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Everything posted by Javi_KT

  1. Then it's a strategic fail, because nobody has any expectations about the release. If i were BIS, I wouldn't have shown everything before release and in my opinion they didn't.
  2. I would like to see some of the stuff of arma 2 in arma 3 but we should wait until the full realease. I think they are going to surprise us IMHO. In 7 days we can discuss again.
  3. It's just me or death animation it's better in there that the one we have now? min 3:55
  4. Javi_KT

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    Thank god we have you. Much appreciated.
  5. With Jets that distance is nothing. And we can have better aircraft fights. In 2 minutes you can go from Stratis to Altis with no problem with a modern jet.
  6. Thanks! Works perfectly. The difference is huuuge!
  7. Javi_KT

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    In the flat zone of course but in a helicopter or in the mountains you can notice it easily. Until NordKindchen (A.K.A. The Great) doesn't show us the difference I think we don't see the change between each other. I saw the same blurry mid-texture than Stratis.
  8. Javi_KT

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    Sometimes it looks like the texture of an old Flight Simulator. It´s so blurry. A change is needed.
  9. Javi_KT

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    I'm on Altis now. The game needs this system to improve the gameplay experience
  10. Javi_KT

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    Thank you!. You made my day! :D
  11. Javi_KT

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    Tested! i7-3770K@4.5GHz, GTX660, 8GB RAM. No FPS drop. This + Bad Benson mid texture medium...AWESOME! Thanks!!
  12. Javi_KT

    Retexturing trees

    You are the man!. Awesome work! You are improving this game a lot. Thank you
  13. Hi TPW. Mines doesn't work with your mod. If you shoot at them yes, but if you step over them, they doesn't explode. Well done anyway. Another thing is how compatible is this mod with Zooloo's mod, fire-fight improvement system? Thanks a lot. EDIT: They explode but doesn't hurt you. Sorry.