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Everything posted by FireWalker

  1. FireWalker


    This should get you started: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/188007-random-player-spawn/
  2. Kylania, thank you! This looks like a great start in the right direction. I'm out of town tomorrow, but looking forward to messing around with this on Sunday. Fire
  3. I need a little help. This is for Multi Player Environment. 1. Lets say I have 10 triggers that spawn enemy AI when a player is within the individual bases zone. 2. I want to let the players know where these enemy spawns are, but I want to keep it random for replay value. 3. So, lets say that on any given mission I want three of the AI bases to show up on the players map as a marker. (same bases will show for all players) 4. But, I want the three markers to be random on each play through, and I want all 10 bases to always spawn - so if they stumble upon them, there is still surprise factor - on the players. I'm thinking I just need to name the triggers individually and place them into an array.. but I need help with that. I would assume it needs to be done on server, because if it was local all the players would see different markers.? As I type this, I'm thinking it might be easier to just spawn random triggers that have markers already attached? I'm not really sure how to proceed, but the above gives a good outline. Thanks for any help, Fire
  4. FireWalker


    WOW!! thats Awesome!!! ...yeah, I have no idea...
  5. I hear ya! Spend more time looking for what broke than playing the game!! :rolleyes:
  6. I should note that I haven't changed anything with regard to revive in the editor. Its only added in my description.ext file as previously mentioned. (I actually didn't know it was even in there until it was mentioned earlier) I'll open it up when I get home this afternoon and see what the settings look like and report back.
  7. FireWalker


  8. Lets just say its an "ARMA" thing... Salt in a wound: It works for the other people I normally play with also. Have you tried "verifing game cache"? -I hate even mentioning that, lol And I assume your server is updated completely.
  9. FireWalker


    I removed the module as soon as I saw you had problems with, so won't hurt my feelings.
  10. Kylania, We did some testing in server tonight and noticed a couple "new" things. 1. Minor damage to player: Health automatically regens by itself. - there has to be a setting for this. 2. If we shot each other below the knee or out past the elbow, we didn't receive any damage whatsoever. Above the knee or elbow, and we needed reviving. - not sure if this has something to do with the new "limp" configs. All I got right now. Fire -edit: I wonder if the "no damage to extremities" is something to help reduce injury from team mates that have poor muzzle control...
  11. Is it going straight to respawn , or are you laying on the ground for a little while? -nevermind, i re-read your post. Sounds like you immediately go to respawn. If you have your .ext file like Kylania or I have ours (earlier in the thread) there is probably something else out of place that your overlooking.
  12. FireWalker


    Are you sure you dont have the "SP Saves" box checked in the save module. (Not sure exactly what module thats in)
  13. FireWalker


    Probably a stupid question, but are you playing the single player version with a couple additional playable units added and running it as a mp mission?
  14. FireWalker


    Gotcha. I was never good at sharing anyway...
  15. FireWalker


    Is it different enough that I need to delete and redo the modules within the mission. (MP)
  16. FireWalker


    Ran v0137 on server late last night. So glad to have zombies back in full force!! Fire
  17. I agree. We played in server last night, everything was perfectly fine. I do agree with Kylania that a large caliber round will drop you dead though. Depending on where it hits. Fire
  18. I have not found any new documentation either.
  19. I didn't change my revive settings at all, and everything still works perfect. My ext file: respawn = 3; respawnDelay = 10; respawnTemplates[] = {"Revive", "MenuPosition"}; reviveDelay = 8; reviveForceRespawnDelay = 6; reviveBleedOutDelay = 120; respawnOnStart = -1; disabledAI = 1; I recall loadouts in the player unit init line (when they get revived, they keep the same gear they had). If they respawn they get original loadout equipment. One thing I've noticed this time around: If youre in MP dedicated by yourself, it will skip the revive action and send you straight to respawn. It seems the only chance of getting the revive is if there are other players in the game that are on the same side. Fire
  20. Maybe for Dev Branch. I don't know if its available until APEX comes out. Haven't tried it.
  21. FireWalker

    Good editor settings for occasional rain?

    This may be worth trying. It looks like it was still working as of March this year. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/163074-randomweather2-script-dynamic-weather-for-a3/ I may actually try this myself.
  22. FireWalker


    Based on tonights game, the towns were definitely more active. Didn't notice any unusual server performance, or fps on our end. We encountered one town that we ended up hanging around the outskirts that had constant gunfire for about 30 or 40 minutes straight. It was pretty cool. We're going to leave it the same for awhile and monitor how it runs, but so far, so good. Fire
  23. FireWalker


    ok, will do. Parties are always better with more
  24. FireWalker


    Awesomesauce :) . I'm going to unleash Hell on Earth for at least one evening on my gaming buddies!! lol. They say they like contact... :o (actually, they're only getting 1.5 on the richter scale tonight, we'll see how the server handles it)
  25. FireWalker


    So "2" would technically add another full spawn group, and "3" could potentially triple it with three spawned groups (like three times the fun?) ?