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Everything posted by Belbo

  1. You can't just put the texture of the boat on a car. It's like wearing your coat as pants. The texture contains all parts of the vehicle - and the model of the vehicle sort of knows where each part of the texture belongs to. Every vehicle needs a specific way the texture has to be arranged. Long story short: A boat texture can't fit a car. I don't really know what's wrong with B_GEN_OFFROAD_01_GEN_F. Just because it says "Gendarmerie" instead of "Police"? I find that hardly offputting. If you want you might use my siren function for the lights and the siren: https://github.com/Pergor/ADV_MissionTemplate/blob/master/adv_missiontemplate.altis/functions/client/fn_siren.sqf Just keep in mind that I apply a licence forbidding upload to Steam Workshop and use in any kind of Life gamemode.
  2. Belbo

    Dayz's new revamped foiliage in Arma 3, Possible?

    Everybody's talking about this great new enfusion thingy... And all I do is sit here and think that Arma 3 still looks way better than this RV 3.5.
  3. Because that's actually how rangefinders work in the real world.
  4. You have to use the "lase range" key. The rangefinders no longer show the range continually.
  5. You can however use 3rd party software to map keyboard keys to your joystick. That's how I use the buttons of my mouse to use comms.
  6. Mate, I totally get you. Thank god the age of userconfigs is somehow gone. An elaborate description with all user informations doesn't even prevent that. But that leads me to believe that 2.8 will be the last version without the need of the dlc. On the other hand: people who have an interest in using hrp will probably own the jets dlc anyway, so the projected userbase for a modular version wouldn't even be that great.
  7. I was more thinking along the line of one download wit the main pbo in the addons-folder and the dlc-pbo in an 'optional' folder. But well, maybe one day. :)
  8. Would it be possible to divide this into two pbos, one without the requirement to own the dlc and one specifically for the dlc planes? That way people owning the dlc can add the 'optional' dlc-pbo and people who don't own it could just use the 'main' pbo.
  9. No. TFAR can't work properly, if the antiflood settings of your server aren't properly set up. Either raise it to 5/5/9999 or set b_client_ignore_antiflood for each applicable client/group.
  10. You mean like these? http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28814 or
  11. Actually it would be quite interesting, if AI pedestrians would leap to safety, if a vehicle would head towards them at a certain speed. The animations are all there that could be used for that.
  12. Belbo

    Switching pants.

    player forceUndergarments "U_CalvinKlein_F"; That'd be something.
  13. Belbo

    Do you prefer Vanilla AI?

    My community and I used to load bCombat or ASR AI as well before. But nowadays we basically just use vanilla AI with specific setSkill[] values. That way we have the performance of vanilla AI combined with the now good behaviour of AI and interesting firefights that result from the setSkill values. Right now I don't really see the tradeoff of most AI mods - unless they really add something unique that isn't already present or tweakable.
  14. Nope, that seems to be fine in and of itself. With the scripting commands you can pretty much do anything, like cranking your radio up to 11. Here's what I've been using, worked flawlessly:
  15. Your current main feature is opening doors and shattering glass. I'm unfortunately not particularly interested in these features. Your vehicle interaction plans however look really promising and would be a needed addition to the game. That I'm very much interested in. Having in future a standalone version of your mod containing only the vehicle interaction and not the door opening would be something for example ace³-users could look forward too. Alternatively you could divide all this in different pbos and therefore make it modular.
  16. Are you using 0.9.12 or 1.0?
  17. Hey, nice! If you accomplished to add your get in-get out feature, would you think about releasing that as a standalone?
  18. Hey guys, I'm trying to make the V44-X Blackfish start with both auto vectoring on and rotors at 90°. Has anyone got any idea how to pre set those settings via scripting commands?
  19. Yeah, I tried animateSource as well, to no avail.
  20. Good idea! Theoretically _veh animate ["thrustVector",1]; should do exactly that... But it doesn't. It does nothing. #edit: although I've just noticed that the Blackfish always does this leap - at least on the USS Freedom... It seems to adjust it's height after turning on the engine, just as if it had been stuck in the model below beforehand.
  21. Thank you! Rotors start at 75°. That's a bit of my problem (besides the fact that auto hovering has to be switched on for the rotors to be manually rotated... which... doesn't make much sense): If I turn on my motor using the thrust key it didn't do much before, because it wouldn't turn up thrust - now it does, with the continuous thrust. That means that starting the motor will result in your Blackfish leaping forward - unless of course I can bring myself to always rotate the rotors before switching the motor on or to use the turn motor on/off-key... I know, it's a bit gawky, but... well, if there's a scripted solution, why not use it - as a failsafe. ;) #edit: Ha! https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Actions#VectoringUp #edit2: But, welp, it doesn't really work. The engine has to be on for it to work (which in itself isn't a problem...) but this way: (allUnits select 0) action [ "engineOn" ,_veh]; (allUnits select 0) action [ "VTOLVectoring" ,_veh]; (allUnits select 0) action [ "VectoringUp" ,_veh]; sleep 1; (allUnits select 0) action [ "engineOff" ,_veh]; the blackfish will again make a leap forward...
  22. Why stop there? :D {_x removeItems "FirstAidKit"; _x removeItems "MediKit";nil;} count (allUnits select {!isPlayer _x}); Even faster. And... the right command. ;) But you have to execute it even before the items can be changed by ace to their according ace_medical-items - and I don't know when that is for AI. Otherwise you'd have to do something like this: private _ace_medical_Items = ["ACE_atropine","ACE_adenosine","ACE_fieldDressing","ACE_elasticBandage","ACE_quikclot","ACE_bloodIV","ACE_bloodIV_500","ACE_bloodIV_250","ACE_bodyBag","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_morphine","ACE_packingBandage","ACE_personalAidKit","ACE_plasmaIV","ACE_plasmaIV_500","ACE_plasmaIV_250","ACE_salineIV","ACE_salineIV_500","ACE_salineIV_250","ACE_surgicalKit","ACE_tourniquet"]; { _unit = _x; {_unit removeItems _x} count _ace_medical_Items; nil; } count (allUnits select {!isPlayer _x}); Although... AI doesn't even have all that stuff, so _ace_medical_Items = ["ACE_fieldDressing","ACE_bloodIV","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_morphine","ACE_packingBandage","ACE_salineIV_250","ACE_tourniquet"]; should be enough -> https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/blob/master/addons/medical/functions/fnc_itemCheck.sqf
  23. Belbo

    I can not play arma 3

    Eso es extraño. No hay error directo. Tal vez alguien más tiene una idea? Prueba el otro .exe. That's strange. There's no direct error. Maybe someone else has an idea? Try the 32bit exe.
  24. Belbo

    I can not play arma 3

    Es todo el archivo? Now I'm using it too. ;) Is it the whole .rpt file?
  25. Belbo

    I can not play arma 3

    Is that all of it?