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Everything posted by brians200

  1. brians200

    Multiplayer Set Leader

    The reason it is not working is because of locality. If you read the note at the bottom, it says, SnowSky: In Multiplayer the command has to be executed on the client which the group is actually local, otherwhise the effect would stay only for shorter then 1 second. P.S.: remember, Teamleader is not equivalent to the client on which the group is local! What this means is that the Team Leader of the group is not necessarily the owner of it. Sometimes it is the server that owns it and sometimes it is other players in the group. So how to do you go about figuring out who owns the group? Well this is simple enough. You will need to use the following 4 commands. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/local https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_MP https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/group https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/selectLeader Here is what you need to accomplish: 1. Use BIS_fnc_MP and call your script with the group of the newLeader. [[group _newLeader, _newLeader], "ScriptName" , true, false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; //_newLeader is the handle of the player that you want to be the leader. //The true parameter indicates to run it on all clients //The false parameter indicates that it doesn't need to be persistent, ie JIP don't need to call it when they join. 2. Then at the top of your script, use the local command to see if the current player is the owner. if(! local (_this select 0)) exitwith {}; // if the current player isn't the owner we will exit // _this select 0 is the group you passed in in step 1 3. Run your SelectLeader Code with "_this select 1". This is your _newLeader you passed in. Hope this helps
  2. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    Yep! Here are the other sides if you need them. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/side
  3. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    Can you post your Ied_Settings.sqf?
  4. If you look in the particle editor thread, somebody produced this a long time ago. and here is another one http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b525/MikeSulo/EventH/awesome_zps6076d55c.jpg~original http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?157226-Particle-Editor/page2
  5. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    In case anybody has a similar issue. The problem was that he has "if (isDedicated) exitWith {}" 2 lines up above the ied call, so the server isn't running the ied code.
  6. I am not sure I understand the problem? Does it not explode? If it does explode, but doesn't damage a vehicle, you need to use a bigger explosion. Try dropping a GBU on it. They did change the armor values in the last update, so maybe you are experiencing that first hand? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?176168-Ifrit-and-Hunter-Armour-Change EDIT: I just tested it with my script and it seems to work as intended
  7. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    Using an admin debug console, type "iedDictionary" into one of the fields. If it is working, it will look something like this http://i.imgur.com/m8zmu6E.jpg If it didn't load any ieds, it will just have empty brackets [[],[]] If it is blank it isn't working at all. Can you confirm it isn't working? If it isn't working, please send me your mission, so I can see what is happening.
  8. Remove the addaction. Then sleep for a couple seconds. Then readd the addaction.
  9. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    Looking at the config for Fallujah.. There are only 11 places classified as cities, and they range from 50-100ish meters in size. For a location that size. the script decides it should only place 1 ied. You won't be able to use the "All" ones. However, you most definitely use multiple markers. Here is a sample mission with 3 markers. http://elektropd.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/fallujah.fallujah.zip
  10. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    Can you send me your mission and a link to the mods required? The marker method is described at 17 minutes and 22seconds of the tutorial video
  11. brians200

    creating public variables

    I think you are taking the hard way for "_i" from 1 to 8 step 1 do { call compile format["name%1 = 'classname' createvehicle stuff; publicVariable 'name%1';", _i]; }; Check for syntax errors, as I didn't get a chance to run it.
  12. I was not talking about AI respawning. The problem is happening with players being invincible.
  13. Has anybody had any luck implementing this into a Zeus mission? I added it to the default 18+2 mission and players were invincible. They had red legs, like they were bleeding, but they weren't limping and couldn't die. The Zeus maps use respawn = 2;, so I left it at that. Perhaps that is problem?
  14. Enjoyed seeing the quirks of ALiVE in your videos!
  15. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    Can you describe to me the advantage of using a main loop for all of them? I am just not immediately seeing it. This is the way I see it. With individual threads: They spend the majority of their time sleeping, causing very little processor use They can keep track of their own variables When I tell it to sleep for 5 seconds, they rely on the scheduler for keeping track of the timing With a loop: If a mission maker has a large number of IEDs, now there is a giant loop running every so often. (Periodic lag) The IEDs are stored in a triply nested dictionary, rather than a single array. To loop through them, I have to generate a lot of key sets. I would have to continuously look up variables that the current IED needs to do the computation I now have to worry about timing issues to keep it checking every 5 seconds. If the loop takes 3.5 seconds, I have to keep track of that
  16. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    I have created an update tutorial for this script. It includes all the ied array approaches, adding and removing ieds during the mission, and how to use the safezone.
  17. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    If you are using any of these, ["All", side] ["AllCities", side] ["AllVillages", side] ["AllLocals", side] It will only spawn them in the towns and villages. You have to actually tell it what roads you want if you want to spawn them outside of towns.
  18. brians200

    grab all city place ?

    That's what happens when you type code without trying it. Thanks Grumpy Old Man!
  19. brians200

    grab all city place ?

    Would it not be faster to look through the config, rather than searching for places? _placesCfg = configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "Names"; _placesToKeep = ["NameCityCapital","NameCity","NameVillage"]; _places = []; for "_i" from 0 to (count _placesCfg)-1 do { _place = _placesCfg select _i; _name = toUpper(getText(_place >> "name")); _position = getArray (_place >> "position"); _type = getText(_place >> "type"); if(_type in _placesToKeep) then { _places set [_i, [_name, _position]]; }; };
  20. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    Version 2.3 Triggers are now created and deleted as they are needed to reduce the strain on the server. Only IEDs with a soldier or vehicle within 250 meters of them will have a trigger actively checking for victims. Fixed the "bucket bug". This should remove the lag the explosions were creating on servers with more than a few players. Special thanks to serjames Smoke plumes now travel much faster. Reduced the number of plumes for each IED. Small IED: 0-7 Medium IED: 5-19 Large IED: 15-34 [*] Rocks are now flung a little bit farther so you can see them outside of the smoke. [*] Other small particle tweaks. [*] Fixed shrapnel logic so it produces different amounts based on the size of the IED. (The code was in the wrong order in the last release, causing it to produce the same amount for every IED) Download Here v2.3 To update your missions Save the old IED_Settings.sqf. Replace the EPD folder with the new one. Put your old IED_Settings.sqf back in.
  21. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    https://github.com/Brians200/EPD-IED/blob/master/EPD/IED/CreationFunctions.sqf#L173 The trigger size is on line 173. there is also one in the secondary method down below on 231
  22. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    https://github.com/Brians200/EPD-IED/blob/master/EPD/IED/DisarmFunctions.sqf#L45 If you keep repeating with lines 45 and 46, you can make it as long as you want. You can even choose different animations to go along with it.
  23. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    I am not sure you would be able to as it uses some commands that didn't exist in Arma 2, according to TankBuster. However, TankBuster did write an IED script for arma 2 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=17870
  24. Hi Psycho, that test version appears to have fixed the duplication.
  25. ' "string1" "string2" '