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Everything posted by XianGrim

  1. Using @rebel12340 's Radio Jammer script, I wanted to add a little life to them. I updated to his latest version and made it much easier to use them mid-mission with any Zeus: Again, all credit to @rebel12340 for his work, I made 0 edits to his script, just added the effects and Zeus function. You can grab Rebel's original script here: You can download everything from here: https://github.com/phoenixdowngaming/Xians-Scripts/tree/master/Radio_Jammer Inside the Init of your Zeus Module: this addEventHandler ["CuratorObjectPlaced", { params ["_curator", "_entity"]; [_entity]execVM "RadioJammer\jammer_Check.sqf"; } ]; RadioJammer\jammer_Check.sqf: private _jammer = _this select 0;//the jammer if (typeof _jammer == "Land_DataTerminal_01_F") then //check if the object Zeus placed is a Data Terminal aka Jammer { [_jammer,3] call BIS_fnc_dataTerminalAnimate;//Animate the jammer to be open and "on" [[_jammer]] execVM "RadioJammer\TFARjamRadios.sqf";//activate Rebel's radio Jamming script, ALL CREDIT TO HIM FOR THIS, I MADE 0 EDITS TO HIS WORK _jamPos = getPos _jammer;//get the position of the jammer _jamSource = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicle [0,0,0];//create an invisible helipad to use as our sound source _jamSource setPos _jamPos; _Zeus = allCurators;//get a list of Zeus's incase multiple are being used {_x addCuratorEditableObjects [[_jamSource],false ];} forEach _Zeus;//make sure to add the helipad to Zeus incase he wants to move or delete the jammer after its been placed _jamDamage = getDammage _jammer;//in order to loop the sound, I chose to use a damage check [_jammer,["Shutdown Jammer","RadioJammer\jammer_shutdown.sqf",[_jammer,_jamSource],1,false,true,"","_this distance _target < 3"]] remoteExec ["addAction",0]; while {_jamDamage < 0.10} do { [_jamSource,["jammer_loop",25,1]] remoteExec ["say3D",0]; sleep 3; }; //this while loop checks the damage of the jammer every 3 seconds. apparently it can't be shot or blown up so we apply the damage manually in the shutdown script which ends the sound effects }; RadioJammer\jammer_shutdown.sqf private _jammer = _this select 0; //The Jammer device itself private _jamsource = nearestObject [_jammer,"Land_HelipadEmpty_F"]; //the sound effect source private _jamDamage = getDammage _jammer; //the jammers current damage deleteVehicle _jamsource; //stops the sound regardless of loop or length of sound effect _jammer setDamage 0.75; //set damage, can be any value really but I chose 75% [_jammer,"green","green","green"] call BIS_fnc_DataTerminalColor; //change the colors from red to green to let player now its "safe" [_jammer,0] call BIS_fnc_dataTerminalAnimate; //animate the box to Close, giving visually feedback to the player [_jammer,["power_down",25,1]] remoteExec ["say3D",0]; //play the power down sound effect directly from the jammer itself player setVariable ["tf_receivingDistanceMultiplicator", 1]; //variable used to turn radios back on player setVariable ["tf_transmittingDistanceMultiplicator", 1]; //variable used to turn radios back on }; Description.ext enableDebugConsole = 1; respawn = "BASE"; respawnDelay = 5; //This is the section that is most important. All the sounds are 'declared' here to be used in game class CfgSounds { class jammer_loop { name = "jammer_loop"; sound[] = {"\sound\jammer_Effect.ogg", db+2, 1}; titles[] = {1,""}; }; class power_down { name = "power_down"; sound[] = {"\sound\power_down.ogg", db+6, 1}; titles[] = {1,""}; }; }; 1 Known Bug so far: I've had a few people tell me that the sound effect is very low which is odd because on my machine, its loud. A quick workaround/fix is to just turn up the db+# in the description.ext to a higher number and that should get it working Any questions, suggestions or feedback, let me know! I learned most my scripting knowledge back in Arma 2 so if its old or if anything can be done an easier/better way, I'd love to know about it!
  2. @Gudsawn I still have you bookmarked! Any word on progress?
  3. XianGrim

    Reset Targets via Laptop

    you need a nopop statement somewhere.For example, you could add another action to the laptop such as "Start Range" or something. inside that actions code: nopop=true and then in your action to Reset the range, add: nopop=false There's other ways of doing it of course but that's just the easiest to implement IMO
  4. you should use a formated hint to check the name hint format ["bullet name = %1",(_this select 7)]; I think should give you the projectile in the EH IIRC
  5. Haven't tested it but could you set up the module for an area to restrict Zeus and then sync it to a trigger? No idea if it would work but you could try it.
  6. Open the x_inithelirespawn2.sqf and in line 16 you'll see: private _vposp = (getPosATL _vec) vectorAdd [0, 0, 0.1]; which you can change to: private _vposp = (getPosASL _vec) vectorAdd [0, 0, 0.1]; Then, since we get the ASL position, we can remove the surfaceIsWater check in x_server\x_f\fn_helirespawn2.sqf: if (surfaceIsWater _cposc) then { private _asl_height; if (!isNil "d_the_carrier") then { _asl_height = d_the_carrier getVariable "d_asl_height"; }; if (isNil "_asl_height") then { _asl_height = (getPosASL d_FLAG_BASE) # 2; }; _cposc set [2, _asl_height]; [_vec, _cposc] spawn { params ["_vec", "_cposc"]; sleep 1; _vec setPosASL _cposc; _vec setDamage 0; }; }; Just comment those lines out: /*if (surfaceIsWater _cposc) then { private _asl_height; if (!isNil "d_the_carrier") then { _asl_height = d_the_carrier getVariable "d_asl_height"; }; if (isNil "_asl_height") then { _asl_height = (getPosASL d_FLAG_BASE) # 2; }; _cposc set [2, _asl_height]; [_vec, _cposc] spawn { params ["_vec", "_cposc"]; sleep 1; _vec setPosASL _cposc; _vec setDamage 0; }; };*/
  7. do you have a link to his respawn script? I imagine its a simple issue of at what height he's respawning vehicles at. its probably a very easy fix or a quick workaround could solve your problems
  8. You could shorten that a bit. No need to have 2 if statements with the same condition: leader1 SwitchMove "AinvPercMstpSrasWrflDnon_Putdown_A­movPercMstpSrasWrflDnon"; sleep 3; if (isServer) then { Radioplayer hideObjectGlobal false; EvMoscowIntel hideObjectGlobal false; }; _null = execVM "briefing\diary.sqf";
  9. Hello everyone, I currently have just over 4500 hours in Arma 3, 90% of those are in the editor. I LOVE teaching and I love the freedom that BI provides in the editor and scripts. You can make just about anything! I really enjoy helping out people with scripts and helping those who are trying to learn to do it themselves! If you are working on a script and need help, are a beginner and would like some dedicated advice for those questions that always seem to come up when no one is online to ask, hit me up on Discord XianGrim#6219 or on Steam, XianGrim. I will never charge a single penny for any help! A few "conditions" for my help:. I don't "play" Arma anymore (that many hours, I'm burned out from playing but still love the editor!) so I will NOT be downloading any mods. I might be able to help with general questions like, how to add a mod to your server, how to key it etc but probably not specific questions related to scripts dealing with mods. But if you have a question along the lines of, I have X mod and want to spawn Y vehicle at Z position on the map, how do I do that? I CAN answer that! Again, love teaching so please ask as many questions as you like! If I can't help you or don't know the information, I can at least point you in the right direction!
  10. Came to suggest the same thing. I agree with Pierre. You'd have much more control over the items without having to worry about more lines of code to make sure the direction and height of the object are correct.
  11. XianGrim

    Video Media Troubles

    lol You could "cheat" it diableUser input, use the large User Texture and some clever camera angles and play the video on the screen, fade to black as you want, ENABLE userInput and continue on. Just a thought. I could put a quick demo for you if you need. EDIT: Also, just found this post:
  12. Just off the top of my head, you could add a trigger that executes a small script that creates a marker in that sector. add that marker to a respawn array and that should do the trick.
  13. Couldn't you just put down an invisible helipad (or any object really) in the center of the room and use camSetTarget to force the camera to look at it? That's what I've done in the past to get camera shots. Seems like it might save you a lot of headaches.
  14. Is that your entire .sqf? I did a small scale test and seemed to keep teleporting the player into the vehicle after it was respawned. Also might help us narrow it down if you show/tel;l us how you are calling the script. Its execution could also be important.
  15. Updated - Fixed another error, the jammer name needed to be inside an array.
  16. @SSG-Kalle Is there already a jamming script for ACRE? I never used it so never bothered looking. I didn't' make the actual jamming part, just the effects, and Zeus part.
  17. disableUserInput MAKE SURE TO TURN IT BACK ON lol Not that I personally have any experience with testing a script and forgetting that part
  18. Fixed an oversight bug where ONLY the Zeus who placed the box could shut it down. Silly.
  19. Personally, my favorite thing about using VSCode and its extensions is the definitions. Forgot the exact syntax of a command? Hover your mouse over it and give you a link right to the BI Wiki page for it. Once I started using it, I don't think I could write scripts without it.
  20. Just a little effect I was working on for a mission. I learned sqf back in Arma 2 days so if its ugly code, my bad lol You may need to view it in fullscreen to see the "glass hitting the ground" part of it. HUGE, HUGE shoutout to @aliascartoons for all of his work on particles and such. Without his work, I wouldn't have understood how to do any of this. Important note, I haven't worked out the placement of the "ground sparks" for every lamp, only the Shabby Lamp at the moment. I'll try and find time to do the others
  21. XianGrim

    Light Bulb Burst Effect

    No, the power lines were just part of the mission I made. I had positioned hidden spheres at the top of each pole and added them to an array. Then just called it spawned the function: Here's the entire "lightsout.sqf" I used for the mission. Again, probably not the best or up to date. But it worked lol
  22. XianGrim

    Light Bulb Burst Effect

    Added another video to see the effect better. Ignore the fact the its on the power lines and not the light fixture XD
  23. Here's a very early concept of Lava in game. Big shout out to Sgt. Cuddles who helped bring my code up to date (I learned everything back in Arma 2 days lol) I plan on adding player and surrounding building/object damage/fire effects to it when I can. For now, ANY feedback is always welcome, good or bad!