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Everything posted by n_icomach

  1. @pognivet @Crielaard Pos points are planned later on but are currently not in the model.
  2. Update V0.3 Fixed Model.cfg for Cargoless Ship variant. Now all doors will work. Adjusted GEOLOD for cargo crates to stop bouncing of character when moving from crate to crate. Adjusted Multiple roadways to fix "Holes" In ship. Adjusted Random face blocking view of the Deck to interior door. Added staircases for water based boarding. Multiple Other small tweaks.
  3. Update V0.2 Added Cargoless version @Crielaard Added Hallway Textures Edited Interior Floor Textures Fixed several black holes in the floor Adjusted UV Sizes to fix tiling issues Is now availible on steam.
  4. Already planned and on the way! I also plan on removing the "Container Landing" section for more open deck fun times. Oh boi ill get the lube. Feel free to share anything you wish. I am not going for 100% authentic designs as I have to keep within the contraints of ArmA and my own free time.
  5. n_icomach

    Enhanced Trenches

    Update 7/31/2017 Added new MG Nest Variant Fixed Penetration values on Bunker
  6. n_icomach

    Enhanced Trenches

    Update 7/25/2017 Added Bunker that is enterable like a vehicle.
  7. n_icomach

    Enhanced Trenches

    Progress update 7/24/2017 Configs are proving to be a bit difficult with this sandbag bunker. Static Weaponry dont like havinf FFV, so it isnt showing in the editore. I hope to have it working soon, so thank you for your patience!
  8. n_icomach

    Enhanced Trenches

    Thanks bud!
  9. n_icomach

    Enhanced Trenches

    Your welcome :)
  10. n_icomach

    Enhanced Trenches

    Yeah so the way to fix it will to be have the Geo LOD sit actually where the bunker will sit on the gorund, the rest is just a view LOD and thats the part that clips.
  11. n_icomach

    Enhanced Trenches

    I did not. What it happening is my geo LOD is half in the ground. So I may need to adjust it. Does adding a physx load allow the geo to clip in the ground?
  12. n_icomach

    Enhanced Trenches

    Woops https://gyazo.com/8dcf59ecd75cf17392ba19dc753d8b30
  13. n_icomach

    Enhanced Trenches

    First round at textures, will probably add some sandbags to the front of the gunner seat once I play with it some more and see how it reacts ingame.
  14. n_icomach

    Enhanced Trenches

    Thank you! Glad you are enjoying it!
  15. n_icomach

    Enhanced Trenches

    Thank you :)
  16. n_icomach

    Enhanced Trenches

    Finished HP of the first bunker type. https://i.gyazo.com/4b4313fe43ec2b199b7e9c0be078eb8e.png
  17. n_icomach

    Enhanced Trenches

    Hey guys sorry for being a bit late on this update, I usually like updating every weekend but its been a crazy week for me. So instead heres a teaser of whats in the works. FAQ Q: The sandbags are to uniform! A: I know its WIP, calm down. Q: Why is there an Imperial guardsman? A: Side project, its still scaled to the ArmA man model however. Q: Will this be enterable? A: Yes just like this one here. https://i.gyazo.com/d7a5076f796be327f5ea795e5d58abb7.gif Q: Destructable? A: Absolutely, it will feature a destroyed model as well as a visual indication its destroyed. Q: Why is the player sticking through the floor? A: Well its builts in the ground, however I cant deform terrain in ArmA so he will clip some. PICS:
  18. n_icomach

    Enhanced Trenches

    I havent had a problem with that yet. Ill have to test that with my new bunker im making.
  19. n_icomach

    Enhanced Trenches

    Glad you are enjoying it!
  20. n_icomach

    Enhanced Trenches

    Currently it's only through editor/Zeus. In the future I do plan on making it work with the ace entrenchment tools.
  21. n_icomach

    Enhanced Trenches

    I sure hope so! I love what you guys did for Unsung though.
  22. n_icomach

    Enhanced Trenches

    The plan is to use FFV so your not forced to have a single weapon. Its free game :)
  23. n_icomach

    Enhanced Trenches

    Proof of concept
  24. n_icomach

    Enhanced Trenches

    So whats next? Well this is! This will technically be a "vehicle" ingame and have FFV positons. It will be destroyable so calling explosives may be needed to fully knock it out. The "Gunner" will be vulnerable. However in future versions bunkers may be extreamly hard to take out without munitions. For example something like this. https://i.gyazo.com/37fcd47b783b0b1fe724182f41d315a6.mp4
  25. n_icomach

    Enhanced Trenches

    Let me know if you find any bugs with the foxhole. I had to do something a bit different with the hitboxes so im not 100% sure they are perfect. During my tests nothing popped up but you never know :)