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About mossarelli

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  1. mossarelli

    Moss Targets

    This thread still fails to send me notifications for posts. I've uninstalled Arma to save on hdd space until x64 is stable. I won't be working on this project, probably ever again. Feel free to do something fun with the script and rerelase it.
  2. mossarelli

    Moss Targets

    As highlighted on the mission with a big marker (which you have deleted from the pbo): Target name must end with 2 digit number from 01 to 20 for the camera to work. With exception that you can go higher than 20 but there's not enough jpg picture signs for it. Secondly: in order to move the camera you will have to use a small script on the target's camera: CAMERA camSetPos (TARGET modelToWorld [0,-1.5,0.8]); CAMERA camCommitPrepared 0; But because the _camera variable is local and changes every restart, you will have to figure out a way to make the variable of the camera known to your script that moves the target. The script was not designed to move the target anywhere and the camera's position doesn't update. However, on the next update I will write a TODO to spawn a loop that updates the camera position every 5 seconds so that it can be moved. Yes, I got a chance to test the targets on the Eden editor and on a dedicated server. The whole script will be rewritten if I can't get it to work on Dedicated servers, and it will then use the old way of scripts using init.sqf, #include and plenty of sqf files. More issues has spawned when using the Eden editor that wasn't there before but none that has affected the range's scripts. 5 years ago I wrote range scripts that worked on a dedicated server in Arma 2 with ACE. Those scripts inspired this range but they weren't copy pasted since I rewrote all code to use more modern syntax for Arma 3. Read. A reminder to those that want to use this script. Read the map markers! Don't name the targets anything but NAME_##. The script is dependent on the 2 last digits of the logics for the lane. I will rewrite the trim function to allow for anything you want plus _## but until then it breaks the scripts. In the new update that I will be sharing, there will be sign targets, falling targets and the score system is updated to not bug out etc. The falling targets will be available to use as qualification as there's an automated random popup action for 1, 5 or 10 automated popups. It will take some time to fix all the issues but it will be updated to next week.
  3. mossarelli

    Moss Targets

    I got my computer back. I also put the project on Github. I'll start working on some changes now to see if I can get Arsenal to work.
  4. mossarelli

    BMR Insurgency

    Wow it's 2016 and you still need to use scripts like these: INS_p_time = (paramsArray select 1); Ok, here's how to do it properly: //Make all Params into variables with the same name. if (isNil "paramsArray") then { if (isClass (missionConfigFile/"Params")) then { for "_i" from 0 to (count (missionConfigFile/"Params") - 1) do { _paramName = configName ((missionConfigFile >> "Params") select _i); missionNamespace setVariable [_paramName, getNumber (missionConfigFile >> "Params" >> _paramName >> "default")]; }; }; } else { for "_i" from 0 to (count paramsArray - 1) do { missionNamespace setVariable [configName ((missionConfigFile >> "Params") select _i), paramsArray select _i]; }; }; The code above will take the class name of every parameter and make it into a variable with the same name that can be accessed later. Only problem is that the code needs to be run before any script refers to the parameters. Also format your code as Allman ANSI or Python or Java style, but not ALL AT THE SAME TIME IN THE SAME DOCUMENT!
  5. mossarelli

    Moss Targets

    As stated before, you need to be a JIP player in order to get all scripts to work properly on a dedicated server. I do not know why this happens and I don't have my desktop computer available right now to debug this error. Also BIS forums decided to unsubscribe me from this thread so I didn't receive any notifications about the new posts. My desktop computer is currently not available and all my work is on it. I don't know when it will be back, but I hope you guys are having a great time with the targets. It has come to my attention that one clan has used my targets and broken the license. Here's a simple rule: If you're not the creator of something, don't lie and pretend that you are. The clan's "developer" (more like script kiddie) were asked by a friend of mine if he made the targets for their bootcamp missions and he lied ti him, straight in the face even though he knew I was the creator. If your clan uses my targets without crediting me, just make a search for the string "Moss" or "Targets" in the mission.sqm or the folders of the pbo and private message me the details. And no, I'm not interested in suing people for this, I just want to see how they've implemented my script so that I can learn from their mistakes. You'll be amazed how people use scripts in missions the wrong way. As soon as my computer comes back, I'll make some updates to the scripts and improve it based on the feedback.
  6. mossarelli

    Moss Targets

    You need to pass the correct variables in order to use the camera function. Without the variables for the logic and the synchronized objects it won't trigger. Just dig through the files you'll see it.
  7. mossarelli

    Moss Targets

    The camera was the thing I had most problems with because the identifier variable name has limits that is not documented on the wiki. There's only a limited amount of cameras that can be used simultaneously when the arsenal camera takes over. I recently scripted the VAS box to use a camera like the one from Arsenal and I noticed that the range did not work with that camera either. The ranges work much like classes so just reinitialize my script with the correct logic variable and it should work. I am not going to work on this script for a while. It's a JIP thing where it only initializes for JIP players. This is a problem in the cfg Functions of the Description for specifically dedicated servers that BIS needs to fix. Otherwise the whole script will have to be rewritten into a typical script module. If you are the first player on the mission, just go out to the lobby then back in with persistent Battlefield activated. It should work.
  8. mossarelli

    Moss Targets

    The conflict is the camera script. Just remove the big sign in front of the shooting pad.
  9. mossarelli

    Moss Targets

    I'm really busy so that's why it's slow. I'm a co-manager at an internet café so I don't feel like working with computers 8 hours a day and then come home to continue working. If people want me to github just holla. The range cameras break because the camera used by the virtual ammobox and the spectator camera most likely uses the same camera names which is like cam01 or something. I had problems assigning the cameras because the wikipedia and documentation does not state what valid camera names are.
  10. mossarelli

    Moss Targets

    The scripts are currently only to be used with the score system that is implemented. There is no easy way of implementing falling targets using my scripts and if you knew how bad falling targets were in the game you wouldn't waste a second on them. If I feel like it I will put it in, in the future. Isn't there falling targets scripts on armaholic?
  11. mossarelli

    Moss Targets

    Yeah, I'd like to use a switch statement really but I don't know if it can be used for this. I'll implement your code but I'll see about making it even more smooth.
  12. mossarelli

    Moss Targets

    This is due to a error that I've had with Arma 3 since 2 years back. You start the mission on a dedicated server and get some kind of error message saying that something is missing or textures are out of place. Then the mission has to be restarted. Then you start the mission up and get in, all the stuff you attach to tables or objects are misaligned or not attached. So after the dedicated server and the mission is running, you need to go back to the lobby and then join in as a join in progress. Alternatively: You need to run a script that fixes all the issues when you're not JIP. This is a known problem for everyone that runs mods and BIS should know about it too. For me, it's been trial and error from day one. There's not a single line on the wikipedia about it.
  13. mossarelli

    Moss Targets

    I've tried using textures instead of the 3D-sphere ball as hit indicator, but it just doesn't show up over that distance. The sphere is visible up to 500m with ease. I can recolor them to screaming green but I can't make the texture of the target change based on the hits or change the hit sprite. This is a known issue that I've had since 9 months ago where something loads perfectly fine in singleplayer and local multiplayer, but on a dedicated server, the JIP becomes the correct way to launch the mission and the map starter gets hundreds of issues. I can tell you already that the rifles will not be placed on the tables correctly due to this bug unless a you join as a JIP and then everything works fine. I've had this issue with a bootcamp mission I ran in a group in the past, where computers would not stick to tables due to the enablesimulation false command and due to computers falling straight through tables when trying to attach them. AttackTo doesn't work either, so one needs to use model to world and model to space commands to put them there. I'll see if I can get a fix for what you are experiencing.
  14. mossarelli

    Moss Targets

    As stated in the description, UNA targets are very inaccurate. You'll be happy with my targets and how accurate they are.
  15. mossarelli

    Moss Targets

    Oh the arsenal box. Yeah it's the same glitch as the BIS camera from the developer console. When I implement the camera control on the sign, you will be able to just restart the cameras after using the arsenal box. This is a known problem.