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Everything posted by eviltool

  1. Sorry if this might sound dumb but I have not played Arma in a while.. I noticed that the rocket dispersion on the helicopters are different now? (rockets randomly fly all over the target area like in a really really dispersed way) was did added in a patch? at first I thought it was a bug so i tried running it without mods and even switched out from Dev branch. but still the same. the rocket pretty much wreck havoc around the whole target area rarely hitting where intended. again not sure if my game is bugging out or if this was added recently in any patch cant seem to find any track of it. Thanks!
  2. Etymology. From Arabic أَبَابِيل (ʾabābīl, “tiny birds”), described in the Qur'an as dropping red clay bricks on the army of elephants, sent by the king of Yemen to attack the city of Mecca, in the year (571 AD) when the prophet Muhammad was born. not sure but I think the Iranian army actually uses this word for some of their arsenal (not sure if it is for missiles/planes etc.) therefor I suspect the name was inspired by these equipments. im not got star another post since this is kinda off topic but for those interested in what some of the other names mean or relate to: IFRIT: The Efreet (also ifrit, afreet, afrit, or afrite, Arabic (male) ʿifrīt/عفريت or Arabic (female) ʿifrītah/عفريتة) was a demonic fire spirit from Arabian mythology. MARID: Marid (Arabic: مارد‎‎ mārid) is an Arabic word meaning rebellious, which is sometimes applied to supernatural being like Djin/Devil/genie
  3. well I've seen so many a lot of Shots here and on the Steam Hub I would like to share some of mine: http://imageshack.us/a/img839/505/wom4.jpg (390 kB) http://imageshack.us/a/img96/1959/icse.jpg (480 kB) http://imageshack.us/a/img443/6797/n1pi.jpg (192 kB) http://imageshack.us/a/img801/934/zbd4.jpg (574 kB)
  4. eviltool

    Why Altis might be way too big...

    wow that's awesome! yeah they need to find something for the different stances and it keeps u in shape :D
  5. http://imageshack.us/a/img839/505/wom4.jpg (390 kB) http://imageshack.us/a/img96/1959/icse.jpg (480 kB) http://imageshack.us/a/img443/6797/n1pi.jpg (192 kB) http://imageshack.us/a/img801/934/zbd4.jpg (574 kB)
  6. eviltool

    Arma 3 FanArt

    wow you guys are good