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Everything posted by brians200

  1. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    Version 2.1 Fixed small bug with creating IEDs Removed potential race case Fixed incorrect copy paste error that appeared in version 2.0. Thanks Badger1815! Reduced the number of particles in the IED smoke/rocks Reduced to number of explosives used in each IED explosion Changed the small IEDs. Their primary purpose is to kill infantry and damage hunter type vehicles. Changed the medium IEDs. Their primary purpose is to take out infantry and hunter type vehicles. They can disable marshall type vehicles fairly easily. Changed the large IEDs. These are bad for your health. Changed secondary IEDs. Should not damage vehicles as much as before. Let me know if the explosion and particle changes help with lag. I am also trying to find a balance for the small IEDs. It seems weird, but it is hard to guarantee a kill on infantry, but keep the hunter safe. Right now, the shrapnel does most the damage of the small IED, which means if it hits your fuel tank, there is nothing I can do to help you. If you guys find any breakthroughs, let me know. For those curious about how the shrapnel works, here are some line traces I did while testing them. http://i.imgur.com/lvP6gMN.jpg http://i.imgur.com/jc148fi.jpg Also, I am working on new smoke effects. This is what I have for the small IEDs right now. Looking for some input
  2. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    Wow thanks for catching that copy paste mistake. They should be different. Those are all considered the small IEDs. BIS has increased the damage that explosives do in the latest update, so I will tweak those sequences later today. To answer your question, they are all set off .01 seconds apart from each other. Setting them all off at the same time is a good way to grind your game to a halt. Using a debug console, type "iedDictionary" into one of the fields. If it looks like this, it is working. If it looks like this, the script has been started, but you didn't give it any IEDS to create If it looks like this, the script was never started. Markers only show up for the player that passes the isserver check. If it is on a dedicated server, nobody will see them. My goals while working on this were to create confusion, panic, and fear. Confusion in the sense of what just happened. Panic in the sense of what do I need to do to get to safety now that I can't see and where is the enemy going to be at when this clears. Fear in the sense of are all these benign objects around me going to blow up when I run by it. The majority of your lag is probably coming from the smoke particle effects. As you can see in my videos, I don't get any lag when they go off, so it is hard to tell what other people's computers can handle. I will see if I can tone it down a little more when I get some time.
  3. We had a little bug last night that happened to at least 4 people. If you chose HALO from the respawn menu, after dying, you would never get an open parachute addaction or the auto opening. You would just fall to your death. If you chose HALO from the flag pole, it works normally.
  4. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    Look in ExplosionEffects.sqf. The majority of smoke comes from the CREATE_RING function. To create less smoke particles, increase the setDropInterval numbers. I guess I was mistaken that the eventHandler would fire for the machine that calls it, but after reading the documentation, it appears it only fires on the other machines. You can just set up a loop to check the value of that variable every few seconds to see if it has changed. If it has, you know an ied went off at that location. I will update the first post. I am not sure what you are asking?
  5. Look in ais_injury\ais_setup.sqf tcb_ais_random_lifetime_factor = 100; // a higher value means you got more time to heal the unit before bleeding out and die (50 == means round about 1 minute, 100 == means round about 3 minutes, 200 == approximately 8 minutes)
  6. Using predefined won't be any faster than the marker method. I was just giving you a way to have the markers hidden from the map always.
  7. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    Yes, due to the nature of the description.ext, you can only have one CfgFunctions{...}. If you already have one, you will have to merge them. The array has been removed in version 2.0, as I didn't want to maintain that list. If you would like to add it back in yourself, you are more than welcome to. That function now exists inside of EPD\IED\ExplosivesHandler.sqf in the function called EXPLOSION_EVENT_HANDLER. The change can be found here: https://github.com/Brians200/EPD-IED/commit/94592be30fc3ac7c8bfc13c14378f25a58b8f9ed you will want the red lines and not the green lines. You will also need to define the array somewhere. EPD\Ied_Init.sqf seems like a good place. Just around the other 3 arrays after the isserver block.
  8. Right now, everything has to be circles. If you pass in an ellipse using the marker method, it automatically averages the two numbers and creates a circle of that size. This is because the nearRoads command is based off of a circle. In the next version, I will do some math and provide support for ellipses.
  9. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    I tried to get in as many requests as I had time for. Enjoy. Version 2.0 Projectile detection now looks in the config to see if a bullet is explosive, rather than maintaining a list of explosive projectiles. Merged files that do similar things, to help make it easier to maintain. Refactored a lot of code. All IED information is now stored in a dictionary, rather than ied_#. This means less variables being created. See the iedModel.sqf file if you are interested on a certain aspect. Special thanks to Sanjo http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19449 IEDs now produce a simple form of fragmentation/shrapnel to make them deadlier. Debug markers are now deleted when an IED gets blown up or disarmed Increased the disarm action to 2 animations. Added functions to create and remove sections of IEDs during a mission. People that are smarter than me can come up with a caching scheme if they want to. Added the ability to not remove safeZone markers. Added the ability to choose the ied size percentages on a case by case basis Modified the way to check on the status of IED sections Added lastIedExplosion variable that holds the last location of an IED explosion for people that want to do something special when an IED goes off. Ambush? Faster initializiation Other small things that I can't remember Uploaded my repo to github https://github.com/Brians200/EPD-IED Download Here v2.0
  10. The simplest way to do it is to load up a map. Type this into the debug console onmapsingleclick "hint format['%1', _pos]" Then click on the location on the map. That will tell you the coordinates. You can always put 0 for the 3rd number. Feel free to round to the closest integer as well. I am going to guess you are talking about the predefined array? Here is the format ["Name",[LocationX,LocationY,LocationZ],size] Size will give you a circle of that radius. Also, I saw in your change log, you were having some trouble with the safezone hiding your base marker. I have added a setting in the version I just released that won't hide safezones http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?170703-Randomly-generated-roadside-IEDs&p=2637920&viewfull=1#post2637920 Set this variable to false to keep your markers hideSafeZoneMarkers = true; //sets the alpha to 0 of a safezone
  11. If you are using the marker implementation, they won't be hidden until the ied script kicks in. You can use the predefined locations array to get around it. The only downfall is you will have to type out where the markers are at.
  12. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    Duck, Using a debug console on the dedicated server, type this and run it locally. player setpos getpos ied_0; This will teleport you right on top of the first IED created. If you go out into the ocean, then it isn't working. Let me know your results and I will see if I can help afterwards. You can enable the debug console in your description.ext https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext#enableDebugConsole
  13. brians200

    Particle Editor

    Hi, if you look at ylguf's reply on this post, you can see an updated list you can add to the mission http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?157226-Particle-Editor&p=2444637&viewfull=1#post2444637
  14. brians200

    check for file

    You could try to preprocess the file inside of a try/catch block. If the file doesn't exist, it should jump to the catch block. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Exception_handling However, I think I am going to agree with Grimes.
  15. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    If you want to have your zones showing up, set the following to false in Ied_Settings.sqf. I guess I should rename that variable to better match what it does... hideIedMarker = true; In terms of showing the actual IED marker to the player, it will require a little bit more work. Right now, they are shown to whoever passes the isServer check. The first thing you will need to change is to remove the Local part of the marker stuff in these 3 files. This also brings up your next question. You can change the icon and the text here as well. https://github.com/Brians200/EPD-IED/blob/master/EPD/IED/CreateIed.sqf#L47 https://github.com/Brians200/EPD-IED/blob/master/EPD/IED/CreateFake.sqf#L14 https://github.com/Brians200/EPD-IED/blob/master/EPD/IED/CreateSecondary.sqf#L47 If you want to leave debug turned off, you will also want to remove the if(EPD_IED_debug) check a few lines up.
  16. brians200

    Particle Editor

    \A3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Mud.p3d This also makes some decent rocks. I use it for my IEDs. http://i.imgur.com/rC8WPGx.jpg (529 kB) http://i.imgur.com/FgyNiBN.jpg (512 kB) http://i.imgur.com/fLaBOcy.jpg (481 kB)
  17. brians200

    FHQ M4 for Arma 3 (Prerelease)

    I would also suggest allowing us to use the TMR bipods!
  18. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    At the moment, it would require some hacky ways to clear everything out. In the next version, I will be adding a method to recreate the IEDs and clean them up. If you want to attempt it until I have time to work on this, here are the variables you need to delete/stop. Set these variables to 0 iedcounter junkcounter For each IED //primary IEDs ied_# - this is the actual object t_# - this is the trigger detecting movement pd_# - this is the script handle detecting planted projectiles and hand grenades. //Secondary IEDs secied_# - this is the actual object st_# - this is the trigger detecting movement pd_# - this is the script handle detecting planted projectiles and hand grenades (this is the same handle as before) Then you can probably call the script again. I will try to get my update out when I get some more time.
  19. brians200

    How to make a wreck smoke

    You can take a look at my IED script and see how I created different kinds of smoke there. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?170703-Randomly-generated-roadside-IEDs Look in the IedSmoke.sqf If you want a tool that helps change the particle array systematically, check out super-truites particle editor http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?157226-Particle-Editor
  20. brians200

    VAC and Arma 3 made easy

    Good stuff! I would recommend adding backspace command so you can go back during the nested commands.
  21. brians200

    Camp Capture Script

    Create a hasBroadcasted variable and set it to false initially. Then check this before messaging everybody. If it is false, go ahead and message everybody, then set it to true. Once the state of this camp has changed, set that variable to false, so it will message again.
  22. I have just recently gone through similar issues myself. You need to switch back and forth between the server and the owner of the AI a few times. You can use the local command to see if you are in charge of them. If you are, you need to set their position to where ever they are falling from. When you are ready to open a parachute, you need to have the server create the parachute. Then, the person that owns the AI needs to tell AI to move in as driver. This will only create one parachute. These commands will be helpful. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/local https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_MP If this doesn't make sense, I can post something later
  23. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    You can watch the variables of the IED you care about. The items the IEDs are hidden are named ied_#, where the number corresponds to whichever one you care about. When it blows up, it is deleted and that variable will become null, so use the isnull command. The triggers of the primary IEDs are named with t_#, so if that becomes null and the ied_# is not null, it has been disarmed and you can quit watching.
  24. brians200

    Camp Capture Script

    Are you using this? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/preprocessFileLineNumbers That should make the rpt tell you what line it is on
  25. I mean that other players who don't want to control groups of AI suddenly become the squad leader when the real squad leader goes unconscious . Is there a way to prevent this? I would like to keep the squad leader the same the entire duration of the mission.