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Everything posted by whiztler

  1. Great points Nyte. I'll look into them and fix/update where needed. Thanks!
  2. Thanks for the report. I'll look into it.
  3. whiztler

    [MP CO15 Campaign] Wolfpack Vol. 1

    I did. Timeouts are now part of the patrol functions.
  4. whiztler

    [MP CO15 Campaign] Wolfpack Vol. 1

    New mega links added.
  5. whiztler

    [MP CO37 Campaign] Two Sierra

    @Aplion Thanks for the heads up. New link is up in the op.
  6. whiztler

    [MP CO15 Campaign] Wolfpack Vol. 1

    Vehicle crew. But have implemented it for all framework spawns
  7. whiztler

    [MP CO15 Campaign] Wolfpack Vol. 1

    Still have no idea. Added a forced "allowDamage true" after each spawn which solves it.
  8. whiztler

    [MP CO37 Campaign] Two Sierra

    Updated to version 1.11. See OP for download information. Version 1.11 Fixed: Invulnerable vehicle gunners. Updated: Performance improvements. Updated: 2sierra_readme.pdf ReadMe document. Updated: Applied ADF 2.22 framework.
  9. whiztler

    [MP CO15 Campaign] Wolfpack Vol. 1

    Updated to version 1.73. See OP for more information and download links Changelog version 1.73: Fixed: Invulnerable vehicle gunners. Updated: Performance improvements. Updated: Applied ADF 2.22 framework.
  10. whiztler

    [MP CO15 Campaign] Wolfpack Vol. 2

    Updated to version 1.73. See OP for more information and download links Changelog version 1.73: Fixed: Invulnerable vehicle gunners. Updated: Performance improvements. Updated: Applied ADF 2.22 framework.
  11. I recon the unit is still a null object. Add: private _timeOut = time + 5; waitUntil {!isNull _unit || time > _timeOut}; Before your loadout call.
  12. whiztler

    Marker on top of other marker

    I use a re-marker script to recreate a marker (always is on top of other markers): ADF_fnc_remarker = { ////// ["myMarker"] call ADF_fnc_remarker; params [ ["_oldMarker", "", [""]] ]; // Check marker if !(_oldMarker in allMapMarkers) exitWith { diag_log format ["Marker: '%1' is not a valid marker or does not exist", _oldMarker]; }; // Store marker data private _name = _oldMarker; private _position = getMarkerPos _oldMarker; private _type = getMarkerType _oldMarker; private _colour = getMarkerColor _oldMarker; private _shape = markerShape _oldMarker; private _dir = markerDir _oldMarker; private _size = getMarkerSize _oldMarker; private _text = markerText _oldMarker; private _alpha = markerAlpha _oldMarker; private _brush = markerBrush _oldMarker; // Hack due to bug in ARMA3 if !(_type isKindOf "CfgMarkers") then {_type = "";}; if !(_shape in ["ICON", "RECTANGLE", "ELLIPSE", "POLYLINE"]) then { _shape = "ICON"; _type = "hd_dot"; _colour = "ColorUNKNOWN"; _text = "Marker Error"; }; // Delete the marker deleteMarker _oldMarker; // re-create the marker on top of the object markers private _newMarker = createMarker [_name, _position]; _newMarker setMarkerType _type; _newMarker setMarkerColor _colour; _newMarker setMarkerShape _shape; _newMarker setMarkerDir _dir; _newMarker setMarkerSize _size; _newMarker setMarkerText _text; _newMarker setMarkerAlpha _alpha; _newMarker setMarkerBrush _brush; // Return the new marker _newMarker };
  13. whiztler

    [MP CO15 Campaign] Wolfpack Vol. 1

    Which mission is giving you issues? Can you share the RPT log? I see no reason why #restart shouldn't work. Seems more like a server issue to me. But you can always try #missions and select the mission from there.
  14. Did you name the soldier? If not than name the soldier, e.g. unit_01. In your script you can then delete the waypoint: deleteWaypoint [group unit_01, index];
  15. whiztler

    [MP CO15 Campaign] Wolfpack Vol. 1

    All patrol functions call upon "core/fn_addWaypoint.sqf" (ADF_fnc_addWaypoint) to create the actual waypoint(s). Tbh I never had the need for waypoint timeouts in my missions hence why I haven't added the option. I might add it to the next ADF release.
  16. whiztler

    [MP CO15 Campaign] Wolfpack Vol. 1

    Quite a few of the ADF functions have been updated. Had some issues with the AI skill application so deactivated it. Besides that it is mostly optimization.
  17. whiztler

    [MP CO15 Campaign] Wolfpack Vol. 1

    Updated to version 1.72. See OP for more information and download links Changelog version 1.72: Updated: Reverted all AI skill to default skill. Updated: Most mission scripts for further performance improvement. Updated: Applied ADF 2.20 framework.
  18. whiztler

    [MP CO15 Campaign] Wolfpack Vol. 2

    Updated to version 1.72. See OP for more information and download links Changelog version 1.72: Updated: Reverted all AI skill to default skill. Updated: Most mission scripts for further performance improvement. Updated: Applied ADF 2.20 framework.
  19. whiztler

    [MP CO37 Campaign] Two Sierra

    Updated to version 1.10. See OP for download information. Version 1.10 Fixed: Attempt to fix the occasional invincibility of OpFor. Updated: 2sierra_readme.pdf ReadMe document. Updated: Applied ADF 2.19 framework. Note I received several reports that OpFor is very difficult to kill and sometimes require 10+ hits for them to go down. From a mission maker point of view this seems due to a change in config of body armor etc. Since my missions do not alter any unit config, the only other possible explication was the skill set changes. Although it does not seems logical, it is the only setting that is applied in both Two Sierra and Wolfpack missions that alter behaviour of OpFor. I have removed any skill set/behaviour changes and kept everything as Vanilla as possible. Please let me know if this clears-up the invincibility issue of OpFor units.
  20. I prefer the ZBE_Cache script over the BIS engine solution. The fact that it does not cache the leader of a group make real-time simulation much more realistic. See you in a few years 😁
  21. Perhaps posting the code regarding your query will give us some insight in your issue. Also when testing in MP my advise is to actually start an MP session. TADST is a great tool for this, a tool I use as well. https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/101123-tophes-arma-dedicated-server-tool-tadst/
  22. whiztler

    Attacth TO nearEntities

    Have a look at the forEach command. It lets you execute a command on items in an array (which your list of objects is)
  23. Perhaps explain a bit what how the issue starts. You hide objects using the module and place another object in its place in Eden? It should work. Perhaps you can test an alternative route by hiding the object and then spawn another object in its place using a script (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createVehicle).