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Everything posted by PenguinInATuxedo

  1. PenguinInATuxedo

    Insignia Trouble

    I notice this on most the NATO inf for XML and Insignia but it isn't like this on all units, might be something on BIS's end.
  2. They just added a module for Virtual Ammobox on dev branch maybe it has fields for things like factions and item class name restrictions.
  3. Yep, That looks great. When it is finished it is going to look stunning.
  4. If you are referring to the inability to add many items to inventory ei suppressors,nvgs and mags not for current weapon then yes.
  5. PenguinInATuxedo

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Wow someone really got their coder pants on at BIS, today's update has so many improvements good to see they finally fixed the DMS red dot. I'm interested to see how the new camera lock command works.
  6. Strange I used that exact mission in editor and it worked fine, but maybe you should look at the way moricky and lala has done it, they seem to be more efficient.
  7. There ya go the master just fixed everything, I even learnt a simpler way to get the VABox.
  8. Alright I will try to do a step by step someone please correct me if anything is wrong. 1. Create a text file called VABoxinit.sqf in your mission folder 2. In VABoxinit.sqf put ["Open",true] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; 3. Now place down the object you want people to interact with and in the Name field type VABox1 4. Create another text file in your mission folder called init.sqf 5. In init.sqf type VABox1 addaction ["Open Virtual Arsenal", "VABoxinit.sqf"]; 6. Save your mission to apply the new .sqf files and run You now have a Virtual Arsenal with every item in your mission, I'm not an expert scripter so I'm not entirely certain how this will acting in terms of locality and JIP players. Here is the mission I made using that step by step. Google Drive Just Download unzip and put the VABox_Test.VR folder in your editor mission directory.
  9. Hmm, Pictures of a frigates bridge seem hard to come by. Looks like its mostly halo 2 stuff, Hopefully when the Halo Master Chief collection comes out we will get some redone pictures of the bridge as well as all the cut scenes are being replaced with those very smexy looking ones that halo 4 and halo wars had.
  10. PenguinInATuxedo

    Dear Bohemia, What the actual fcuk?

    You have to understand missions and Server Hardware are often out of BIS's hands, If a mission or server hardware runs like a potato then you will have a negative effect on your end. KOTH and the Life stuff are very script heavy, Life more so and they will take a toll. I get away with playing this game on all standard settings and 40+ FPS on most missions and I am running a GTS450 GFX card I would say BIS have done a great job making it so my poop PC can run something that is as large and as beautiful at Altis.
  11. To have it by addaction like VAS you will want to make it in .SQF and call that .sqf with the addaction, That way you can set up the parameters for things like disallowed weapons and so forth. You can call it with a trigger as well by putting the function in the on act field. Using https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arsenal you should be able to get it set up the way you want, It is sum what involved but for a basic everything is available box it is straight forward.
  12. Bridge as in Hard Light bridge or the more solid structural bridge? http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx208/Xamikaze330/Halo%20Images/HardLightEnergyFieldBridge.jpg - Hard Light bridge from halo wars very wide http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii281/munkeyspaynk/Halo%20Project/bridge01.jpg - Community made bridge based on one of the smaller structural bridges http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/photos/uncategorized/2007/08/16/narrows.jpg - Long Structural bridge that looks very fancy http://images.wikia.com/halo/images/archive/1/13/20121109040411!Energy_bridge.jpg - Old halo 1&2 Hard Light bridge Simple and Narrow These are some of the main types of bridges.
  13. Looks so awesome, I just can't bring myself to reinstall and go back to A2 controls. Maybe on release I will impulse install.
  14. PenguinInATuxedo

    Next DLC and Expansion Speculation

    At the end of the prologue this message is displayed. Could it confirm the chosen island for the expansion is in fact in the pacific?
  15. PenguinInATuxedo

    COOP 32 - Resistance (FIA vs CSAT)

    I believe you can set the amount of money the factories have to build with, but you might be able to remove it all together. I haven't implemented and got stuck into R3F Logistics yet but I think they want it to be openly configurable so something like removing the currency seems entirely viable.
  16. PenguinInATuxedo

    COOP 32 - Resistance (FIA vs CSAT)

    Have you looked into replacing the current logistic scripts with R3F Logistics, having the ability to use the factory to build a little fob would be great. Proper lifting and towing would be nice too, we at AEF enjoy the scavenge style play this mission provides but when we can't recover all the loot or abandoned vehicles because we can't tow them together or lift them its disappointing. Also needs a fix for the FAKs and some ammo being taken when you die, and you should change the vehicle respawn effect to not do the mortar strike on wrecks, we had an issue where one of the pre built emplacements at base died and on respawn was killing the others causing an infinite loop.
  17. That looks nice, Are you going to make buildings enter-able?
  18. PenguinInATuxedo

    Combat Space Enhancement 0.2

    jejejejejeje Downloading now can't wait, The longest 14mb download of my life.
  19. PenguinInATuxedo

    [R3F] Logistics

    While being able to save the structures you make would be nice I can't help but feel it was curb peoples creative thinking that come with a fresh start for each building site. But if saving were added maybe it can be done where you tag the parts that make up the structure you want to save then the factory can have a "Save Tagged" option to make custom buildings.
  20. I'd say you look damn distinguished.
  21. PenguinInATuxedo

    United States Air Force

    Are the door guns going to be more useful then the ones on the Ghosthawk? Trying to hit things with the GH door guns is extremely painful, as soon as the pilot makes a small adjustment the gun is thrown off by like 50 meters. Please tell me your helis have some sort of free movement gyro on the door guns, so using them while in a holding pattern is viable. Oh and any type of optic would be great preferably a holo sight, those M2 sights can be hard to see things with.
  22. PenguinInATuxedo

    [R3F] Logistics

    [R3F] Logistics 3.0 released, Today was a good day.
  23. PenguinInATuxedo

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    yes, you just need to change the keybind for AGMs check mag.
  24. PenguinInATuxedo

    Funny & interesting videos

    Fireworks display captured with a quad rotor drone.
  25. PenguinInATuxedo

    Gun Debate Should apes like these be allowed to bare arms?

    Was that a prmo for the new planet of the apes?