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Everything posted by tizzo

  1. Hello everyone! I´ve tried to research for a solution, opened dozens of pbo files and watched hrs and hrs of youtube videos, but i simply need help!!! I like to create small coop missions for our dedicated server. Among a few other problems, I cant figure out, how to make sure, that all clients get their task updates and mission endings at the same time. From what I understand, I have to define global Variables in the init on mission start up. (<- Here is the first problem for me, not sure how to do it right!) Like this? if (!isServer) exitWith {}; missionNameSpace setVariable ["myfirsttask", 0]; publicVariable "myfirsttask"; sleep 1; Ok, found a nice video on youtube on how to get tasks updated within a mission. How EXACTLY to get a trigger on firing the publicVariable "myfirsttask" to achieved? inside trigger on activation: missionNameSpace setVariable ["myfirsttask", 1]; <--- like this ??? Ok, so now how to i trigger the endmission for everyone at the same time? I know I have to use following: "end1" call BIS_fnc_endMission; but how exactly? Do I set up another trigger with publicVariable "myfirsttask" as condition ??? In that regard, I have another issue! I like the endtrigger to fire ONLY when all alive players are within the trigger area AND "myfirsttask" is done! Is that even possible, while revive is enabled? ({ alive _x } count thislist) == 0; <-- This should be part of the trigger?!?? Or do i simply go into editor and sync the whole player group with the last trigger? Last but not least, even though revival is enabled, how to I end the missions, once all players are down at the same time??? I´ve seen many videos and tutorials to most of above topics, but most if not all of them, dont account for the mission being run a dedicated server!!! Do I need and initserver.sqf? If yes, does it mean I also need a initplayerlocal.sqf and an init.sqf? I really really hope to find some help here, thanks for taking the time to read this!!!
  2. i´ve seen your post above, after i did released my last post. i will give that a go!!!!
  3. ha, i got lucky, found an old post from 6 years ago, where pierremgi pointed out a piece of code, which works fine! if (!isNil "groupName") then { ({group _x == groupName} count thislist) == count units groupName } here is the link: @pierremgi thank you sooo sooo much for help and input!!!!!!!!!
  4. it says: condition missing ) cant figure out where to put it, sorry for stressing your helpfulness...
  5. Just realizing a misunderstanding. The above code requires all players to be unable to play. THIS is actually a Loose condition, which is actually also important for my mission. This i can test only tomorrow with some mates. What I´m currently trying to achieve is winning the mission. Since my tasks are chained, I dont even need to set a condition, except following: All alive players have to be within the trigger area! Only then, the trigger is to fire either "end1" call BIS_fnc_endMission; or ["MissionCompleted",true,true,true,true]call BIS_fnc_endMission; how to i do this?? type: none?? activation: blufor condition: allPlayers isEqualTo [] && ({alive _x} count allPlayers == count allPlayers) ????? ^ i just made that up...
  6. hello again, so the trigger with allPlayers isNotEqualTo [] && ({!alive _x or lifeState _x == "incapacitated"} count allPlayers == count allPlayers) didn´t do anything. Not in the editor and nor on the dedicated server. i did leave the trigger at none, none, but it seems that it needs some kind of activation. any ideas please???
  7. Hi pierremgi, than you so much for your answer!!! Very curious to try it out!! Regarding the last point / allPlayers isNotEqualTo [] && ({!alive _x or lifeState _x == "incapacitated"} count allPlayers == count allPlayers) / can I set myFirstTask =1; as condition?
  8. Hi Fellas, i know there´s a ton of "overviewPicture" posts out there, hope it´s still fine to open yet another one. I noticed that all custom mission-overviewPictures dont work poperly in our serverlobby (on server-start), except the ones from BI missions. Unpacking the .pbo´s shows that the working missions refer to following path: overviewPicture = "\a3\Missions_F_gamma\data\img\showcase_arma_overview_ca.paa"; ..this is just one example.. Also I wanna mention that the custom made missions seem to be done accordingly to main descriptions: - having the pic in the main mission root folder - using a .paa with proper dimensions in aspectratio and pixel-size and relation - having the right settings in description.ext (..the right path).., and so on - also, those pictures show up in debriefing as background, if set so... So, looking for the BI missions path "\a3\Missions_F_gamma\data\img\" turned out to be difficult for me. It´s not a mission file path, neither did I find it on the server (rented one, so I guess I get only to see the virtual server files anyway) or my game main path. Checking the profile folders in Documents showed \a3\Missions_F_gamma\ but not the rest of the path. Folder and file options are checked for "unhide" in win explorer. Does anyone of you fellas know what´s going on here? Cheers
  9. ok, solved, kinda... its a known bug for two years already, as I´ve been told.. also the path I was talking about, is a pbo in the arma 3 addons folder a3= addons Missions_F_gamma = pbo file cheers
  10. Thank you 0lonson for your great help!!! Also thanks to BI Forum for letting people ask for help. We did all via PM´s. Cheers
  11. Hi fellas, since I´m allowed to ask here for help, this is what I do then, cause I need it kinda desperately! Whatever mission I made, my main problem was always to get tasks work properly. JIP, mission ending conditions by "whole group" and so on... My last approach worked actually kinda well, using the FHQ Task Tracker. At least while I was hosting a MP from my gaming pc (locally).., but since we ("clan") changed to a dedicated server, tasks are not even showing up anymore at all! My main goal is to be able to create a working mission structure like following: - MP / COOP, ideally with JIP - 2 or 3 Tasks, dont care if they are already assigned or not on mission start - Extractionzone triggering the end, only when whole group present and all Tasks done - Dedicated Server compatible Doesnt sound too difficult, but I just dont get it right... I´ve seen many posts about this topic and there are a few tutorials as well, unpacked countless pbo´s, but I´m just stucked. If there is somebody out there, willing to help, for example by reviewing my last mission, or help me creating a template for myself, this would be more then appreciated. I´m even willing to pay for help. Cheers
  12. Hi Fellas, my latest problem with my last mission on a dedicated server is a super fast protocol from main lobby to mission start. Same goes for debriefing. Sometimes you could barely see the main lobby, next second you´re on the loading screen, and before loading screen is finished, you can hear already in-game missions sounds. Vice versa on debriefing. It shows up for a few seconds, suddenly you´re already back at the main lobby. This "behaviour" varies, depending on how many people are on the server. Testing missions while I´m alone, all seems normal, but it gets worse when other people join. Never seen that kind of thing! DisabledAI = true; joinUnassigned = false; // auto assign enableDebugConsole = 0; // Debug Console debriefing = 1; These settings are applied, so it cant be the description.ext Dedicated Server is set to "Autoinit" though, but with this setting set to "Off" (0), autoassign in lobby is still happening. Maybe I set up the init.sqf in a wrong way. Its my first approach to get a mission to work on a dedicated server. // JIP Check (This code should be placed first line of init.sqf file) if (!isServer && isNull player) then {isJIP=true;} else {isJIP=false;}; // Wait until player is initialized if (!isDedicated) then {waitUntil {!isNull player && isPlayer player};}; call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "fhqtt2.sqf"; call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "briefing.sqf"; setViewDistance 2500; [getpos orbit1, "Special Forces at Insertion",150, 150, 180, 0,[]] spawn BIS_fnc_establishingShot; ["%1 --- Executing TcB AIS init.sqf",diag_ticktime] call BIS_fnc_logFormat; enableSaving [false,false]; enableTeamswitch false; // TcB AIS wont support teamswitch //call compile preprocessFile "=BTC=_revive\=BTC=_revive_init.sqf"; // TcB AIS Wounding System -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!isDedicated) then { TCB_AIS_PATH = "ais_injury\"; [] spawn { {[_x] call compile preprocessFile (TCB_AIS_PATH+"init_ais.sqf")} forEach (if (isMultiplayer) then {playableUnits} else {switchableUnits}); // execute for every playable unit //{[_x] call compile preprocessFile (TCB_AIS_PATH+"init_ais.sqf")} forEach (units group player); // only own group - you cant help strange group members //{[_x] call compile preprocessFile (TCB_AIS_PATH+"init_ais.sqf")} forEach [p1,p2,p3,p4,p5]; // only some defined units }; }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (isServer) then {[1000,-1,true,100,600,600]execvm "zbe_cache\main.sqf"}; if (isServer) then { fnc_cleanup = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "cleanup.sqf"; [] spawn { while {true} do { [] call fnc_cleanup; sleep 500; }; }; }; //EOS SYSTEM []execVM "eos\OpenMe.sqf"; // VcomAi initialize [] execVM "VCOMAI\init.sqf"; if (isServer) then { tektask_1 = false; tektask_2 = false; tektask_3 = false; publicVariable "tektask_1"; publicVariable "tektask_2"; publicVariable "tektask_3"; }; Last but not least, mission was done with the Eden 3D Editor, this thingy is beautiful, but full of bugs. Maybe this has something to do with it? No idea! What about you guys? Got another question related to mission start on a dedi server. Is it normal that "briefing on map" (part between lobby and mission start / on mp hosted games) is skipped?
  13. hmmm, but actually there is always someone logged in as admin... problem solved in case somebody wants to know.. - changed server settings: persistent=0; autonit=0 - did put following in the description.ext: briefing=1 - Activation End: ["End2",true] remoteExecCall ["BIS_fnc_endMission", 0, true]; ..its all good now!
  14. I´m not an expert at all in scripting, but try following if you wanna get a trigger fired by the whole group present! 1. give your group a name by putting following into the init field of your group leader: TYRDAISHIUNIT=group this; TYRDAISHIUNIT stands for whatever name you wanna use 2. Create a trigger to fire when whole group is present by doing following: DONT group it or sync it to your group like you usually would. Activation: anyone! 3. Condition: if (!isNil "TYRDAISHIUNIT") then { ({group _x == TYRDAISHIUNIT} count thislist) == count units TYRDAISHIUNIT } 4. Sync Trigger to your setTaskstate-Module Hope that helps. It did in my case. But be aware, there seem to be a few more bugs with the Eden Editor, as nice as it is, its not ready yet. Also I can really recommend FHQ Tasktracker, will safe you some sync and group issues with triggers.
  15. pierremgi is right, it works without the last piece of code. in case somebodys runs into same trouble like I did, set the trigger activation to "anyone"!
  16. tizzo

    FHQ TaskTracker

    Hi Varanon, moving the code up as you recommended didn´t do it either. BUT, for some reason I´ve been using an older version of FHQ! Latest version contains the "fhqtt2.sqf". Swapped both files and suddenly everything worked like magic. So, big apologies for wasting your time and thankful appreciation for your support!!!
  17. ..after more testing, it´s really an issue only existing in the 3D Editor! Got finally all working, expect the end trigger! Your workaround unfortunately doesnt work for. if (!isNil "groupName") then { ({group _x == groupName} count thislist) == count units groupName } else {true}; could anyone pls explain how you got it to work?
  18. ..having an issue with the exact same thing. just to double-check: if (!isNil "CUSTOMNAME") then { ({group _x == CUSTOMNAME} count thislist) == count units CUSTOMNAME } else {true}; OR if (!isNil "CUSTOMNAME") then { ({group _x == groupName} count thislist) == count units groupName } else {true}; I believe that the first code is right, but I cant get it to work on a dedicated server. tried also to sync and/or group the trigger... Also I tried following code: {_x in thisList} count (playableUnits + switchableUnits) == {alive _x} count (playableUnits + switchableUnits) ..but it the trigger just doesnt fire! My goal is the to get the player group (clan on dedicated) to force the mission to end, if everybody is present! Could anyone help please?
  19. tizzo

    FHQ TaskTracker

    Hi Varanon, thanks for support, thats very kind! Will change the code accordingly, but I´m off to work now for the next few days. Cheers
  20. tizzo

    FHQ TaskTracker

    /* Briefing * The briefing can be defined by calling FHQ_TT_addBriefing. * The array is built like this. * The first element should be a filter (side, group, faction, or a piece of script). All units matching the * filter will see the briefing * This is followed by pairs of strings, a head line, and an actual text. * Briefings are added in the order in which they appear for any unit that matches * the last filter. */ [ west, ["Mission", "*** Describe the player's mission in few words ***"], ["Situation", "*** Describe the situation, what lead to the current mission, and the current theatre of war ***"], ["Execution", "*** Describe the intended way the mission should be carried out ***"], ["Allied forces", "*** Describe additional stuff, like allied forces, intel, etc ***"], ["Weather", "*** Describe the current and expected weather ***"], ["Credits", "Mission by <br/>"] ] call FHQ_TT_addBriefing; [ west, // Filter ["task1", // Task name "Destroy Ammo Boxes", // Task text in briefing "Ammo Crates", // Task title in briefing "!", // Waypoint text getmarkerpos "test1" // Optional: Position or object // Optional: Initial state ], ["task2", // Task name "Hunt and Kill Spec Ops", // Task text in briefing "Hunt Spec Ops", // Task title in briefing "!", // Waypoint text getmarkerpos "test2" // Optional: Position or object ], ["task3", // Task name "Get to Extraction", // Task text in briefing "Extract", // Task title in briefing "!", // Waypoint text getmarkerpos "test3" // Optional: Position or object ] ] call FHQ_TT_addTasks;
  21. tizzo

    FHQ TaskTracker

    ..this is how my init.sqf looks like: // JIP Check (This code should be placed first line of init.sqf file) if (!isServer && isNull player) then {isJIP=true;} else {isJIP=false;}; call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "fhqtt.sqf"; call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "briefing.sqf"; // Wait until player is initialized if (!isDedicated) then {waitUntil {!isNull player && isPlayer player};}; ["%1 --- Executing TcB AIS init.sqf",diag_ticktime] call BIS_fnc_logFormat; enableSaving [false,false]; enableTeamswitch false; // TcB AIS wont support teamswitch //call compile preprocessFile "=BTC=_revive\=BTC=_revive_init.sqf"; // TcB AIS Wounding System -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!isDedicated) then { TCB_AIS_PATH = "ais_injury\"; [] spawn { {[_x] call compile preprocessFile (TCB_AIS_PATH+"init_ais.sqf")} forEach (if (isMultiplayer) then {playableUnits} else {switchableUnits}); // execute for every playable unit //{[_x] call compile preprocessFile (TCB_AIS_PATH+"init_ais.sqf")} forEach (units group player); // only own group - you cant help strange group members //{[_x] call compile preprocessFile (TCB_AIS_PATH+"init_ais.sqf")} forEach [p1,p2,p3,p4,p5]; // only some defined units }; }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (isServer) then {[1000,-1,true,100,600,600]execvm "zbe_cache\main.sqf"}; if (isServer) then { fnc_cleanup = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "cleanup.sqf"; [] spawn { while {true} do { [] call fnc_cleanup; sleep 500; }; }; }; //execVM "scripts\mission.sqf"; execVM "scripts\infotext.sqf"; //EOS SYSTEM []execVM "eos\OpenMe.sqf"; // VcomAi initialize [] execVM "VCOMAI\init.sqf"; skiptime (((paramsArray select 0) - daytime + 24) % 24); switch (paramsArray select 1) do { case 0: { 0 setOvercast 0; 0 setRain 0; }; case 1: { 0 setOvercast 0.8; 0 setRain 0.3; }; case 2: { 0 setOvercast 0.9; 0 setRain 0.6; }; case 3: { 0 setOvercast 1; 0 setRain 1; }; }; switch (paramsArray select 2) do { case 0: { 0 setFog 0; }; case 1: { 0 setFog 0.3; }; case 2: { 0 setFog 0.6; }; case 3: { 0 setFog 1; }; }; viewparam = (paramsArray select 3); if (viewparam == 0) then {setViewDistance 100}; if (viewparam == 1) then {setViewDistance 500}; if (viewparam == 2) then {setViewDistance 1000}; if (viewparam == 3) then {setViewDistance 2000}; if (viewparam == 4) then {setViewDistance 5000};
  22. tizzo

    FHQ TaskTracker

    Hi Varanon, thanks for your reply! Ok, my playeable units are not set captive. So this can´t be it! I used your script btw with following tutorial: http://phantommissionsite.weebly.com/arma-3.html It made things work for me until we started our dedicated server a few days ago. Most likely you are right that I might be using Task Tracker on a client...., simply dont know how to make it work server side to be honest.
  23. tizzo

    FHQ TaskTracker

    Hi fellas, I got a similar problem with my latest mission, using this great script finally got my tasks work fine when I host MP from my pc, but there are absolutely no tasks on a dedicated server!! Don´t really understand the statements above related to a setCaptive issue.., if somebody could pls explain!? I´m kinda frustrated, cause getting tasks to work properly is the main thing I not getting right! I looked into a few of Alwarren´s missions, but since I dont use FLOW for mission making, I cant really get it right... Some support would be highly appreciated, thanks!!!
  24. @ FOXHOUNT http://www.armaholic.net/chili/editi...ts/EOS_v18.rar Copy this url in your browser, clicking it wont work due to anti-leech. Thanks for your reply btw!!!
  25. Hi m8, I might be able to help out. Im working for the next two weeks every day (15 hrs/day)... What exactly is it what you need? Greetings