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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. As the title says - a simple thing, just a little box in the map view when you've selected a spacecraft, which shows how much money that spacecraft has made your agency. It would be fun to sort of categorize which craft have done the most for you (I have a five-wheeled tough-as-nails medium rover rolling around Kaiser that's completed more missions than every other craft I've put down, I'd estimate it's made me at least 12,000...) Tracker page for this suggestion: http://mars.takeonthegame.com/feedback/view.php?id=124
  2. NovaSilisko

    Take On Mars Troubleshooting

    Interesting thing I noticed after today's patch... when I loaded up my game, all the physics-enabled rocks had duplicates spawned over top of them. Physics engines naturally do NOT like this so they started hurtling everywhere like a million pieces of buckshot, and it took several games loaded before my rovers weren't clobbered. The same thing happened at the Beagle 2 and Mars 3 sites, there were two copies of every physics-enabled bit of debris. Very strange!
  3. Alright, cool. Hopefully a conversion utility can be made for those without 3ds max. Will this have any sort of error checking like the real rovers? Ex. if the wheel catches mid-drive, it would stop what it's doing and send out a blip, as opposed to continuing on in a slight arc and promptly smacking into a boulder.
  4. NovaSilisko

    Nice Concept, but Lack of Freedom

    I think something that will help improve freedom a lot will be when the Analysis window functions - and you can see the results for whatever you just investigated. That alone would open up a lot of interest in doing more than just the mission objectives ("I wonder what happens if I use ChemCam on my solar panels?")
  5. NovaSilisko

    "Total Earnings" statistic for spacecraft

    Made a mockup for what I was thinking, also attached to the tracker entry.
  6. NovaSilisko

    Different 3rd person camera control

    Well, it's referred to as movement smoothing in the settings but it disables the behavior that you describe, albeit only in the free camera.
  7. NovaSilisko

    Different 3rd person camera control

    There's an option to disable movement smoothing for the free camera, but not the third person camera. Ideally there's an option for both I'd say.
  8. NovaSilisko

    No Vehicles in Victoria Crater

    The missions exist, but you don't have the required tech level to perform those missions. I believe they require the ChemCam laser.
  9. NovaSilisko

    Sorting through feedback

    Awesome! Time to switch over to the dev build ASAP.
  10. NovaSilisko

    "Total Earnings" statistic for spacecraft

    Already did! Issue 124, I think.
  11. Sorry for the bit of a bump but I am quite curious about this. I have never ever heard of the .txo format. Is it native to the EnForce engine? If so, will we be able to get a standalone converter, or will it just be something for 3ds max?
  12. NovaSilisko

    Possible solution to light-delay problem

    Didn't know they were planning on implementing light-delay, but the method you described just seems like the logical means to go about doing it and I expect it would eventually work like this.
  13. NovaSilisko

    Revision of the time-skipping mechanic

    So THAT'S how it works! I was wondering why it was only incrementing 1 hour at a time...
  14. NovaSilisko

    Finding lost artifacts missions

    There is indeed a mission where you run across Beagle 2 in the game already. Not found Mars 3 yet, but I expect there's a similar mission where you locate it.
  15. NovaSilisko

    New Update

  16. NovaSilisko

    "Total Earnings" statistic for spacecraft

    I look forward to a massive sinking feeling when you look at a rover and see "-18000" :p
  17. NovaSilisko

    OH! It's you again...

    I get that occasionally. Just try restarting the game.
  18. NovaSilisko

    Stone Apxs - Mission ref - 6275

    The same is the case for 5238, the zone is wedged quite deeply into the rock in a position that's extremely difficult to get to, as the rover's wheels and solar panels stick out ahead of the APXS. I got a bit too overzealous in trying, too.
  19. NovaSilisko

    Which tools for modding take on mars?

    It would be extremely useful if we could poke around the stock game assets, but from what I can see, all the original game content in stored in .pak format, and it's some specific variant of .pak that requires a special tool. Is there any way to get them open now or do we have to wait for an extractor to be released? Actually... turns out you can use this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?140967-TOOL-CarrierTools-%28modding-tool-inside%29 The TKOM .pak files are identical to the .cc files used for Carrier Command, just with a different extension.