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Everything posted by Xalteva

  1. Xalteva

    Iraq (current news/events)

    Because,ISIS is just a part of what's fighting the iraqi army ! you tend to forget people there fighting to free their country of the corrupted gov ! ISIS is not part of these guys! ISIS are the terrorist,that foment the civil war by mudering chia people ! it's quite a mess there ...
  2. Xalteva

    World Cup 2014

    Poor level from Algeria ! they could not hold the ball for more than 30 s each time they get it ... they have an excellent goalkeeper though !
  3. Xalteva

    World Cup 2014

    Ghana played really well ! that goal was awesome ... but USA team had a better spirit towards the end,and that helped a lot ! Ghana needed to beat USA that was their only chance ,as germany is on another level compared to the american boys :D
  4. Xalteva

    Iraq (current news/events)

    Yes,white before and after the fight ... maybe ISIS have something useful for humanity after all !
  5. Xalteva

    Iraq (current news/events)

    Seriously,you don't go to fight in a white djellaba ...
  6. Xalteva

    Iraq (current news/events)

    Well,this will end up dividing the country into three parts :S
  7. Xalteva

    Iraq (current news/events)

    First,i have no idea who is that french guy and i am not too much into zionist stuff : all i know is that Israel governement is committing crimes against palestinian people everyday ,and it doesnt seem to bother anyone,or to say the "jewish" israeli state since it's an officially religious state ! Also,and as i stated in the closed 9/11 thread,i don't say it was an inside job or terrorist job (whoever did that is a terrorist anyway),but i believe that it's too cartesian to be true ! ok now ,it's clear for you,no need to shake this barrel anymore ! My point concerning ISIS and the Iraqi army,is that adding "Sunni" or "Chii" to describe some part of the conflict is useless detail that will do more damage in the future ! and yes,i blame US governement for what's happening in Iraq right now (embargo first,and invasion) ... Saddam Hussein and his regime were doing a great job at keeping peace in Iraq,he was maybe a dictator but it apparently was the best way as Iraq was doing just fine during his ruling days in terms of (education,health and security)!
  8. Xalteva

    Iraq (current news/events)

    It looks like you have no idea what is conspiracy theory,and just throwing this whenever someone tries to do some analysis ! and it starts to become boring ... and yeah,the media is doing a very dirty job there,why the hell do they insist on the fact that ISIS are just a bunch of SUNNI jihadists while the victims are CHII guys ? these kind of amalgams are the reason that create hatred in subconscious mind of people against a particular community ! nowadays,whenever terrorism is stated the first image that comes to mind is islam ... same is going to happen to sunni people,but again why would they want to foment this hatred between chia and sunna (which just appeared recently) ?
  9. Xalteva

    Iraq (current news/events)

    Maybe,that's the goal after all ! but for what reason ? And who cares for a corrupted governement anyway :D
  10. Xalteva

    World Cup 2014

    Spain will come back ...
  11. Xalteva

    Iraq (current news/events)

    I am commenting as well based on the facts you posted yourself,it's the way i link them that is different than yours ! and this is what makes it a personal opinion ...
  12. Xalteva

    Iraq (current news/events)

    No conspiracy here,it's a different way to see things ! actually it's a more realistic way to do so : in politics ,there are no good and bad boys, everyone can be good or bad ... you really think that US deployed their forces in all mideast to fight the evil ? no sorry ! you need to look for interests ;) there are many terrorist organizations all over the world ! but no one is fighting them,because there is no interest right now ! it has always been like this ! ---------- Post added at 23:36 ---------- Previous post was at 23:21 ---------- So we just have to sit here and listen to your majesty :D ? where is your proof for people from inside Saudi Arabia financing Al Qaeda and not the governement (what a joke) ? do you know how evil is saudi arabian gov ? do you that they allow public executions there in Al Qaeda style ! I was just pointing out some contradictory facts based on what is said on the media ! alternate thoughts are not necessarely conspiracy theories ! Nevermind,you took the easy exit instead of trying to break my resoning :) i'm a bit disappointed :P
  13. Xalteva

    Iraq (current news/events)

    But ,you seriously think that those guys are financing Al Qaeda and still doing their business in the country without any problems ? and yeah,most of those in the list are linked to the ruling family ! starting by al-waleed bin talal!
  14. Xalteva

    Iraq (current news/events)

    Funny, a part from the ruling family ,no one in that country has the power or the money to finance such wars ! Saudi Arabia has its iron hand on what's happening in the gulf ... they even sent their forces to stop Baharain's Chiite revolution ! and most likely helped Yemeni governement to fight the Houtis in the south of the country ;) I would be careful with that, especially that it was created by an ex CIA member who suddenly came to the surface and his bunch of AK fanatics ... Al Qaeda played the role of trojan horse since 9/11,this is the way i see it for now ! I edited my previous post !
  15. Xalteva

    Iraq (current news/events)

    That easy ? no ,i don't think so ! you are trying to create sides,it's good but it's more complicated than that ... i think that someone is playing double agent here :how can you explain that US first ally (which is saudi arabia) is supporting ISIS guys !! well the answer is easy ... Saudi Arabia is Iran first ennemy , the Iraqi governement is under Iran's control ... this is reflected on what's happening on Syria too (ISIS are also there)! US governement is doing some dirty job in the background ! on one side Obama says that ISIS should be stopped (without actually doing anything ,talking is easier ...),and on the other one, having some suspicious friendship with Iran ... I think there is also a 3rd side ! which is the Iraqi sunni tribes coalition against Maliki's forces ... and those have a good reason to take him down and his governement ! It's much more complicated than what it looks like on TV !
  16. Xalteva

    Origami, the future of aircraft

    Well 5th generation doesn't really mean stealthy for some :P ! this plane is not for sure ^^
  17. Xalteva

    Warfare BE

    Check parameters,enable AI squads besides the AI commander !
  18. Xalteva

    DirecxtX 12 for ArmA 3?

    This will not help server performance directly,but i believe that if everyone on a server has the same high fps it will run smoother !
  19. Xalteva

    TrackIR - Does it add £130 worth of fun?

    It's awkaward actually unless you have monitors all around you ... oculus is worth the buy though !
  20. Xalteva

    Why are much more people playing Arma 2?

    Arma is a so beautiful idea that you should make a perfect game of it ... but sadly,it's not the case ! the "large scale battles" is not a valid argument anymore ! (RTS games do that very well) ... when it comes to tactics,i think that PR is far better than Arma ! what arma needs is some oriented gameplay ... there is too much freedom that people do everything and nothing ! unless you play within some closed community ,which is not good for the arma community !
  21. Nothing comes close to the PC350/360,if you want the best gaming headset nowadays ! you will have to spend those 180 EUR :D
  22. Xalteva

    Ukraine General

  23. Xalteva

    Why are much more people playing Arma 2?

    For me,A3 is just another game not a true evolution of A2 ... but i prefer tha arma 2 setting !
  24. Please,fix the compatibility issues with Windows Server 2012 ... most of servers you rent ,propose winserver 2012 !
  25. Xalteva

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    I think he left and that's it !