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Everything posted by Austintatious

  1. Austintatious

    PhysX3_x86.dll Crash

    May I ask something... When you see these people drop off... is it en mass or is it one at a time? I only ask to suggest that it might be something the server is sending out that is causing the clients to crash. Perhaps x group of players is sent a packet that causes a crash, and y , z groups are not sent this packet.... if that is the case, perhaps there might be a way to root out the issue and point it out to the Devs. if it is individually, perhaps you could still see what the server is sending and see if there is anything in common.... I am not expert, just thinking out loud, Ill stop now HAHA
  2. I think he is asking when they will fix the latest patch which has resulted in a lot of CTD for many people.
  3. Austintatious

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    ohh wow! http://www.dsogaming.com/news/upcoming-take-on-helicopters-update-will-merge-tkoh-with-arma-games/
  4. Austintatious

    My two cents for the posters in ArmA 3 general

    It happens with ANYTHING I try to do in Arma that involves playing.... it is the same physx3 error everyone else is having.
  5. Austintatious

    My two cents for the posters in ArmA 3 general

    I'm sure it is easy for you if you are not having these issues. If you had just paid 60 bucks for this game and couldn't play it, I bet you would have a different outlook. You aren't very sympathetic to those who are getting shafted right now. If you could sympathize with people like me who are very frustrated at not being able to play a game they paid good money for, you wouldn't be explaining why they should tolerate it and telling them to chill out. So try to imagine: You paid 60 bucks for a game and spent hours and hours downloading it You try to play but it crashes often, sometimes at super annoying times. You find out LOTS of other people are having this same issue. You keep getting told its your system, your mods, the way you are holding you tongue and "well it isn't happening to me" by fanbois that see this type of thing as perfectly acceptable who then tell you to "chill out" You see "Arma 3, NOW AVAILABLE" banners at the top of the "troubleshooting forum" that is littered with other people who are having the same issue There is no response from the people responsible. I mean the least they could do is put up a sticky and say " hey, we are working on it"
  6. Austintatious

    My two cents for the posters in ArmA 3 general

    My use of caps is because you seemingly just don't get it. not being able to play is not a bug... people flinging out of a heli into the rotors is a bug ( albeit a funny one). Bugs I can handle I was not intending to rant... The op didn't simply suggest that this is not the forum for ranting, he basically started telling people why they shouldn't be angry and he had absolutely no good points on the topic. I am pointing out that people being pissed off at a non functioning game is perfectly reasonable. Well, since you are too lazy to investigate.... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?165813-Responsible-Game-Development http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?165737-Arma-3-Crashing-Like-Crazy http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?150907-PhysX3_x86-dll-Crash http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?165628-Constant-CTD-ARMA3 http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?165783-Arma-3-Returning-to-Beta http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?165760-Hard-Crashing-Every-time-I-play-after-30min http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?165614-Game-freze-and-crash-after-a-few-mins-playing-after-update Ive done what I can to help... I have voiced that I too am having problems and listed all the information I can... I get asked to show how to replicate the problem and the best answer I have is "launch the game and attempt to play" i am not a programmer, that is the info I can provide... That and voice that I am an unsatisfied customer.
  7. Austintatious

    My two cents for the posters in ArmA 3 general

    a constant crashing is not a BUG. It is a failure of the product. That would be like saying that your new cars engine dieing all the time is the same as the cigarette lighter not working. I dont mind bugs... but I CANT PLAY THE GAME. While it is wonderful that you don t know one person who has the game constantly crashing. perhaps you should visit some of the other forums here and see the hundreds of complaints about EXACTLY THAT. I first assumed it was just me and looked for a solution, turned out lots of people are having this issue. HUNDREDS OR THOUSANDS. No, I assume they are working to fix the problem, which might be naive. The fact is they released a game prematurely and have more money in their pockets for it while the customers have to deal with it. I have played a lot of games and never have I seen anything like this. I don't know what an "evil smile" is.... that is your fiction. What I THINK is that the game wasn't fully ready but they released it anyway in a ploy to rake in cash... They are behind the curve and are now spending that money on simply catching up to what they promised, instead of having what they promised ready and using the cash flow to make it even better.
  8. Austintatious

    My two cents for the posters in ArmA 3 general

    I wasn't the one who first used the term... I in fact don't even believe in "evil" as a thing... I simply use the term as a synonym for wrongdoing. It was not I who interjected the term into the discussion... since it is a term with broad meanings. That being said.. a company that takes my money and doesn't deliver what they said they would is not a company that I want to deal with. I hope This issue gets sorted out so that I can enjoy the game... I think it will get sorted out, but I am not about to just shut up... the squeaky wheel gets the grease and the reality is that this shoudl not have happened... How would you feel about Microsoft if you woke up tomorrow and windows was crashing randomly every 1 - 20 min?
  9. Austintatious

    My two cents for the posters in ArmA 3 general

    I never said they don't... :confused: Jsut because I said I expect them to does not mean I think they aren't doing it. I wish I was one of them... I didn't play Arma2 or arma3 beta... Other than taking internet forum posters word for it, I do not KNOW that they will deliver what they claimed to, this is my first and only experience with them and it is not going well so far. LoL. If expecting a working product for my hard earned cash makes me a spoiled brat then I'll wear the moniker. And you are the expert on "evil" and what that entails? What pray tell other than NOT HOLDING UP THEIR END OF THE BARGAIN can a company do to make them "evil".... All the company, any company, can do is offer me a product and let me purchase it willingly.... However if they misrepresent the product... Ie : Offer it for sale as a consumer ready release when it IS CLEARLY NOT, then they have cheated the consumer. This is why we have false advertising laws, because a companies failure to provide all the facts or to fail to deliver due to their incompetence is a violation of a willing transaction.... In other words, had I known the product was prone to crashing ever 1 - 20 min, I would not have purchased it... FACT.
  10. Austintatious

    My two cents for the posters in ArmA 3 general

    Look I am not spamming the forums with vitriol. All the OP needed to say was "take your complaints where they belong". Instead he went into reasons why people shouldn't be complaining and I disagree with most if not all of his points. Ill agree that complaints should be directed to the proper channel, but don't earmark in condemnation of warranted complaints to that notion.
  11. Austintatious

    Arma 3 Crashing Like Crazy

    Hi, I am using all stock setting on my pc... no mods or custom ANYTHING on Arma and I am having the same crashing problem. It isnt a specific mission, it isnt explosions... it is random and often.
  12. Austintatious

    My two cents for the posters in ArmA 3 general

    Strange, I waited until Arma 3 was RELEASE, paid 60 bucks for it and it is unplayable due to it crashing for no apparent reason, not just for me but for MANY PEOPLE. So all I understand is that the company held out a game and STILL DOES (see banners everywhere for "ARMA 3 RELEASED") as finished and ready to go and it clearly is not. Wouldn't you be bitter if you bought any other product that was supposedly ready for the consumer and it was clearly not? Why should I give the makers of Arma 3 a free pass? miniscule problems I can work with... The game is UNPLAYABLE for many... THEY SHOULD be working overtime to make the game playable. yes, I bought what I was lead to believe was a playable game ie NOT A BETA..... I dont owe them any patience... I paid them $60.00, they owe me a playable game. what a strange outlook... I am not supporting them... I purchased a product, they are not delivering. Well, i don't advocate violence, but I haven't seen any calls for it either. If there are calls for it they can be rightly ignored. However the nut jobs doing so do not invalidate the angry people who cant play a game they paid for. well, if they cant deliver what they advertised but keep my money, in my book that DOES make them an evil company. They have developers that cant keep themselves out of prison? Wonderful. Let them give me a refund and I will stop complaining.. as long as They have my money and I have an unplayable game i will complain as much as I want, thanks!
  13. Austintatious

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Throwing this out there.. take it or leave it. I am speaking as a real world pilot who flies fixed wing and has also flown rotary wing. -the amount of reduced collective available in the helos. To slow from max speed to a hover without gaining altitude required a 100% collective reduction about 2k out from the landing zone. For stopping with a full collective reduction, it should be less than half that. - the responsiveness of the pedals / tail rotor.... At anything less than 100Kph you should be able to get much more deflection of the nose. Probably close to 90 degrees and then as speed increases to full that should reduce to 10 degrees. - Cyclic rate is VERY low especially on the little birds. Helicopters are capable of very rapid cyclic changes. Here is a vid of a blackhawk doing a roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSXiyR98SU4 and another military chopper doing one as well - You should be able to shut the engine off in flight and practice auto rotations, the option is there but it does not work -Auto rotations are lacking as well... they seem to rely too much on forward speed. I believe that if the first suggestion I made, to increase the amount of collective reduction possible, was made, this would no longer be so unrealistic. They fixed wing physics are mostly acceptable... but could be improved -roll rates are a tad low IMHO. -I noticed that as the aircraft gets slow, the nose will drop unless you add power, this really isn't how jets react. They mostly just stall and fall without much of a pitch break. They will maintain pitch and just sort of drop. - On the ground Nose wheel steering is awful... most any aircraft can turn on the inside wheel with the nose going almost 90 degrees. - On the ground, the throttle response makes it very difficult to maintain a realistic and constant ground speed. I hope these make sense and someone is looking!
  14. Austintatious

    PhysX3_x86.dll Crash

    "Arma 3 has stopped working" random intervals, not corresponding to anything I can tell... Sometimes in the spawn area with no fire of any kind. I have also been in HEAVY firefights with no crash. System. i7 3.5 not overclocked GFX 770 2 gig ( not overclocked) 16 gig 1600 ram all latest drivers. No mods or add ons of any kind. Running game at 2560x1440 with a mix of settings seeing around 30 fps during heavy demand ( 60 on light demand)
  15. Austintatious

    Responsible Game Development

    Well, while I agree that there are lots of threads about crashing ( why I am here in first place) I have to agree that this thread is warranted. I paid a pretty bi fee for a game released on Steam that I rightly assumed would be playable. I cannot fathom how a company can release a versions of its game that has such a large issue for so many people. It is simply unacceptable. I have a great system perfectly capable of playing the game and they have my money. They are not holding up their end of the bargain... I did not buy a BETA game... Simply unacceptable.