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About FerMoX

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    Private First Class

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  1. FerMoX

    Eurofighter Typhoon AWS

    Yes, the main issue is due to the vertical stretching, and some 3d model deformatons on the wings wich destroys the texture. A friend of mine and i have seen the 3d model to see if we could generate a new UV mapping but no way. The thing is to create a new UV map introducing top, bottom and lateral (both sides) views of the plane so we can create good textures (there is just top and bottom view of the palane to create those textures). Please dont misanderstand my words, i m not criticizing your work, i think you are doing an amazing work and i just want to report those problems in order to improve the mod quality. (Sorry for my bad english)
  2. FerMoX

    Eurofighter Typhoon AWS

    there is aproblem with the Metal rough layer and the 3d model. As you can see, 3d model just fucks the texture.
  3. FerMoX

    Eurofighter Typhoon AWS

    Testing Metal rough:
  4. FerMoX

    Eurofighter Typhoon AWS

    Meet the italian BEAST!!!
  5. FerMoX

    Eurofighter Typhoon AWS

    RUN FOR COVER!!!!!
  6. FerMoX

    Eurofighter Typhoon AWS

    First preview of Spanish Tiger Skin ;P
  7. FerMoX

    Eurofighter Typhoon AWS

    Paint degradation, what do u think about??
  8. FerMoX

    Eurofighter Typhoon AWS

    Hi, Congrats for your amazing work. Feel free to ask for anything you need to help improving this mod. I really apreciate people like you giving your free time for this kind of projects. LONG LIFE TO ArmA COMMUNITY!!
  9. Hi, last year i started exporting Jets DLC mission missionflow and animations to make a standalone script but incouldnt finish it. I leave u the link to the post and tale it if u want and finish it.
  10. sorry dude, at this moment i m preparing an addon template (code, retexturing templates, etc..), so if someone wants to take this script and fix it, is very welcome. But i dont have time anymore to kip working on this script. :(
  11. Hi everyone, i ve made my own carrier template with the crew shooters animations extracted from the original Jets Showcase mission. Everything works fine BUT this only works fine with one group of deck shooters, if i want to replicate the missionFlow.fsm and playLaunchAnims.fsm for an other deck shooter group the system fails, i share my mission template for everybody who wants to help and improve this shooter crew template. To use this system just call the crew deck with radio Alpha by pressing "0-0-1" ingame (Left aircraft catapult). PD: the "missionFlow.fsm" and "playLaunchAnims.fsm"are made and edited form the original showcase mission from Jets DLC (NO ADDONS NEEDED). Thank you and i hope u can help me with this and share it for all arma editors. Carrier and Shooters Tamplate Mission: Mission V3 ENJOOOOYYYYYYY.
  12. Hi everyone, i ve made my own carrier template with the crew shooters animations extracted from the original Jets Showcase mission. Everything works fine BUT this only works fine with one group of deck shooters, if i want to replicate the missionFlow.fsm and playLaunchAnims.fsm for an other deck shooter group the system fails, i share my mission template for everybody who wants to help and improve this shooter crew template. To use this system just call the crew deck with radio Alpha by pressing "0-0-1" ingame (Left aircraft catapult). PD: the "missionFlow.fsm" and "playLaunchAnims.fsm"are made and edited form the original showcase mission from Jets DLC (NO ADDONS NEEDED). Thank you and i hope u can help me with this and share it for all arma editors. Carrier and Shooters Tamplate Mission: Mission V3 ENJOOOOYYYYYYY.