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Everything posted by Xalteva

  1. Things would have been a lot easier without AI,with only players on the map,it would be easier to create some processing bubbles,but it becomes very complex when it comes to AIs.
  2. Xalteva

    Why You Can’t Help Believing Everything You Read

    The real question is : Do we have the right to believe what we want and reject what we want ? once answered the other one becomes irrelevant ;)
  3. There is a serious bug when running dedicated server on windows 2012 server ... it would be awesome if you check it , it appears that it affects both arma 2 and arma 3 ! here's a thread discussing the subject : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?171485-FPS-issue-on-new-Dedicated-Server i sum it up : the server cannot run at 50 fps when no mission is loaded,it usually gets stuck at 45-46 fps,and the situation doesn't change when you start a mission !
  4. Hello, I set up a server running on windows server 2012,but i have problems with server FPS, it's just too low even during early game ! i also noticed that server fps never reaches 50 fps ,the maximum i saw was 46 fps and it was before i load the mission ! Here are my server informations : CPU : Core i7 4770 (HT OFF) RAM : 16 GB DDR3 HDD : 2 x SATA 1TB @ 7200 rpm Connection : 100 MBits Thanks for your help guys!
  5. Arma's bad performance is ,for sure, not caused by graphics ... it's all those AI calculations and scripts (which are made by the cpu) that kills the performance ! i'd even say that the synchronization is the issue, that's why you see sometimes your GPU running only at 20% ,simply because other calculations are not done in time ! Besides,arma cannot be compared to any other game on the market ! everything happening is real time calculated and known by every entity on the map ! The engine is old,but i am sure that none of the engines you stated can do what RV does , it will lag massively way more than Arma because they were optimized to do a very specific thing!
  6. Xalteva

    JUMP please!!

    Animations should be dynamic (like in assassin's ceed) the character will use the appropriate method depending on the obstacle and his weight ! but ,i don't think its possible with the arma engine ! so it's better not to add the jump animation at all for now !
  7. Xalteva

    An Honest Review

    I was expecting ArmA 3 to start where ArmA 2 + ACE stopped,it was not the case sadly !
  8. Guys, it's really useless to defend the arma damage model ... it's very primitive ! we just need some damage system that takes into account where the vehicle was hit ! electronics damage can ever be made by BIS with the current engine ... just need something at the level of what ACE did !
  9. Xalteva

    Faster vehicle

    use setVelocity ! it's the best way to do it in my opinion ! the core of the script should look like this : _speed_increase = 1.1; _vehicle_velocity = velocity _vehicle; _vehicle setVelocity [(_vehicle_velocity select 0)*_speed_increase,(_vehicle_velocity select 1)*_speed_increase,(_vehicle_velocity select 2)*_speed_increase]; It's really a rough idea ... you should add many conditions before ! depending on how you want to use it ! through an eventhandler (getin) or just some line in init.sqf Maybe this will work ! create a sqf file and put this inside : speedincrease = 1.1; while (true) do { if (vehicle player isKindOf "LandVehicle") then { (vehicle player) setVelocity [((velocity (vehicle player)) select 0)*speedincrease,((velocity (vehicle player)) select 1)*speedincrease,((velocity (vehicle player)) select 2)*speedincrease]; }; }; and in your init.sqf put this ! [] execVM yourfile.sqf;
  10. check warfare BE 2.073 mission from Arma2.ru they have this feature,but it shows the name of the marker creator on the map !
  11. Xalteva

    What is "True" Arma ?

    Well imagine DCS had the modding capabilities of ArmA , and someone managed to make a soccer mod for it,someone else managed to make a car racing mod too and so on ! what would you call true DCS then ? it's not about having a narrow view,it's what the game was intended for initially !
  12. Xalteva

    What is "True" Arma ?

    True ArmA is everything related to military simulation : from warfare to small operations ! BIS at some point gave up improving the military aspect (old engine,human resources and no real will to improve) and started somehow admitting that ArmA is a sandbox and you can do whatever you want with it ,which led to the apparition of some completely strange game modes like Life ,dayz ... while in fact,everything this game and the way it was built shows that it was intended to be a milsim but failed at some moment !
  13. Xalteva

    North Korea General

    I really prefer that each country deals with its problems internally ! :D
  14. Xalteva

    China soft lands on the Moon

    Let's see if they can find the US flag getting blown by the mysterious winds of space :D ... well i doubt they will !
  15. Xalteva

    the houses and ruins are the mp problem ...

    Is there a script that can help deleting all underground objects ?
  16. Xalteva

    Multiplayer dying fast??

    It's a bit funny to see that people bought ArmA3 thinking they would play some hardcore military stuff,but find themselves playing role playing missions :D
  17. Xalteva

    Arma needs more arcade-like options....

    No need to worry about arma vets,most of them have quit already :D
  18. Xalteva

    The Witcher 3

    This is Da game ... gonna kick those Wild Hunt knights arses :D
  19. Xalteva

    ISON thread - coming soon to our skies

    Nothing can mess with the sun :D
  20. Xalteva

    ISON thread - coming soon to our skies

    Forget about it ... apparently it fizzled,and only some small fragment is alive now ! It was going to give us a nice show during the first half of december !
  21. Xalteva

    ISON thread - coming soon to our skies

    Tomorrow,the comet will reach perihelion ! if it survives,we will be able to see it during december and january !
  22. Have you heard about the Large Pixel Collider made by PCgamer ! It's one of the best (probably the best) gaming machines ever made,and they really want to push it to the limits !! here' s the arma 3 test on it on max settings :D
  23. Good to see that we're getting closer to 1.63 ! One question though : who will take care of CCP fixes ?
  24. Xalteva

    Warfare BE

    Threshold : if you have more units than the ennemy does inside the capture radius,you will get the town ! Classic : if there's only one soldier from the town occupation inside the radius,it will prevent you from capturing the town ! @DaleyG WFmenu ===> Tactical center! There is nothing called "helicopter support",but you will find many supports there ! (some may need to be ugraded first)