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Everything posted by LSD_Timewarp82

  1. LSD_Timewarp82

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Did you play sometimes (Singleplayer,Multiplayer) or did you only use the Benchmark? Would be pointless to transmit the Frames from the bench to a usual Game
  2. Thanks, i´ll keep you up when find more bugs :)
  3. LSD_Timewarp82

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    U need to wait like we all for the new version, hope the torture will end someday :D
  4. LSD_Timewarp82

    X-Cam prototype map

    This map looks so extreme epic, hope for a soon release. Wonderful
  5. U mean from the Modlist where you can add Vehicles and Units? If yes, yes its possible to edit those list, select the list you want to edit (List 1 example) and Load this list. When u loaded it you can klick the "Add Vehicles" tab, the list should show your saved vehicles, to delete a vehicle from one of the faction you need to navigate your mouse to the tab of a faction and then simply klick LMB directly on the list where the vehicles are stored and klick "Remove last Unit"
  6. Fantastic map, no doubt one of my fav maps to play Arma :) Found some bugs (propably) Some doors of the houses looks wierd, when getting next to that "open door" appears but texture is permanent like on the picture, i can simply walk through that doorlooking texture ^^ Was in "Eponia" and went to the top of the bigger house blocks and on the top of that there is a hole on that Block. I Dont know if that is normal or not.
  7. LSD_Timewarp82

    ASDG Attachments

    Finally Supressors for the Cheytac. I hope you will release this soon, looks fantastic :)
  8. But as you could read, for me and others VTS is working well, so the issue is propably on your and your friends side. Even when i start his mission with my usual amount of over 60 mods, even then VTS is working. I would suggest you to install the mod "Moduload", this mod reinitializes mods which have trouble to initialize when loading a saved game or even while running mission.
  9. LSD_Timewarp82

    [IceBreakr/IBIS] Island Panthera for A3

    Here man ;) Mirror: https://mega.co.nz/#!IhQzAJia!yK-tJ1fONpTmt-CDaneHpRMGHzXxkdslY9cYbrm868c Torrent: http://gameupdates.org/details.php?id=5993 Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B78l1r8Ot0x9RFJ5SFRhcDEzb2s/view
  10. Hmm, like mentioned, my VTS Weaponresting works, doesnt matter if i start a fresh mission or loading&Continue my mission.. So it´s not your Missions fault. I use latest version of your mission
  11. @ SaOk Sahrani Map were ported to Arma3 too, hope you will add these when finished IF Mod addition :) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?185924-SMD-Sahrani-A3-Bohemia-s-Sahrani-Terrain-as-ported-by-SMD
  12. VTS Weaponresting works for me, hmmm....
  13. Iron Front is that WWII Mod? Me personally dont like the World War 2 Scenario :(
  14. Island Panthera was now released as Arma3 Version :dancehead: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27417
  15. My test failed, used: addon version Like mentioned i tried to use it in WholeLottaAltis, Enemy AI started to teleport after a couple of minutes, movement of them looked like hard desync. :(
  16. Thanks dude, i will try it while playing WholeLottaAltis, should be a good indicator i think
  17. So you think my answer was offense? Maybe i misspelled it, English is not my native language and here in Germany you can build a sentence with a funny meant "herr gott - dear god" and has nothing offensive meaning :)
  18. SaOk rejected the suggestion to use an other Loadout sytem multiple times, people need to deal with it. I run his mission with over 60 active mods and have no problems at all. And installing 1 mod to have desired loadout system isn´t too much to ask (for most humans) I would suggest the mod outfit_gear, in this mod it´s possible to put the thing on your soldier you want to and of course its possible to save the created loadouts, you can load those saved loadouts on your mates too of course. The interface of the mod is like VAS/VirtualLoadout/etc
  19. Man, then simply add a mod which provides your desired Loadout system... Dear god.
  20. Thanks for this, Aggressors just loaded :)
  21. LSD_Timewarp82

    SFP: Islands

    Thank you, fantastic map (s) :)
  22. Thanks man, will try it in the next minutes. I bought today AssassinsCreed Unity, it was hard to stop playing it^^
  23. LSD_Timewarp82

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    This are things i´ve repeated a hundred times, over annd over again^^ Impossible to force constant framerate from this Engine. The Engine doesnt give a fck, constant framerate has possibly an "unknown parameterstring" for the Engine ^^ Even the PC of Chuck Norris is an easy victim form the Arma Engine :)
  24. LSD_Timewarp82

    US Helicopters (HAFM OVerhaul) MOD

    I play only Singleplayer :) I am happy with the actual damage but when i watch some Clips or Videos what the Cannon do to this Humans IRL and compare then to Arma, well, i think the AI has too much movement after some shells hits the ground right next to them. In most of the videos i watchted the People are like Stun or something, , many of the are losing ability to move cause they are confused and so on.. In Arma it sometimes looks like a CSAT Soldier dont give a little f*ck to the HE rounds, he simply walk away, i bet 1 csat Soldier would simply walk into Mordor^^ It´s not a suggestion or something, if you want to do that i am happy and if not, well its okay for me :) And when u update your Mod i thought it would be no great work for you to increase those values, or better, simply release then the usual variant and this one with more damage. But of course it´s up to you, i respect your decision. Thanks for listening
  25. LSD_Timewarp82

    US Helicopters (HAFM OVerhaul) MOD

    @ Matze Yes, if you are taking control of the Chopper as Gunner you have to Aim those Vehicles with Crosshair cause AI (which have no Control of Chopper,can only fire rockets) will Fire those missiles :) Practice a little bit, its easy after a while :) @ geraldbolso Would it be possible to add even more realism to the Cobra or Apache, thought about the "blocking HE Cannon when possible friendly fire", i think the Apache has this IRL but i might be wrong. And i would love to have more Damage when shooting with the HE Cannon (only for HE Cannon) is that possible?