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Jackson Snow

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Everything posted by Jackson Snow

  1. Jackson Snow

    JSRS: DragonFyre -- WIP Thread

    Right good. Best vehicle I've heard in Arma.
  2. Think it's something to do with the new Logistics module - could be wrong though. I think for now just allow simulation on the furniture and hope the enemy don't decide to ride into your base with GMGs blazing, knocking over all your meticulously placed vehicle spawn boards...
  3. Do you have "this enablesimulation false" on the furniture? You need to turn that off for now...
  4. It was running just fine on our dedicated server. Just start it as one of your mods and it should be good.
  5. Jackson Snow

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    Are you using Alive? Because, for some reason, the latest version of Alive does something with anything which has "enablesimulation false", rendering it invisible. I'm not sure what or why, but it happened with my VAS box until I turned on simulation. The IEDs have simulation disabled also...
  6. Does this mean we'll get parachuting vehicles constantly if we play on Arma 2 maps, or is it just right at the start? I'm just asking because I'm currently setting up a small mission on Chernarus; the slight oddity of loads of parachuting vehicles at the start won't be a problem - we're used to make amusing Arma bugs - always seeing vehicles parachute in whenever they are realised by the profiling system might be a little off putting, though...
  7. Jackson Snow

    Helmet Mounted Displays MOD

    Right good. Should make flying CAS so much more fun.
  8. Jackson Snow

    Realistic repair script

    I didn't do anything special - just added the script as per the instructions. The init.sqf contains this line: [] execVM "zlt_fieldrepair.sqf"; And the root folder of the mission contains the file zlt_fieldrepair.sqf. The only thing I did after we gave it a try was to adjust the repair times downwards a bit as we preferred to be waiting less to repair vehicles (we're a small group and I don't like brakes).
  9. Jackson Snow

    Realistic repair script

    Works on our server no problem. Everyone can repair. Very useful script, especially for smaller groups.
  10. You could put a small blacklist marker around the buildings you don't want, I think?
  11. Jackson Snow

    Virtual Ammobox System (VAS)

    Thank you so much for posting this. Been banging my head against a wall trying to figure out how to get vehicles spawned through VVS to have the VAS attached to them; your script was exactly what I needed. Thanks!
  12. Should the "Difficulty" tab instead have the new AI skill settings (as detailed in this post) instead of the old ones? I don't entirely understand the system of AI settings...
  13. Totally possible and not un-recommended - edit the config.sqf in the @bcombat folder (ideally using Notepad++ or something similar so that it makes it much clearer).
  14. Mine did that - reinstalling Java fixed it, even though the Java install gave some warning about the same file - after installation, I was able to run the jar. https://www.java.com/en/download/index.jsp
  15. I've downloaded the version 1.0.1 and it still seems to muddle up the variables for smoke grenades. Is it supposed to be fixed in this one? Maybe I messed it up.
  16. Jackson Snow

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    Despite the risk of "when will it be out?", yes definitely. Love hearing what you're working on.
  17. Have you tried verifying the game files through Steam? Right click Arma 3 in your Steam list > Properties > Local Files tab, verify integrity of game cache. If it doesn't work, try moving that file outside your Arma 3 folder and re-verifying.
  18. Jackson Snow

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    Thanks for updating this, much appreciated.
  19. I think this is why people have serves set up to only clients to use "signed" addons; mods should come with a bikey, or something, and if you set the server to Verify Signatures (on the Rules tab) then it should do that. No idea how to tell you any further, as I don't have a need to do it myself, but there should be plenty of tutorial type information around...
  20. Jackson Snow

    TMR Modular Realism

    Inside the @tmr (or @tmr-cso) folder are the pbos inside an addons folder? So @tmr>addons>*.pbo? Also, the -cso bit is for the client-only mod isn't it? Are you trying to run this on a server?
  21. Jackson Snow

    TMR Modular Realism

    It should work there; if it isn't, try renaming it to @tmr (or maybe @tmr-cso)?
  22. Excellent, thanks. I'd oddly never seen that box, so thanks for the tip.
  23. Jackson Snow

    Virtual Vehicle Spawner (VVS)

    So I am trying to add something similar to the init line of spawned vehicles (trying to add the CCIP script to planes). However, I cannot get the script to work by using the BIS_fnc_MP thingy above; it just does not load for the planes at all. Does anyone have any ideas how I might make it work? The script works fine on editor-placed planes, so it's obviously me missing something in how to get the VVS to spawn it correctly. The CCIP script is called by adding this to the init of the vehicle: handle = this execVM "jonimake_ccip\jonimake_ccip.sqf" so I have attempted to add the following to the fn_spawnVehicle.sqf: [[[_vehicle],"jonimake_ccip\jonimake_ccip.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM",TRUE,TRUE] call BIS_fnc_MP; Obviously I am missing something in what this does - I am pretty new to all of this - could anybody point me in the right direction?
  24. Unless I am missing something obvious, it will not let me save a profile with "Enable HC" ticked with an IP other than in the box. Whenever I overtype it with the IP I want, it looks OK, but saves the config with anyway, and next time I load the profile it has reverted to display in the box. I tried making the config read only but then the tool cannot launch the server. I also tried editing the config to use the desired IP, but it is overwritten whenever I attempt to launch the server. Any ideas?