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Everything posted by Polygon

  1. Polygon

    Disappointed after 13 years of 'Arma'

    Can always toggle on/off many UI elements. No problem here. Except BIS taking on A4 UI overhaul sometime soon.
  2. Polygon

    Disappointed after 13 years of 'Arma'

    AI commands should have their own pop-up boxes appear with explanations of each's purpose. Just how BIS "streamlined" most features with an ingame wiki, same should be applied for managing AI.
  3. Polygon

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Simple config addons "Cheats Pack" for SP use. For instance, removal of fatigue sounds and effects (blur, lower stamina, etc.). Because some find fatigue in official missions very annoying, it discourages to play further.
  4. Main Q - What did BIS use to place objects (precisely) in campaign EPs? Can't believe it's 2D editor. It's either 3D ed. or a smart workaround to make workflow faster. Any ideas? A response from a BIS dev - much appreciated. :)
  5. can we expect somebody to shed more light on this matter?
  6. Polygon

    Disappointed after 13 years of 'Arma'

    Well, A3 still has most versatile and impressive AI in games industry to date. Can't deny that.
  7. SUGGESTION FOR BIF * Ability to expand / collapse sticky thread sections for all (sub)forums. Some people aren't interested in seeing same threads all over the place all the time.
  8. Use setVelocity [x,z,y] or smth similar.
  9. Polygon

    Did Bohemia just screw the community?

    Things and resources to be allocated change during development and expansion of a title. Maybe more programmers have been thrown to DAYZ SA, so A3 gets new features and game modes instead of smth that'd require drastic changes in engine's code or complete rewrites in order to be stable both SP/MP.
  10. Where is it told that it won't be?
  11. This. Fatigue SFX is fuckin' terrible and annoying. Kerry reminds me of an old granny mistakenly absorbed into a conflict.
  12. Polygon

    Pet Peeves of A3

    You can open doors ~5 m away from the handle or being prone, close to the door. very realistic. ...everything related to A3 UI, except inventory in-game menu.
  13. Polygon

    NEW Visitor for A3!?

    Why not add this (and more, hopefully) to V3 (or else's) documentation so community can benefit? :)
  14. You can place them in the editor with all waypoints and apply '{_x enablesimulation false;} foreach [[tanks] + crew [tanks]] ' Also, try to hide them 'hideobject true'. When needed, reenable everything.
  15. Main problems with RV is that there's only 1 expert of it active, some engine parts are undocumented (a dagger for productivity and further research into optimization, I guess), some ancient parts hidden deep and requiring drastic changes, so on. If BIS had an independent tech department, making drastic changes to the core would be a viable solution. In this case, BIS should reconsider selling licenses of RV to game devs. When it comes to programmers, it's not about genius or motivation only - salary is important, too. And to nobody's surprise, it's rather low in games industry. @froggyluv: By OFP you mean Arma CWA, right?
  16. On ~60 FPS standart for consoles, Metro series devs once stated that because of a console's technical restrictions, it's possible to optimize a title further than on PC and gain similar results on typically 2x weaker console HW. Demanding PC exclusive, again, are to blame here, sort of. If BIS was ever serious about RV engine, they'd have an independent tech team assembled outside of game development studios just like other companies. However, Arma was never a large profit franchise as DayZ is currently standing out. Isn't RV4 ~1m lines of code, most of its features undocumented and best known by lead engine programmer only (Suma?)? Handling RV engine is probably like taming a wild animal. Proper documentation is crucial in this area.
  17. When it comes to optimization, only thoughts of game programmers who have worked on huge projects for years are worth consideration. Else isn't. Harsh but true.
  18. With the mood several members have set for this thread, it's getting nowhere. I say people need to dintinguish technicalities from a vision of a game (+ its content). Is A3 vision and mission malicious to the vision of Arma franchise? Unlikely. Then, there's PRIORITIES (and certain questions arise): Visual / audio aspects (as stated, A3 vanilla is currently lacking: mid-range high-res terrain textures, realistic and detailed particles, elaborate sound engine with HQ templates, and more). How important are they to both BIS, Arma's community and potential customers (12-18 year olds mostly?)? Take high-res terrain insets and river simulation, Physx building destruction (presented for VBS3). It's great and adds up to visual satisfaction - immersion, mostly. Right now, I assume A3 performance isn't the top priority in development. TOP prio. was to deliver the actual game with enough content to shut the mouthy crowd for a while until more is delivered. See what happens, react, adapt, and win. :D It's not that most game devs consider complete optimization (in marketing slang - 60+ FPS - a must) a top priority. No - it's functionality, content, and marketing. A3 handles these varyingly well, except multiple MP issues. Again, A3 misdirection was simply a prioritization mistake, miscommunication with community / perhaps dev departments. I hold no right to speculate on this further since having no detective's degree. But mistakes happen all the time. And games industry probably blames a studio most harsh for any, especially if there's a loyal community, lots of people start to identify themselves with a game. Having the best engine / platform doesn't guarantee a quality, entertaining and influential game. See Crytek's Crysis 3. Ultimately, what would lead to the best Arma possible? Simply put - more people working on code: programmers, scripters, coders, you name it. Code is the king in sandbox. I'll stop being Cpt. Obvious here. :D (don't forget how "much" programmers / engineers are paid in games industry...)
  19. Only fire (effects module, etc.) is missing for me, too.
  20. Polygon

    Rate the second episode!

    More points I'd like to raise: you can freely open fire at base, nobody reacts when you make noise AI sits on an ammo box and player can still access its inventory (logic?) Am I the only one who feels briefings sound overdramatized? Nobody raises questions / anything or - perhaps was ordered not to talk about serious stuff with Kerry around as he's the only one of US? More realistic interaction and responsiveness added into gameworld would be great and appreciated. Attention to little details is what made GTA 5 very enjoyable to me, personally.
  21. Polygon

    NEW Visitor for A3!?

    Sealife made an excellent and worthwhile point. I feel similarly about the responsibility of people who monetize their knowledge freely gained from other enthusiasts and then never look back from that point.
  22. Polygon

    Rate the second episode!

    Overall, the 2nd episode was solid. Shit happens, though. :D THE BAD: - lacking logic to a degree. For ex.: night ops without having NVGs; weird hideout selection at an abandoned factory, too many light sources at night (enemy has to be blind to not suspect); - small/big plot-/event- twists feld forced sometimes. They were there only to keep Kerry swearing all the time. - occassionally unnnatural dialog between characters. - speeding up the game doesn't affect conversations. This fucks up whole game-flow. I'D LIKE: - more mearningful side missons with clear goals and possible gains outlined by Kerry himself or someone else; - diplomacy feature - to convince Miller or anybody else high-rank to allocate more resources for X and Y; - better selection of hideouts; - less monotony - like philosophical quotes at the beginning of almost every mission; - more detailed characters; - secrets. For instance - Kerry finds a note at the hideout about Miller or someone important, it changes player's perspective and such. - a glance inside into enemy situation.
  23. Polygon

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Honestly? Ballistics (muzzle-climb, etc.) and fatigue calculations are fucked up nicely. Need corrections asap. I'm tired of hearing Kerry constantly moaning in A3 campaign as an old granny (FPP).
  24. Agreed. Cutscens tend to be much more enjoyable and memorable instead of simple FPS-cam-attached walks to a briefing table (always starting from the same spot, sheesh).
  25. SUGGESTIONS: - add more dialogue/monologue (Kerry?) to explain things like side missions, opportunities to discover secrets (if there are any in main missions), etc. - add loadout presets that MAY be recommended for each mission depending on its description and intel collected at starting point. Smoother gameplay, better for all. - quicksave? (F5) - Fast travel - player can do it only if there's no enemies within a radius. Then entering a game of possibilities - a patrol may intercept his way on a completed objective's area / base. Consequently, player must get back into game to fight off a threat. SIDE MISSIONS: - allow Kerry to manage human resources rescued while on scouting across Altis, assemble a team(s) for missions - diplomacy? For instance, convincing Miller or any other important figure that allocating resources for Kerry's suggested course of action is worthy the outcome, etc.