medical_f", "b_apc_wheeled_01_cannon_f", "o_truck_02_covered_f", "o_truck_02_transport_f", .....etc, etc, etc (I just happened to place it directly below your dlcRestricted section.) I'm not understanding what you mean by this line, Analogously for empty vehicles under progressLoadingScreen 0.3; line. which I have looked over in this section; progressLoadingScreen 0.3; for "_i" from 0 to ((count _vehClass) - 1) do { _class = _vehClass select _i; if (isClass _class) then { _class = configName _class; _lowClass = toLower _class; _dlc = _vehClass >> _class >> "DLC"; if (not (isText _dlc) or {not ((toLower (getText _dlc)) isEqualTo "kart")}) then { _scope = getNumber (_vehClass >> _class >> "Scope"); if (_scope == 2) then { _sim = toLower (getText (_vehClass >> _class >> "Simulation")); if (_sim in ["carx","tankx"]) then { _hasDriver = getNumber (_vehClass >> _class >> "hasDriver"); if (_hasDriver == 1) then { _vc = getText (_vehClass >> _class >> "vehicleClass"); if not (_vc in ["Autonomous"]) then { if (_lowClass in ["b_g_quadbike_01_f","b_quadbike_01_f","o_quadbike_01_f","i_quadbike_01_f"]) then { _class = "C_Quadbike_01_F" }; switch (_sim) do { case ("carx") : {RYD_JR_AllSoftV pushBack _class}; case ("tankx") : {RYD_JR_AllArmor pushBack _class}; } lastly, concerning the quadbikes, I am trying to also eliminate those and possibly replacing them with another (CUP) vehicle. What is that line which refers to quadbikes? Thanks Incidentally, I tested what I have but sadly the default vehicles still spawned.
  5. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    definitely worth a try. Should stop the massive explosions on start as well.
  6. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    ...so they are! I wish there was a way to copy/paste straight from the Loadout Editor Thanks for everything, so far. I think I have what I am capable of doing, working great. Time won't allow me to test under every variation of UI parameters so we'll see. One thing I do want to try to fix however (modify) is the ability to blacklist default BI inventory. If there is anyone you know or any information you can steer me towards, I would be very appreciative! In your JRInit.sqf you have a DLC blacklist. Is something similar to that workable? If so, the list of classnames would be very long but I don't mind collecting them if that is needed.
  7. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    On Easy, I sometimes have clothes, sometimes I don't. Here is the list but with little else to show you, can you suggest where I might look? _uniforms = [ "U_BG_Guerilla1_1", "U_BG_Guerilla2_3", "U_I_G_Story_protagonist_F", "U_I_G_resistanceLeader_F", "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_tshirt", "U_B_CTRG_2", "U_I_C__Soldier_Para_3_F", "U_I_C__Soldier_Para_4_F", "U_I_C_Soldier_Bandit_3_F", "U_B_T_Soldier_AR_F", "U_B_CTRG_Soldier_2_F", "U_B_CTRG_Soldier_urb_2_F" ];
  8. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Can you point me to the area where, when you receive intel and that intel has "checked off" a number of holy places that no longer need to be checked? In Cambodia too many churches get crossed off the list at once, imo
  9. And to push this idea to the max,.....this is exactly what I had been wondering. I'll explain. I'm trying to port Pilgrimage to be played in Cambodia (Prei) and it is so out of place to be playing a mission that is supposed to be in the '60's and then see default Arma objects appear. I do get plenty of the proper stuff but I'd say about 30% is default. If a separate mod needs to run, restricting all BI default stuff from spawning and if there is a lot of tedious leg work to do, I don't mind. I just have no idea how to script. I really hope someone tries this and if so I'll be glad to help. Thanks ineptaphid for letting me ride along on your post.
  10. $0.02 worth Leave well enough alone. Your reputation is near or at the top of the list and for those who are looking for, need to comment on, and use your mod in one easy to find place, I think you have much more control over it. Not to mention just "one" looooooooooooooooooooooooong thread to get all the information one needs.
  11. ,....ah, as a light bulb goes on in my head. So I've kept digging over the past few days and found out that the Personnel in the supplied by unsung in fact some of the armored vehicles do have M16 weapons, so what you're saying is all I have to do is find out the class names of those M16 weapons and add them to my inventory in the mission and everything should be good to go . I'll have to give that a whirl tonight.
  12. I beg to differ. ...it breaks the script in Pilgrimage. If I knew more I would elaborate but once load the mission, I get to a certain point in loading and then I get the error and cannot play.
  13. What a great find!,...I think. In the mission that we play, (Pilgrimage) we will find our dead brother. My questions is, Can you pick up a dead person?
  14. It seems this error has been around for quite sometime. While looking around, I found THIS thread in which one member mentions that it could be that one of the crew has an M16 on him. So has anyone from either Team (CUP or UNSUNG) has a chance to research this? and. If this fix is easier said than done, does it hurt the game play other than an annoying popup? My friend who is testing a little for me said that he gets the error a few times (I now ask him if it might be occurring during chopper S&D runs) and, he also has had a few game crashes. Here's the choppers in the mission at hand... "CUP_O_UH1H_slick_SLA", "CUP_O_UH1H_SLA", "CUP_O_UH1H_slick_TKA", "CUP_O_UH1H_TKA", "CUP_I_UH1H_slick_TK_GUE", "CUP_I_UH1H_TK_GUE"
  15. I can confirm that the errors thrown are from MCC. Posted it on their forum. Thanks for your help.
  16. Here is a copy of the body of an email I received from the CBA Team while trouble shooting errors. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MCC does: _nul = ["MCC_interactionEH", "onEachFrame", { // code }, ""] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler; which throws Type String, expected Array because of the params type checking I think the BIS function was changed in 1.76 CBA has no effect on this; you'll want to talk to the MCC team --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a rpt. https://www.dropbox.com/s/a5y39hi2dgsju2l/Arma3_x64_2017-09-09_23-01-44.rpt?dl=0 Mods used CUP Weapons 1.9.1 CUP Units 1.9.1 CUP Vehicles 1.9.1 CBA Unsing 3.1 Prei Khmaoch Luong | ព្រៃខ្មោចលង
  17. check,.....that's all good.
  18. I am updated to 176 and also have the newest CBA. just started getting errors on my mission port project (where I'm sure of many many places to have errors) but I thought I would start here since xeh shows quite often in my rpt. I'd like to ask if anyone might have a suggestion. My rpt. report Thanks for helping
  19. I want to use the Hueys for my mission port. In order for those Huey to depart the landing pad and attack me, I will need Cup, Units, Weapons, and Vehicles. DO I also need to run Cup Core as well. reason: I am getting pop up errors and even mission crashes Config yadda yadda ......NAM_M16 I have searched the class names but nothing. I am also using Unsung but no results in my search there as well Thanks In my port, I am only using the Huey from the CUP collection. Is there a way I can use the choppers, crew, and weaponry "alone" and if so how?
  20. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I get the gist of what you're saying but not comprehending it in detail. I guess where I'm coming from is, I switched the smaller of the two crates that you had, ( which held the loot), and simply switched it to a different box. This may sound like a silly question, nevertheless, are ammo boxes and crates designated for certain factions? , Or do crates and boxes have particular functions ie dummies or usable? When I switch back to your original box and test it, it ends up being jam-packed full of gear, rather than just a rifle and a few clips of ammo as has been the norm. I haven't touched any data concerning those crates, all I did was switch your box to the one that I wanted to switch to use. RYD_JR_Campstuff. Incidentally I'm using realistic
  21. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I've changed the HC boxes and replaced them with others. The original box that contained loot was called "Box_IND_WpsSpecial_F" . I've searched every file and it only lists it once, that is in the camp stuff. How is this box told to have random loot placed into it?
  22. pvt. partz

    Asian Factions for CUP

    It probably is. But I have no idea how to use it. Baby steps here.
  23. pvt. partz

    Asian Factions for CUP

    This seems like the perfect thread to ask,... I want to use ONLY Asian soldiers/civilians for a mission I am trying to port. How do I allow only Asians, and how do I restrict ARMA default units/vehicles from spawning into the mission?
  24. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    [6950.602,2579.729,0], //Airfield [5595.645,4183.228,2.832], //Airfield [6079.564,6716.301,3.860], //Airfield [1534.797,6101.911,0] //Airfield works great I only have two huge issues left to tackle 1) CP's ,.....however with this terrain (Prei) being smaller it may not be very important. HC's and Garrisons at 75% or higher will still give the player plenty of trouble. 2) Disabling default arma units weapons and vehicles. This one is something I will work on finding a solution. Authenticity is what I'm after.
  25. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Each spawn of a chopper could and probably does spawn on different elevations depending on which stronghold it calls for.