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Posts posted by Siege-A

  1. One other new model that is being worked in currently, is the all new Navboard for our Kagwerks S9 Mount. And as an added bonus, we've thrown in a little AVS porn to go with it. Everything shown is still WIP and subject to change. For more images, please visit our subreddit linked in the OP or the Google WIP album.



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  2. 1 hour ago, Fros7bite said:

    I am familiar with this concept!


    That is good to hear, I was getting a bit concerned that it wasn't the case. It's a concept that so many overlook these days.


    1 hour ago, Fros7bite said:

    What I am communicating to you is that even if all the other gear is color matched with each other, it doesn't mean that it 'fits' into the world's color tone, saturation, or even style.


    Ah, now I see. Thanks for clearing that up, but the good news there is our current MC pattern that we are replicating for everything has been tested and confirmed to be matching excellent in many of the environments it would be used within the game. Which is why we have chosen to match with that color scheme.


    1 hour ago, Fros7bite said:

    Your gear 'pops' out of the environment like it doesn't belong there for the reasons I mentioned.


    I think what you mean to say is; in your opinion it does, possibly since you are so used to using 2k textures. But as far as the broader opinion goes from the larger portion of the feedback we have received from those who have actually tested our content ingame, and have used the MC patterns we are color matching with, there has been no issues whatsoever with 'popping' out of the environment as you have mentioned. But, if this is a problem for you, I offer the same advice as above that there are other gear packs available which may not 'pop' out so much for you. Alternatively, you could also follow the method in which @markoef has mentioned, and fix things up the way you would prefer.

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  3. 5 hours ago, Fros7bite said:

    The texture doesn't match the environment very well


    The above color matching had nothing to do with 'matching to the environment', it was to color match our MC patterns that we were already using on other items (just as I had mentioned before that, only a post above yours). You do understand the concept of WIP, correct?


    5 hours ago, Fros7bite said:

    or perhaps even how high resolution the texture is compared to it's surroundings?


    Attempting to further prove a point that we have already answered and stated our decisions on, isn't getting you anywhere, whether you refer to it directly or indirectly. 


    2 hours ago, Fros7bite said:

    Can't wait! I really hope your tweaking absolutely nails the look.


    Don't worry, we will. 





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  4. 7 hours ago, shadeops21 said:


    Daymn, they look crisp af. Super nice, though I feel like I need sunnies to look at them for longer periods of time. I’m assuming that the texture used is still being tweaked for brightness (that or Arsenal lights everything up like a photoshoot set).


    Yep, textures/materials are still getting tweaked. This was simply the first look at it ported ingame with the base texture on it, and now the fun begins to get it color matched with the MC we are using on most other items.



    EDIT: As matter of fact, here's a look at how the pattern matching is coming along:


    • Like 10

  5. 22 hours ago, Dedmen said:

    And I prefer quantity to quality in Arma.


    I think we most definitely have the quantity part covered pretty well, maybe a little too much so. But the aim even from the beginning has always been to deliver both quality and quantity.


    17 hours ago, Fros7bite said:

    Most of the vanilla gear has 2k textures and that's more than enough to play with. 4k really is a huge performance hog if you have a large unit to play with.


    There are several gear mods out there already which stick within those boundaries, and may be better suited for certain groups of people. We never said we could please everyone with our choices. Just as @markoef has mentioned, not all of our items are textured in 4k, and actually the majority of them are 2k currently. But we do combine multiple 2k sheets into 4k where it makes sense and is possible, in order to reduce performance loss from having to process more files at once. Mostly we only do items that can benefit from the increased detail in 4k, such as uniforms.



    And to give a perfect example of the difference 4k can make for certain items, here's a sneak peek at one of our newest additions (WIP) that has entered its final touches. Surely you all remember the Crye G3 uniform that Ardy has been working on, shown in this thread previously in its early stages. Well it's not quite complete yet, but we do have the first half of it ready to implement. So we will be pairing it with some of our tops, with Cunico's G3 shirt as a placeholder until the new one is ready. 



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  6. 5 hours ago, Capt Childs said:

    Just noticed that sidearms are not appearing in holsters where present; the holster appears empty.


    Those were working correctly before the release was made, but unfortunately due to the trouble we had during packing, many things were left out/changed at the last second (without having a chance to test) and it was an oversight that I didn't realize until afterwards. But the proxies are in place for it and it's just a matter of checking out what affected that and getting it fixed. So should be no trouble to get them showing back up again.


    5 hours ago, Capt Childs said:

    At 1.6GB, this is a big, big mod...


    This is something that has been a concern for us, as we quickly saw the size rising with only a fraction of our custom content added in so far. So we already had in mind that by the time everything is added ingame, this mod will be pretty damn large. But I'd rather have a huge mod with lots of quality content, than cutting down the size and having to take things away. I understand that size can be an issue for some people, especially when it concerns being part of a group playing online together. But seeing as how this mod would cut down on the need for numerous different gear packs in order to cover what a group would need, I personally think the size would be within reason. And just to be clear, the size has nothing to do with the amount of item variants that are included. We use hiddenSelections very heavily with every model we can, which keeps us from having duplicate models just for a couple attachments or accessories added on. So more or less, this comes down to the amount of texture/material files which are eating up space rapidly (4K sheets can be pretty hefty). In order to counter that to the best of our ability (without just removing things entirely), we are constantly looking for ways to make the mod as modular as possible every chance we can. So in the end the plan is to have things broken down into many standalone/optional modules so that everyone can cut back on the size by simply not using certain parts of the mod that they don't need. I'm one of those people that runs Arma with over 100GB of mods active at the same time, so the size thing was never really a big deal to me, but we'll still do what we can to keep it in check.

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  7. 20 minutes ago, ruff said:

    Would you still require the ace mod for this functionality or you mean you would just implement it using scripting found in Ace?


    Yes, it would still require ACE in order to have the type of interactions that I had mentioned above. There are some features that we are trying to incorporate as default for certain items, but ACE will play a big role for the rest of it. We may look into trying to implement as much of this as possible as a standard part of the pack eventually, without needing ACE, but there is no certainty that it will happen. 

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  8. 2 hours ago, Hvymtal said:

    (Do get on the armor values thing though, kinda important given the amount of bullets and explosives that tend to populate arma)


    Absolutely. What good is gear if it's all just for show?


    2 hours ago, Hvymtal said:

    Edit: Holy shitballs the headgear in particular could use with being segregated into packs organized by camo family, you guys went a little overboard xD


    Overboard? Maybe just a bit, lol. We are doing exactly what you have mentioned for the update, and getting optional pattern packs made to help decrease unnecessary clutter. Once the ACE functions are fully implemented, it will cut down on that drastically. Imagine being able to take a base helmet and then dynamically adding the accessories you want on it afterwards, while playing, and even having some of those accessories functional. Or being able to put gloves for a uniform on/off whenever you like....or rolling the sleeves up/down. Effectively eliminating all the variants in the arsenal down to the base items, since you'll have total freedom to setup those variants while playing. Sound impressive and too good to be true? Well soon, that may be a reality.

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  9. 8 hours ago, Capt Childs said:

    At first look, it appears the ACE Arsenal is showing the helmets with no armour/protection values.  I'm unsure if this is an ACE Arsenal thing, or the mod, so thought I'd send up as is.


    Thanks and you are correct, the helmets currently have no protection values. We are in the process of getting those and the plate carriers setup properly and should be ready by the first update (Vests should have default protection values right now). 

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  10. 50 minutes ago, Dedmen said:

    ingame config viewer should be able to show the required info?


    Didn't even consider that, but very true. Gotta quit modding so much and mess around more ingame so I can remember these things. Only catch will be they can't add it directly into our configs for right now, but definitely possible to make their own which use this as a dependency. Thanks for the tip, that should be helpful for those wanting to mess around with it.

  11. Thanks guys, it feels good to finally have the mod released and generating some good feedback so far. Glad all that work wasn't for nothing. Our whole team had a play in getting us to this stage and I can't thank everyone enough for hopping on board with the project. Been a long time coming, but we finally made it and its all uphill from here. We have already been working away at the first update, which will mainly be focused around fixes for the release build as well as some organizing, de-cluttering, and the addition of optional pattern packs to make it more manageable for everyone. There may be a few other goodies that are thrown in but don't wanna spoil anything just yet. One thing I can say for sure though....ACE is coming. For those that haven't kept up with our work implementing ACE interactions/features for our items, it will truly blow your mind and will be pretty amazing once its all done. Will update you guys with more info soon, so stay tuned.


    2 hours ago, Ghostworrior said:

    Congrats the stuff is awesome!
    One question will you as a team allow reskins/retextures of you Gear?


    There was a fairly lengthy discussion we had about retextures here a few pages back, which may help provide some insight to that whole subject. But as it stands with this first release, there are no retextures allowed, as none of the texture files should be available for access. That will be changed as we move along, where we will be making certain things (configs/textures) accessible where necessary. Because how can you guys make your own hiddenSelection loadouts without being able to access the configs, right?


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  12. Furthermore, it would be helpful if a moderator here could explain this new shift in rules regarding mods having a DMCA claim filed against them. Since apparently we were the first to expose this new rule, which had never been mentioned before (or clearly indicated in any of the forum guidelines). This would help future authors/mods to know what can be expected if/when a DMCA report is made against them, whether it be true or false. I feel its better for us all to understand how things work here rather than being surprised when we have suddenly violated some rule we never knew about, even when we have read over the guidelines. Because as it stands, there seems to be some miscommunication between the moderation staff here and the community in which they manage. From what I understand now, if your mod thread here is locked (regardless the reasoning behind it) then you aren't allowed to advertise, post pictures, or discuss your mod on these forums. Same goes for if you have a DMCA report filed against your workshop item, which I'm guessing should also result in your thread being locked here if a DMCA is pending (what sense does it make to keep a thread open for something if it isn't allowed to be discussed or shown anywhere else on the forums?)


    This isn't an attempt to create friction, this is a reasonable concern that I feel is very poorly explained or documented. Had we known about this ahead of time, we could have avoided any of the drama that was caused by our team asking about the reason why our pictures were removed here (since we weren't aware of this, as it was never mentioned or indicated). Some clarification on this would be highly appreciated and useful for those of us not within the inner circle. And maybe reflecting this on the OP for the photography thread so that it is always known and never in question. 

  13. On 7/20/2019 at 2:48 PM, Kaisharev said:

    Does this mod have any Serbian army patches?


    People still wanting more patches? From what I can recall, there are only a couple Serbian patches included at the moment, but happy to always add more should you have some good reference material we can go by. Feel free to post (in a spoiler or DM) any patch references that you have or find, and we can see about getting them added for the next update. Just bear in mind that the USP Gear mod is my/our current priority, so it may be awhile before this patches mod receives an update.

  14. Just now, R0adki11 said:


    Unnecessary comments will be removed. 


    As stated previously, it is out of the hands of the moderation team. We are waiting for the thread to be unlocked as much as you are. I can appreciate that the situation is not helpful, but please be patient and wait for the thread to be re-opened. 


    I appreciate the actual direct and informational reply, thank you Roadkill. The rest of the answers we were being given just seemed like it was of no value to the question itself. And we will be patient, as we have been over the course of all of this, to await a response from @Homesick

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  15. 38 minutes ago, FallujahMedic -FM- said:

    The USP thread is still currently locked by the head moderator which prohibits the showcasing of USP content. 


    Yes, your head moderator which has still yet to respond to my request to have our thread unlocked, which he was made aware of the day of release as confirmed by moderators here. Which is quite surprising due to the fact that it was part of an agreement from his moderation team that the thread would be unlocked upon release. But now he just ignores us and doesn't even offer any type of response? So how again are we supposed to get the thread unlocked?

  16. 15 minutes ago, EO said:

    Will the patch on the plate carrier make the final cut?


    Absolutely. Would never tease with pictures of something unless we plan to have it included. 💪

    And to be honest, that patch may already be present in USP Patches & Insignias.

    • Thanks 2

  17. 8 hours ago, Dedmen said:

      On 4/15/2019 at 9:31 PM, warden_1 said:

    We are indefinitely postponing the release of the mod (internally was sometime before summer) until there are sufficient means to protect our content. We will continue to work on it and post WIP content now and give you an update as to when the mod will once again have a release date. There is no one reason for this, it is a mixture of various factors that are unrelated to team members.


    4 hours ago, Rich_R said:

    Well, I find it odd that rather than resolve the issues around USP and allow it to be an ongoing project in the game’s official forums, Its being moved over to Reddit.


    Wow, you managed to dig up a comment that was made in our WIP thread which was quickly locked afterwards and we haven't been allowed to make any statements there since that time. Good job. This is the reason we are moving to Reddit. We have resolved all issues regarding USP, but even upon doing so the moderators here see it fit that we aren't allowed to update you guys in our WIP thread until a release is made. So therefore we won't be allowing someone else to tell us when we can or can't release WIP updates, and have moved to Reddit to remedy that issue. Problem solved, no more drama. Also not gonna be pushed around into a forced release simply because 'that's the only way you'll get your thread back', we'll release when we feel ready to do so, period. There have been WIP threads around these forums which go on for years without release, but yet they are never locked due to the idea that they are just teasing people with a private mod. And I fully understand why the thread was locked in the first place, but once we had gotten past that and fixed the things in question, we are still told that the thread won't be unlocked. Which just leaves an endless debate for people here to bring up about the last things that were posted there, which we cannot correct or change. So hopefully that gives you your answer on why we decided to move. Figures that another moderator would chime in with something that only delivers more doubt and quotes a topic which we have no control over now, once again putting things in their favor. But here, while we're on that subject, let me go ahead and make the official announcement that should have been made in the USP Gear thread to clear up that quote:


    During the time in which our WIP thread has been locked, we have found sufficient means to protect our content to the best of our ability (which doesn't mean we deem it 'uncrackable', but more that we feel it provides better protection than standard PBO binarization). Furthermore, we have been continuing progress on the mod full steam despite the issues we've had to deal with on the forums and elsewhere, which means heaps of new content and features to show off, but unable to do so here. So to make it clear, NO the mod is no longer postponed indefinitely and we actually have an internal public release date set amongst our team which is actually pretty close. I would discuss it here, but this isn't the correct thread and I have nothing to prove or owe to any of you that doubt our intentions. The ones here complaining are just making themselves look foolish for when the release does occur and all their statements about it being a private mod become irrelevant. How well do you all believe that reflects on you afterwards? Think our dev team, or others, will still appreciate your comments or input? Because as far as we're concerned, we have dumped more time than any of you know into this mod and just the fact that we plan to release it all free to the public should be enough in itself to grant some understanding from people that realize how big this project has been and how much work is involved. And those are the people that continue to follow this mod without doubt from our initial showing until now, and the ones we look to deliver WIP for. The rest of you that can't seem to grasp the concept that mods take time, and can sometimes go through numerous iterations in order to reach the quality that the authors are happy with releasing, we could care less about your opinions. The type of people which just want something free handed to them without caring about what it took to get there. If you fall into this category, feel free to just act like this mod doesn't exist and stop commenting on/about it, since we definitely won't be looking to show you the same kind of attention. People such as this are the ones which make us think how nice it would be to make it a private mod just to squash their chances of ever being able to use it. But luckily the good outweighs the bad here, we're not that petty, and we would never do that to the ones that have been loyal and stuck with us through everything, still patiently awaiting the release.


    And lastly, one more thing I would like to note here for all the ones that want to make it out like we won't honor our release. What reason do any of you, moderators included, have to doubt that our team wouldn't deliver this mod to the public? Let's do some background checks (moderators feel free to check our history here). Majority of our development team has a good history here on the forums, without a bunch of warnings or bad encounters with the moderation staff. Not known for starting unnecessary drama (aside from when the stuff with TFL happened), and also have been very supportive of other modders in this community (as well as providing a helping hand to others with their own projects). We have several members with a strong standing against ripped/illegally used content, which further shows that we respect the work of others. And most of all, quite a few members of our team have their own public mod releases here on the forums, showing we have a history of actually releasing content. Myself (while very small projects compared to the Gear mod: USP Flags & Markers, USP Patches & Insignias, and some small work done with Hawaiian's 75th Ranger mod), Warden (JPC/Airframe mod, numerous works with RHS), Ardy (Arma2 SOTG mod, and more), Foxone (USAF mod), Lyy Amao (Task Force Aspis), and Krogar (AMF mod). Then on to the contributors, which surely wouldn't have helped or donated assets to us if this was just a 'private mod': Cunico (S4G, numerous works with RHS), Sabre (Best texture artist in the community with hand in numerous works), Adacas (MGP), Fingolfin (Several high quality retexture/faction packs), and Zeealex (Zee Identity mod, numerous other works). So I ask again, what reason do any of you have to doubt that we will release? Seems all of our members and contributors have had a pretty strong presence here in the community, and to think that some of you would raise concerns that they would all just be out to tease everyone. Maybe some of you should think more before you speak, this is all the proof that is needed to support my argument. Good day to you.

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  18. Been a good while since any updates or news has come through this way, so decided it's time to get things up to speed. Majority of you already know that this project had basically been put on hold while all the new model assets were being worked on and incorporated through USP Gear & Uniforms, which was to form the backbone for mods such as this and others. During this time, some changes concerning the course of this mod have been determined. Since nearly every single asset from the 75th Ranger mod has been replaced by newer and higher quality models, it has gotten to the point where this would be more than just an update, it would be an entirely new mod. So in order to still preserve the work of Hawaiian, and for all the fans of his work to still be able to enjoy it, this mod will remain as is with only smaller updates/fixes to come for it. Some features that were talked about before may still be added, such as the optional configs for other weapon packs. And yes, this does mean an entirely new 75th Ranger mod as well, but details on all of that will come later. 


    While this thread will stay the primary source for info on Hawaiian's 75th Ranger mod, all other USP related projects have shifted over to Reddit (spoiler below) and the threads here won't be updated as often. This includes, but isn't limited to, USP Flags & Markers, USP Patches & Insignias, and (WIP) USP Gear & Uniforms. All future/planned projects will also be announced there as well. Have a look if you're interested to see any of our newer developments and how things have been coming along. 


    With that out of the way, let me at least give you new look at one of our first plate carriers that got things in motion. This one has come a long ways and has been fully overhauled from the original model that was posted before. Just bear in mind, while it is almost finished, this is still WIP especially in concerns to the textures. Hope you guys enjoy the pics.






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  19. 9 hours ago, Defunkt said:

    I don't know anything about the alleged IP infringement. What I do know that leads me to support the moderators' decision to shutdown the USP mod on these forums is this;


    USP Early Access will make it's [sic] return in the near future as a benefit for current and new $10+ pledgers.https://www.patreon.com/onmaar


    First off, I don't manage OMA's patreon page or do the updates/comments there, nor do I check up on it often. He doesn't play/own Arma, interact with this community, or stays updated on what is happening around here. This is a side project for him and as such, statements made there should be clarified through official USP discussions. Secondly, that post was made back in March and this would be my first time reading that part of it. So now that I'm aware of it, I'll have that taken care of, as we won't be offering early access anymore due to the confusion it causes among people that believe it puts something behind a paywall. Think what you will about it, but we don't offer that feature anymore and it isn't coming back.


    EDIT: Done, it's been removed. Does that help sway your judgement at all?



    No misinformation has been spread, only the great extent of what you have done has been withheld.


    It hasn't been withheld, I just explained the extent of it above in my last post. Nothing more to tell beyond that and would be a lie to say otherwise.

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  20. On 5/31/2019 at 7:25 AM, FallujahMedic -FM- said:

    Incorrect. We have documented proof in each instance, this includes Siege-A. I would post it for all to see, but I am prevented from doing so. 


    Well to be accurate, both your statement as well as Haleks in regards to the USP Gear mod are partially correct, but not entirely. The only thing we were guilty of was using a verbally disapproved format with our mod, which means any accusations beyond that were in fact false. This would be just one instance, not multiple ones as you have made it seem. Can't imagine there being much 'documented proof' in concerns to that. And why would you want to share it to the public, when it wasn't even shared with the parties involved in the matter, unless you had some type of personal reason for doing so? Seems like a poor attitude to have on a subject that was mostly handled in private, especially coming from a moderator. So lets try and refrain from spreading misinformation or making it sound like more than what it was. Many of us know the facts and truth to the matter and you are doing nothing more than attempting to raise further suspicions. 

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  21. On 4/9/2019 at 7:18 PM, LJH_1 said:

    Are you guys planning on just pushing out the full mod first or are you gonna relace the full mod with the smaller "unit"-centric packs? Also a disturbing lack of AVS porn.


    Probably one big pack to start with, so we can have time to organize things the way we want afterwards. Rather go ahead and push the initial release as quick as we can and then fine tune things for a following update, so you guys can go ahead and start using some of this awesomeness. You are right though...has been a disturbing lack of AVS porn...will see if we can remedy that soon.


    On 4/11/2019 at 3:05 PM, appetency said:

    What can we expect uniform-wise in the first release? So far I've seen the Cunico G3s, some MGP uniforms, and some new custom G3s. Will there be multiple G3 models?


    Initially, we'll have Cunico's G3, the MGP uniforms (G3 Field, Fleece, PCU), and some other placeholders for now. These donated uniform sets will have our own custom variations and combo sets to give them some new life, as well as our own fixes and edits we've done with the models. Our new G3 model from Ardy is nearly ready, but not likely to be seen in the first release. Once that is added, we have had thoughts to still keep Cunico's G3 included with the pack, but separated into an optional addon. So then the work we did on that isn't put to waste.



    And time for some more WIP:



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  22. On 4/8/2019 at 2:01 AM, shadeops21 said:

    Was itching to toss some Aussie flags and tags on some of that kit.


    Not to worry, you'll still have a chance to toss your own flags on items that support it. We are taking a different route with the retextures than what was originally stated with the mod, but it's a reasonable way of doing it so that we can try to monitor the quality of what is made publicly available. Users will be able to present retextures to our team to request permission for public release. As long as the quality matches what we would expect for the assets being used, permission would be granted and those people could release it as a retexture pack for the community. Or they could even submit the retextures to be used in our own official releases, so it would become a standard part of the mod overall. This mainly covers the issue of retextures which people want to release publicly. What you all retexture for your own personal/private use is of no concern to us and would be up to the user to ensure they aren't conflicting with our terms of agreement. But as far as simply swapping out flags or patches on items, that will be available to everyone at initial release, as all patches on our assets will use hidden selections. So you'll still be able to slap Aussie flags all over everything you want, as long as the items have those selections available. It will be very rare circumstances for us to permanently place flags or other country specific identifiers on items which can't be removed.

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  23. On 3/31/2019 at 11:09 PM, wansec_6 said:

    Will your vests be using hidden selections to place the pouches, thereby allowing others to re-configure them through external configs, or are the pouches and attachments part of the model?


    What is your release strategy for the mod? ie Will you be releasing everything that you have ready in one big pack, or will it be in staggered releases? For example by camoflage pattern, or by individual equipment categories (eg Vest, Uniforms, Headgear etc.)


    The pouches and accessories on the vests will be hidden selections, but placed in preconfigured loadouts. Users will be able to hide pouches/acc they don't want in the loadout, to somewhat form their own, but it won't be as free as just having pouches placed wherever you like. That would mean we would have to have several of the same pouches placed all over the vest and hidden, which would make for some massive models. So instead we will offer many different loadouts for each vest and you can semi-tailor the setup to your liking, showing as much or as little of the loadout as you like. In regards to the release strategy, we're still fine-tuning that side of things to try and make it as modular as possible. Most likely the first release is going to be one large pack, where we can have more time after that to set it all up exactly the way we would like (as well as incorporating compatibility for certain other mods such as ACE). PBO's will be broken down into the core files (headgear, uniform, vests, etc) and then we would like to have it further divided to have additional camo/pattern packs for those core addons. Since this mod will truly expand the virtual arsenal list beyond expectation, we are trying to carefully organize it all so it is manageable for everyone.



    And since its been quiet on the WIP front, gotta fill you guys in on some of the latest additions/improvements that have been cooking up behind the scenes. First up are just some retextures done with Cunico's vest pouches to match up with the patterns we are currently using. 


    Next we have the Eagle MBAV which has also received some texture work:


    @srodge has completed the Harris AN/PRC-163 Multi-Channel Radio, for his first asset contributed to the mod:


    Then I've been working away at our headsets, finally giving all our headgear a welcome change away from the old Comtacs we were using. All current Comtac 3 sets are getting replaced with these:


    Last up, one of our new headset models added ingame, which was created by OMA & Krogar, and some of you may remember from quite a ways back in its early stages. The TCI Liberator 3: 


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