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About Ridgeback

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  1. Ridgeback

    Arma 3 Cheating / hacking / Exploiting.

    People being ejected from vehicles could possibly be due to their leader ordering them to dismount (used to be an issue in A2, don't know if it still happens in A3). Duping objects & gear sounds like it's more of a mod / game mode problem and not something that BIS is responsible for. Also I have been shot and injured by AI while sat in an armored vehicle and all I could guess was that it was because I was under prolonged heavy fire, either that or it was a bug, doubt the AI was running hacks lol so doesn't mean players are. And shooting through walls is something I do on a regular basis if I know roughly where someone is if it's not safe to enter myself. There is always going to be cheaters but I can only recall seeing one hacker in multiplayer since the full release, but I'd expect that to have been much more if I was playing on public Russian servers as they are known to have problems with cheaters in many games.
  2. Ridgeback

    Smoke Grenades in the default loadouts

    I use smoke grenades (throwable, not the 40mm ones) quite often in single-player missions although it's probably force of habit because I use them all the time in multiplayer. The amount of times deploying smoke has saved me and team-mates when the odds were heavily against us has not only got me to carry plenty but others too after I have saves people's hides by providing cover with them. In multiplayer rounds team leaders and medics should always carry plenty of colored smokes for signalling but it should be riflemen carrying the regular white smokes for cover as they generally have the space to carry them in decent quantity. In single player sessions though the colored smokes should be scrapped and replaced with as previously mentioned here, mines, more ammo or more med packs.
  3. I was crashing all the time on the standard build, changed to Dev build and didn't have any issues until today. Updated this afternoon and been crashing ever since on multiplayer, haven't tried single player yet.
  4. Ridgeback

    Glitchy rock

    I was gaming with a few guys yesterday, got to some old castle ruins and tried using the cliff top as cover from the OPFOR infantry below, ended up giving myself first aid three times because the rocks were injuring me just by walking over them, luckily I was the medic so I had enough gear. Happens all over though and for now I am just going to have to avoid walking over rocks all together.