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Everything posted by sttosin

  1. I didn't see/thoroughly read your post before I replied. I will reach out to Author. Thanks as always.
  2. Looks like the artillery questions never got addressed on that forum so far. I am now interested in that makeshift config you speak of
  3. Crew member 16 calls in the artillery http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=2801790
  4. Wow thanks Rydygier for doing the research. Apparently it IS supposed to have an artillery computer. .http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?184680-USS-Iowa. Called in through player 16? It may be time to get author involved here. I will ask him to chime in.
  5. Rydygier, Trying to use the USS Iowa classname "USS_Iowa_Battleship" for artillery support. Is it simply a matter of adding to array RydFFE_Rocket? By the way, to anyone following this mission.....it is about to get real. Join me in welcoming CosmiC10R on board the mission design team for West to East. Support for existing versions will continue but we are planning to build on West To East in the new installment we are calling "West To East: Taking Over". This version will require a handful more mods (Currently AiATP, USS Nimitz, USS Iowa, FUTARM, SMD Sahrani) but the outcome will be unlike anything you've experienced in Arma 3 SP. Development is already in full progress. Stay tuned!
  6. sttosin

    Feat of Arms

    That was a fast resolution.
  7. sttosin

    Feat of Arms

    Sounds good. I want my AI mod to be incognito....only time I want to notice is when AI is doing cool stuff above vanilla intelligence. :cool: Never break missions. Ever.
  8. sttosin

    Base generator script

    Took this baby out for a spin just now and it has some incredible potential! Thanks for sharing. I think detecting flat surfaces to place the base on will also help with some of the building placements.
  9. ^Exactly! Too much money to too few winners. I understand the other side. It increases the motivation but a bit less would be fine to motivate even more people. ;)
  10. sttosin

    F/a-18x black wasp

    Congrats dudes!
  11. sttosin

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Rydygier congratulations! You are always willing to help out on these forums as well....your other works also show your range. Keep up the good work.
  12. Shocking. One if the first established Arma 3 missions...and a great one
  13. sttosin

    Bornholm, Denmark [Terrain]

    Need an excuse to explore the beauty? http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=398993802
  14. sttosin

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I believe these guys/gals are in it for the long run. Their history shows it. Congratulations!!!
  15. Wow congrats to the winners and everyone who participated. What a ride!
  16. sttosin

    Base generator script

    Does this allow to always have a helicopter landing pad?
  17. sttosin

    RoC Republic of China (Taiwan)

    I am pumped for this. If you already have RHS, thus is a no brainer. Will likely make West To East China version. Thanks!
  18. There's a risk here for some backlash. These are all adults and adults deserve explanations. Not just....oh well..good luck next time. The excitement level is high though :):eek:
  19. Added Feature showcase: Checkout new vids of things now possible in tight spots in the dynamic mission West to East. Noticed them come after me on land? Notice ability to find a good spot to land on tiny island? Notice that was snow? Great map - Lost Island Winter.....good job to author(s)
  20. And here is the dynamic single player mission on the current version of your map: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=413400244 It is a very fun map. Thanks!
  21. Town looks.....gorgeous. Great density. I worry about my AI friends pathfinding however. But they'll live.....or die.
  22. @Kothen, I am sure they will work great. I will be difficult for any AI mod to ruin this mission. AI will be fighting each other. If you are close to the action, they will fight you too. It's all about you as infantry unit in a combined arms warfare. Now we recommend AISS 3 Feat of Arms because you see things like AI shooting RPG at you while you are on foot! Lots of chatter between soldiers, long firefights, etc. If you are just getting into this, checkout the Stratis version. Bad guy Boats courtesy of tpw and new enemy spawn mechanism courtesy of SHK. The mission is perfect for trying out AI mods anyway. I have tested quite a few without feeling like I was testing. Try FOA. I feel your pickiness. I am the same way. That's why I am part of the AIM team. :D
  23. Only the sniper riffle in the loadout script currently does this....by the way I think I can make it smoother...but thats a different topic. It is as simple as scroll change loadouts for now. Interesting idea on the drone view. I am not really going for hardcore military presentation. Remember this was inspired by Shadow of mordor where it cuts to new captains coming after you or whatever. The original cams actually had close ups of the choppers. I will think about the done views to mix things up but not replace presentation. OK. @Tort, keep the feedback coming it is making this better everyday. There was a useless sleep 5; in the bulletcam. It now runs like butter. However I took it off completely from the "rhs_weap_m14ebrri" weapon as I can see how some do not want to use it as a sniper rifle and then added a real sniper riffle that comes with vanilla built in bi-pods and all.....this "srifle_LRR_SOS_F". Now it is 100% of the time bulletcam for that riffle. Folks who want that can use it and if you don't want it then scroll pick a different loadout.
  24. The small island is awesome. Flesh out what you have. I am actually working to get my dynamic mission to work and be enjoyable on an island as small as this.