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About George_Smiley

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  1. Well, yes, I did/am making a terrible mess, but gosh and darn it's my terrible mess! With the threads... AFK for a while till I get some data credit stuff. Sigh and eyeroll. I dug out all my old joystick project stuff and am going to make a collective. Only about a decade late but heck! who cares. Now if only there was an Advanced Flight Model for Arma 2 .... Nose back to grindstone! George.
  2. I did fork this fork this problem see here: https://forums.boahemia.net/forums/topic/289066-modeling-with-sketchup-or-other-3d-cad-programs-how-do-i/?tab=comments#comment-3533102 I'm going to bring it back to here. As darn it I am an idiot. But we all knewed that... So yes: I Drew a box in SketchUp, exported it as a .3DS file, imported it into 02 and there it is: a wire frame box. Next step is to try to do/get a bare bones, no frills, object into the Sim engine. That is where all heck breaks lose... RTFM ! George.
  3. Well DARN ! I did a thing! Drew a box in SketchUp, exported it as a .3DS file, imported it into 02 and there it is: a wire frame box. little steps! George.
  4. So if I can export a 3DS file out of sketchup and get it into O2 them I am doing good ? I'm gonna live ? Yes? Please? "unauthorized mods " ??? what is this of which you speak? Stolen stuff reposted ? That sounds bad. I'm gunning for .3ds files coming out of SketchUp and then being "magiced" by o2 into something cool. Sure there is a lot to learn but I am rilly rilly just intrested in the super duper barest minimum right now to say YEY I can do it. I did it with RC DP.... very very easy compared to Arma... Draw in Sketch up, export .X file. import into the "editor", edit, save as file, and then it's right there in game to use. So straight forward. Davy loots is pretty smart guy... Uh, ok. I read read and watch. 02 looks, uh, quite awful BUT I am sure people have done great things with it. ( I love SketchUp 2016 ... it's my goto drawing program. I draw widgets...) ok I shut up now. Back with some pics sometime. Just you wait, I show you something... one day. George.
  5. So everything is out of date, or dead links or images missing etc. It all looks like a cluster F. But hey... squeak squeak. I'm really into drawing in CAD software NOT modelling software. Ie. I draw most things by hand and only extrude things when it's obviously easy. Working with primitives etc is just not the way I draw. So bearing this in mind, how would I get a drawing out of SketchUp 2016 and into Arma 2 OA? At the moment a super basic object would be great. Tried searching YourTube for videos and all I kept getting were vids for mission editing... thanks youtueb... Even file names are a mystery... what is a .P3D file and I don't care about Prepare3D... eye roll... What makes a .p3d file? It's mystifying that there is not a proper decent manual for all of this. ( I mean a DEV made one... yeah yeah I know "search for it".... moar eye roll...) Help. Hi Ghost are we the only ones left? Would love to draw in SketchUp 2016, export a file, maybe do something to it in BI tools then import into Arma to check it. Is this so hard to do ? THANK YOU ! !!! George.
  6. Trying to get my head around the code. So the new LZ spawns at a distance of 100 m plus a random number between 0 and 300 ? I notice the LZ helper marker ( the pink half circle ) disappears before the LZ disappears. The LZ is placed on a random angle ? A matrix of LZ's placed and then one is activated at a time. Hide and seek. If they are in Chernogorsk.... you could hide them.... If they were flashing.... a strobe beacon? Could be cool. They could be on the ground, behind blocks of flats, on roofs etc. Fun ! :- )
  7. hmmm.... hey it's pretty short ! ( AFK right now, just reading the code ...) I am going to have a decent look at it soon. Can I fiddle the code and then reload the mission OR do I have to restart the whole sim ? ( see I did not say "game"....) This kind of code problem must be as old as the hills. There must be examples of this in vaults all over the planet. "Whack a mole" type games are all the same. Random spawn of things to whack. I guess you could so a "waves of enemies to shoot down " mission. Actually I think I saw one ... right! I look at the code and see how they did it. Great. So three files. Do I stamp my foot and say @opusfmspol three times ? or is that somethign else... Great work, can't wait to try it out. Mate! Cheers. !!!
  8. I wonder how you would do this... hmm....
  9. Hello! This is the kind of thing I am thinking about: At 007014 on the Proving Grounds is a nice flat spot of about 100m radius. Mission starts. You are teleported in with LB to the edge of the 100m radius ( the game space ). ( Or you take off from the fuel station... with people waving and cheering ! ) An H landing pad is randomly spawned in the 100m radius zone. You land on it. Another one randomly spawns. You land on that... etc. Lets say there are ten repetitions and there is a timer ( the Big Clock...) So you can check your progress. It's a SP mission and as such needs no special assets. ( unless super cool stuff is made for it...) Next level could have hazards spawn as well to make it harder. ( a lamp post next to the H pad ...) Night operations with Night Vision Gogs etc etc. But super simple at first. Right. Cheers! George.
  10. Catchy title right? So can anyone explain to me like I am five how to create and put a 3D model into Arma 2 OA. Caveat: an actual explanation, no links. ( no youtube, armaholics ( R.I.P ) etc...) With so many Arma2 veterans around it can't be that hard. Right ??? To my credit I have installed PBO manager, and BI tools. I have Arma2 OA 1.64 ( from steam but without steam... ) Also I can draw in SketchUp 2016 ( how I use the resulting model... no idea...) also this: I drew models and used them in RC Deskpilot and they worked very well. ( it's a DirectX game very much like Arma 2 ... ) So. I know you'll all say "search in google" or some lame advice. NO! and explanations of what all the buttons are for is really not ok. ( massive list ...boring...) Sure you may be decades ahead of me etc and "we all gone to Arma 3.5 " etc etc but dang it ! If I got over the "hump" and could get some inertia going I might produce some neat things for Arma 2 which if were really neat might port over to Arma 3.5 etc etc etc. Oh I hear that ReFROGer finally got TIR support. Well darn my socks, that only took n years... Question: What would I make a model of first ? A solid 1m cube of concrete. that is stackable,. For making things to fly around. Simple, robust and how can you #$%@ that up ? Then maybe some racing pylons. Then maybe an Ultra light air craft ( yeah that's got to be a lot more difficult than a block...) . Hey was there a mod for giant LEGO once ??? Darn... I should have downloaded all that good stuff of Armaholic way back in the dark ages... I'm sorry Foxhound. Yes I was a dick. ( well kind of...) HEP ! George.
  11. ...over the sound of one hand clapping ? hey you signed up recently ! Wow. I 'm amazed. How did you get baited into this rabbit warren ? ( DayZ was wot started me off... and here I am still talking shit after all these years.... ) Squeak on ! Mate.
  12. George_Smiley

    A specific Q in the General sub to get attention...

    Right. I see. Darn so you can't explain the numbers. Ok. Before I started using my RC controller ( which I use now ) I was building my own full size sticks. Using MMJoy and Atmega with hall sensors. It was pretty easy to make a decent basic stick. 600mm extension. ( with 8mm sealed bearings and steel shafts and frame etc, frankly it is "super duty", I should rebuild it... and so smooth to use..) The easiest way to check for DZ is to get in a Heli, hover, lock zoomed in, and then try lining up ground targets. ( I can "feel" the DZ... some kind of weirdo magic...) Logitech 3D pro have DZ built in. ( what the @#$%@# ! ) it took me a year or so to understand. ( being a new to simming back then ) I had the MCU board wired up to my new stick and wondered why it was so bad, then I found DIview. Oh... right. To be honest your average pilot will not care about the DZ in game. It's mostly invisible to basic flying. But.... if you want to be a sniper in the LB with the mini guns and stick... using the mouse is much easier. It's wildly more forgiving to fly heli with a mouse too. so most people just don't give a rats ass. mmm... ok cool, well thanks for taking the time to report in. I might sound a bit crabby ( I am some times...) but I am genuine ! I love flying... and Arma2 is the best overall basic old DirectX flight sim, that is not a study sim or major pain in the ass to learn, it looks good, works fine and actually feels good in 1st person view with Htracking. I have returned to it quite a few times... and I am a much much better pilot now, way better. Hey have you seen a "gymkahna" mission for heli's ? ( it's like a skills test mission .) With cool things to fly around etc. I have been trying to make one in the mission editor but get distracted.... so far I have just done lines of buildings etc.... darn I should really finish one and post it. Like a civil one, not military. Land here, limbo there, fly through the hoops. I spose TOH is the one for that... never tried it. Whoops wrote a book. Sorry. PS Oh, yeah, Virpil looks like nice gear but it's waaaay out of my price range and I can make my own stick that is just as good or even better ( zero centre detente... ) , the thing that virpil does do waaaaaaaay better than me is button density... but actually if I used 3D printer... my stick was designed for WW1 and it had like 8 buttons on the stick, sometimes only 2... zoom and fire... mate. Gotta dash. Cheers!
  13. Sometimes threads just come back alive... I got this error while messing about with Arma 2 OA. and... I found out what the problem is: Old Arma2OA.cfg introduces new parameters that old Arma2OA.cfg does not has. So I am assuming the old .cfg is ignoring some DirectX magic and so DirectX has a hissy fit and refuses to launch properly. You can see that the Arma loading screen is uh, loading, then it all crashes. I tested this by swapping in and out old vs new .cfg files and I can replicate the error at will. So there you go. I was experimenting with running Arma2 OA without steam at all... and here we are. ( it works fine by the way , no steam, no valve... byeeee...) Love ya's George.
  14. George_Smiley

    A specific Q in the General sub to get attention...

    WAIT : I just re read your post. You are correct, there is no DZ control in the game BUT there is built in DZ. As in: baked into the game. As in it's not adjustable like in A3. In game right now. There is DZ. You might not be able to detect it but I sure as heck can. Been in sim for thousands of hours easy. " class JoysticksList { class Joystick1 { guid="1F301BF0-14FE-11EF-8002-444553540000"; name="ART "; offset=256; isXInput=0; sensitivity[]={1,1,1,0.1,0.1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0.1,0.1,1,1,1}; mode="Custom"; }; }; " look right to you. Do you even know what that means? because I would like to know. So far the the first six are my controls. Roll.Pitch.Thrust. nothing.nothing.Yaw. the three 1's after that? Maybe you can explain. And then: why repeat them ? Thanks for explaining! Oh yeah and if you want to talk about my the DZ being built into my gear, well I get zero DZ in DIview.exe . Now if I was flying with a HappyJoy "Air Master" DXZ 3000 GTR Super Turbo.... well you would be right. But I ain't. Let me in on the secrets. Cheers! George.
  15. Heli FM question. ( I could bury this question in the "proper" sub but ... I'm just going to start right here. till it gets moved..) Is there a Mod that removes the @#$%@#$@#%! Dead Zone the heli Flight Model in Arma 2 OA ? ( and the lack of actual visual feed back from the response to the applied curve on the sticks. ) My back ground is dabbling in Fight Sims, RC plane heli flying and tiny bit of IRL fixed wing flight. Arma2, RoF, DCS, RCDP. PicaSim etc. I fly the LB,first person, in Chernogorsk a lot, with my RC controller, and ... head tracking. ( woo! ) ( shameless plug here: https://github.com/opentrack/opentrack/releases/tag/opentrack-2023.3.0 ) The micro adjusting while trying to do roof top landings etc is painful with the DZ. ( compared with Arma 3 : I can land in my sleep in A3 ( standard FM mode ...) Why not move to Arma3? 'cos I love Arma 2 and I love Cherno... Please feel free to move this post to the right sub forum. "To fly is to life." Cheers. :- )